Image of a board of all different fruit with text below

(1/2) Image of a board of all different fruit with text below By Lainie [All Rights Reserved, One Design License Agreement] (Photo Credits)

Selection of delicious ripe subtropical fruits on a platter from John Picones Exotic Fruit Orchard

(2/2) Selection of delicious ripe subtropical fruits on a platter from John Picones Exotic Fruit Orchard


Subtropical Fruit Trees

Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees
Subtropical fruit trees such as avocado, custard apples and babacos reach their greatest potential in coastal regions from Sydney to Mackay. Many will grow well even as far south as Melbourne in sheltered micro climates, maybe not commercially but certain... Read More

Apple Cactus

Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees > Apple Cactus

Cereus Peruvianus

Avocado Tree

Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees > Avocado Tree

Persea americana
A valuable commercial crop, the avocado tree thrives on rich well-drained soil. Due to flowering habits, avocado varieties are categorized into A and B groups. One variety is sufficient to produce adequate crops for the home garden, however by planting a tree from both groups the harvest will be much greater. Avocados begin to ripen once picked and may take up to 10 days to reach maturity. Full size, harvestable Avocadoes can hold on the tree for weeks and you can pick as needed. Fruits are rich with oily flesh and are delicious eaten when fully ripe in sandwiches, salads. Guacamole is a famous blend of mashed avocado flesh, lemon or lime juice, onion, garlic, pepper and chili, it makes a very tasty dip. Avocados are very fussy about their soil conditions and will not tolerate wet feet or heavy soils, it is essential to prepare the ground for an avocado well before planting. Young trees are susceptible to sunburn and damage from frost so a small shelter while they establish is a very good idea. Advanced Information DPI Avocado Information Kit FAQ Avocado DPI QLD Avocado Factsheet - Explains A & B types, Location & Planting, Pruning and much more.

Black Sapote

Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees > Black Sapote

Diospyros digyna
Not surprisingly this is one of our most popular fruits and if you like Chocolate you'll love Black Sapote. Commonly known as Chocolate Pudding Fruit this amazing fruit is low in fat and an excellent source of Vitamin C containing about 4 times as much as an orange. The fruit is delicious eaten fresh or used as a chocolate substitute in recipes and milkshakes or simply mix the pulp with yogurt and lemon juice for a refreshing treat. Fruits can be cut in half and eaten covered in passion fruit, in Mexico the pulp is mashed with orange juice or brandy and served with cream, it is also delicious mixed with wine, cinnamon and sugar. The green fruit is picked when hard and allowed to soften and go brown within 3-6 days. At the ripe stage - you should be able to press the skin with your fingers and leave an indent. A very close relative of the persimmon the black sapote is a Chocoholics dream come true!


Fruit Trees > Berries Vines and Climbers > Blueberry
Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees > Blueberry

Vaccinium spp
These varieties of blueberry plants perform well in Australia and provide a bounty of berries. To grow successfully provide organic matter and ample moisture along with a soil pH of 5.5, so if you have alkaline soil you need to consider growing these in pots. Blueberries make excellent potted specimens provided 25% of Peat Moss is added to the potting mix, or use a dedicated acid medium prepared for Azaleas. Potted plants are a great gardening project for children, who delight in harvesting the fruit. Low chill varieties such as 'Misty' and 'Sharpblue' can be pruned after cropping to induce a second crop that will ensure a supply of delicious fruit throughout the year. 'Sunshine Blue' is a very small bush and self-pollinating so great for balconies. Select for Southern Highbush varieties if you are in warm temperate or subtropical areas. Select Northern Highbush varieties for cool temperate areas. Highbush varieties are self-pollinating but generally produce more fruit when grown with another variety from within the same grouping. Rabbiteyes are well suited to warm areas and are vigorous bushes. They are a separate grouping for pollination purposes and do need to be grown with a pollinating pair. So select varieties from within this grouping to promote fruit setting. 'Brightwell' is partially self-pollinating. Blueberries, apart from being delicious, have many fantastic health benefits. They are extremely high in antioxidants, and have anti-inflammatory properties, as well as lowering cholesterol in the blood, it is also claimed that they improve motor skills, balance and co-ordination in elderly people. The longer the fruits are left on the bush to mature the greater the health benefits are so if you can beat the birds leave the fruits to the last minute to pick. Bird sage netting is the best way to do this. Blueberries can produce an abundance of fruit over many months, keep them evenly watered with good drainage and use a low nitrogen fertiliser. They are such a great addition to all gardens, from balcony to food forest. Get growing now.

Brazilian Cherry

Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees > Brazilian Cherry

Eugenia uniflora
The fruit is delicious eaten out-of-hand or as an ingredient in jelly, sauce and pies.


Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees > Cherimoya

Annona cherimoya
Its possible that no known fruit compares to the delicious taste of the cherimoya. The white flesh is luscious, soft and sweet and is described by many as having the flavour of Mango, pawpaw, bananas and coconut. They're absolutely delicious when devoured icy-cold from the freezer and eaten like ice-cream. A large evergreen tree with flowers and a scent just like the fruit tastes. Very closely related and similar in appearance to the custard apple. Cropping as far south as Melbourne.

Custard Apple Tree

Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees > Custard Apple Tree

Annona atemoya
Custard apple trees grow on an attractive small to medium sized tree that is similar in habit to the cherimoya. The open, spreading canopy is made up of long drooping branches that can often touch the ground. This tree offers delicious fruit and succulent soft white flesh that is delicious eaten fresh or blended into icecream or as a rich creamy drink.

Feijoa Tree

Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees > Feijoa Tree

Acca sellowiana
The Feijoa is sometimes called the pineapple guava, from its unique taste. Although it is in the same Myrtaceae family, it is not a guava. Becoming increasingly popular as a commercial crop, the fruit has the taste and aroma of strawberry, pineapple, lemon, passionfruit and guava. The oval fruit is green as it develops and stays this way as it ripens, most fruits are about 50mm long but some commercial varieties can be up to 75mm long, and half as long. Fruits will ripen from March through to June. The tiny edible seeds are embedded in a jellylike centre. The spectacular purple, dark red and white flowers have sweet delicious petals that also make a superb ingredient in sweets and drinks. Trees are very attractive and can be planted to form beautiful flowering and fruiting hedges, screens or windbreaks. The grey-green foliage is wind tolerant. They espalier well and can be trained as a small standard tree or a multi-trunked specimen. They are well suited to pot culture and even seedling trees will produce flowers and fruits after as little as three years. Netting is recommended to prevent bird and fruit fly attack. Trees can grow as high as 4 metres, but can be pruned to between 2-3m. They can tolerate temperatures down to -10C, typical of the region of origin in southern Brazil, Uruguay and Argentina. They like slightly acid to neutral free draining soil, and are not tolerant of water logging. They can be quite drought tolerant but best results are achieved when kept water to establish and during flowering and fruiting. While they fruit in warmer climates the best flavour develops in cooler areas. If you think your area may be too warm for full flavoured fruit, grow them for their sweet, edible flowers.

Governors Plum

Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees > Governors Plum

Flacourtia indica
A small tree that bears large edible berries of dark purple to black and is similar in texture to a European plum. The grafted variety is thornless and self pollinating. An attractive tree with coppery new growth. Hardy and easy to grow. They are the tropical equivalent of the damsons plum and like them, the Governor's plum also have enough pectin to make good jams and jellies. Seedling plants can be use to create an impenetrable hedge due to their formidable thorns.


Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees > Grumichama

Eugenia dombeyi
This fruit is the tropical equivalent of the cherry and just as difficult to resist. The purplish-black fruit is borne in clusters and is delicious eaten fresh. The sweet white flesh is highly prized for jams, jellies and pies. If you are looking for a spectacular ornamental specimen than it would be hard to go past this tree with its magnificent flowers, glossy dark green foliage and full growth habit. The tree is hardy to most conditions provided you can offer it protection from frosts paricularly when young. It can withstand light frosts once established. While the tree will still retinly its highly ornamental qualities during drought periods, the crop quality deteriorates if adequate water is not available during fruit development.

Guava Tree

Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees > Guava Tree

Psidium sp
The Guava Tree is a sweet, fragrant tropical fruit which ranges in size from a small egg size to that of a medium apple. To eat raw, guavas should be very ripe when they are sweet, creamy and delicious. They make excellent jams, preserves and sauces too. Guava trees are very attractive with blotchy patched bark in greens, browns and creams. They have pretty fluffy flowers typical of their family, the Myrtles, and are ornamental whether in fruit or flower. Some varieties have burgundy foliage. Guavas are ideal for use as fruiting hedges, landscaping trees and as ornamental potted specimen trees where they will be happy to produce masses of fruit. The strawberry guava is more suited to smaller gardens because of its compact growing habit. Guava trees need protection from fruit fly and birds, which may spread the seed to create weed trees.


Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees > Jaboticaba

Myrciaria cauliflora
The jaboticaba fruit tree has a habit of producing the fruit directly on the trunk makes this a striking tree. The black fruit has an edible thin, but tough skin. The texture is similar to a grape with a sweet and aromatic flavour. Cropping can begin at 5 years with several crops maturing from spring to autumn. A versatile small tree with decorative coppery foliage that makes for an ornamental specimen tree or superb hedge.

Longan Tree

Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees > Longan Tree

Dimocarpus longan
A close relative to the Lychee tree but much larger, stronger and more cold tolerant. The fruit is deliciously sweet, bearing just after the lychee, so for Lychee lovers this is a welcomed taste variation to look forward to. A highly ornamental tree with beautiful green leaves and clusters of yellow flowers that have a wonderful scent.

Loquat Tree

Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees > Loquat Tree

This popular evergreen fruit tree has been under cultivation for over a century throughout many parts of Australia. It has beautiful downy foliage, fragrant flowers, delicious fruit, and it's easy to grow! The golden-yellow fruit has a pear-like flavour with a touch of apricot and pineapple. It is delicious eaten raw, stewed, preserved, dried and the roasted seeds can be used as a coffee substitute.

Lychee Tree

Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees > Lychee Tree

Litchi chinensis
Described as the most luscious of all fruits, the lychee is native to Southern China. Fruits have reddish skin and the translucent flesh is sweet and juicy. Its hard to stop at one. For best results lychee's require seasonal temperature variations, warm humid summers and cool dry winters are the ideal climate for growing. They are a handsome, dense rounded tree that can be susceptible to damage from strong winds. We strongly advise the purchase of marcotted trees as they bear in as little as 3 years. The varieties below have proven to be some of the best croppers in a subtropical climate. Its very important to eat Lychees when fully ripe, as they contain toxins that are harmful to health when unripe

Mango Tree

Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees > Mango Tree
Fruit Trees > Tropical Fruit Trees > Mango Tree

Mangifera indica
The Mango Tree is one of the most luscious of all tropical fruits with flavours varying from exceptionally sweet to turpentine. By planting different varieties of mangoes harvesting can be extended for up to 12 weeks.


Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees > Pepino

Solanum muricatum
A small satin-like fruit streaked with purple stripes and varying in colour from golden-yellow to apricot. The pale yellowish-green flesh has a juicy melon-like texture. It is a delicious subtle flavoured fruit similar to a honeydew or rockmelon. Closely related to the tomato this shrub grows in a sprawling habit and makes an excellent ground cover plant. It tends to fruit better when grown over a trellis. The foliage is susceptible to damage by light to moderate frosts, however will quickly recover with warmer weather.


Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees > Persimmon
Fruit Trees > Temperate Fruit Trees > Persimmon

Diospyros kaki
A very attractive deciduous tree with spectacular dark-orange autumn foliage. The latin name Diospyros translates as " Food of the gods" which is very appropriate when describing the melting flesh of the persimmon fruit. The two fruiting types are made up of astringent and non astringent. The difference being astringent fruit must be left until they soften, astringency is the dry, mouth puckering sensation caused by the tannins in the unripe fruit. Non astringent persimmons do not have this effect, they can be eaten crunchy straight from the tree. Eaten fresh they are delicious, they can also be frozen, dried, made into beer ,wine or cider. They are very versatile in the kitchen and are used in pies, salads, ice cream, juices, and dressings. Dried fruit lose all their astringency, other methods are to freeze fruits for 24 hours or place them in a bag with a ripening banana as it releases ethylene which hastens the ripening process.


Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees > Pineapple

Ananas cosmosus
Pineapples are a member of the bromeliad family and have attractive and interesting flowers as well as delicious fruits. They require full sun in a tropical or subtropical climate.


Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees > Tamarillo

Cyphomandra betacea
Tree Tomato is a fast growing small tree that bears heavy crops of red or yellow sub-acid succulent fruit. The fruit has many uses apart from being eaten fresh, such as being cooked in any way tomatoes would be cooked. Tamarillo chutney and jam is a taste treat. The yellow fruiting variety is usually milder and sweeter with slightly smaller fruit. Tamarillos are very quick growing and will crop in 18mths reaching a height of 2-3 metres. They require well drained soil and protection from wind and frost.

Wampee Tree

Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees > Wampee Tree

Clausena lansium
This attractive, evergreen, slender tree has been described as the finest fruit of Siam (Thailand). It is also a highly valued backyard tree in southern China and south and east Asia. It is classed as a subtropical fruit but is relatively hardy and can withstand light frosts. This tree is a relative of the citrus family, thus its ability to grow in coastal Australia as far south as Melbourne and inland where the frosts are not too severe. The fruits are highly aromatic and can be sweet to tangy to almost sour depending on the variety and ripeness. Straight from the tree wampees are very refreshing, thirst quenching and cleansing to the palate. They form in clusters from a few up to eighty in one bunch. The fruits turn yellow when ripe and have a thin, sometimes brittle skin, somewhat like paper. They generally have only 1-2 seeds in each fruit and are best left to ripen on the tree for as long as possible. They are a very attractive looking tree that can grow up to 8 metres with, beautiful dark green ruffled compound leaves. They have a dense growth habit making them an ideal shade tree. Wampees should be treated very much like any of the other citrus trees in regard to cultivation. A sunny, well drained site with plenty of water and organic matter should see these trees thrive. The crop is borne solely on the tips of branches, so the less pruning the better. Very few problems have been observed with pest and diseases other than occasional infestations of aphids. Mature trees can produce up to 50kg of fruit each year. Like its close relative the citrus it is full of vitamin C, approximately 28mg per 100g. This fruit can be used for making jams, jellies, pies, drinks but best eaten fresh, straight from the tree. If you want them to keep a bit longer you can try leaving the stalks on them.

White Sapote

Fruit Trees > Subtropical Fruit Trees > White Sapote

Casimiroa edulis
The Casimiroa or white sapote as it is also known is native to the Mexican highlands and Central America. It is a pleasurable tasting fruit reminiscent of vanilla custard mixed with creamy banana and peaches. Although often called a white sapote it is not a member of the sapote family. The yellowy-green skinned fruit has white flesh and is used primarily as a dessert fruit. The trees have a very appealing drooping habit with long branches that can almost touch the ground. They are fast growing with two main spurts, once in early spring and again in early autumn. Casimiroa trees fruit prolifically and a healthy mature tree can produce 1000 fruit per year. They are also long lived and can crop for 100 years or more. Fruits should be picked when they are just beginning to soften and change colour from green to yellow, if picked too soon they are astringent. Do not plant close to paths or buildings as they can have troublesome root systems.


$17.75 ($14.90-$79.00 choose a size)

The Amla or Indian Gooseberry is a small leafy tree that grows throughout India and bears an edible fruit. Amla oil is extracted from its seeds and pulp. The amla fruit is often referred to as the "Indian Gooseberry" because of its edible, very tart taste. The pectin content makes it ideal for jam and chutneys. The tree begins to yield fruit from the third year onwards and the productivity levels are good. Amla oil is prepared from dried amla berries, which have been soaked in coconut oil for several days. This oil is one of the world's oldest natural hair conditioners. These trees are semi deciduous in the winter and spring, and may lose some leaves in transport as a stress response. This is quite normal and the plant will recover well.
Buy 2+ @$17.75ea usually:$24.00ea

Acerola - Florida Sweet

$29.00 ($14.90-$79.00 choose a size)

This bright red cherry like fruit has varying tastes during different stages as it ripens. When fully ripe the fruit is juicy and aromatic with its acid content giving it a sweet acid apple-like flavour. The tree can produce a number or crops each year, making for quite a long harvest season. Our selection is called the acerola Florida Sweet Cherry and is a pleasant eating variety that is not too sour. The acerola is well suited to pot culture where it can be kept to a smaller size. It could also be grown this way in cooler climates where it can be moved to a warmer position in the winter. A word of warning the foliage of the plant is covered in tiny irritating stinging hairs that can produce an allergic reaction. When pruning your trees wear a long sleeved shirt and a pair of gloves.
Buy 1+ @$29.00ea usually:$34.00ea


$18.75 ($18.75-$19.90 choose a size)

Shrub native to Asia produces small, orange-yellow flowers followed by fruits, 1cm in diameter produced in in open, branched clusters. The soft, fibrous flesh is greenish-white stained with purplish-red near the skin. The flavour is pleasantly acid, somewhat grape-like. The fruits are eaten fresh as dessert, are made into syrup, and extensively employed in the manufacture of soft drinks. After fruiting prune to keep to an attractive shrub to 2mts high.Phalsa during transit may drop some leaves. It is a hardy plant and with acclimatisation in its new location it will respond well and bounce back. It can take 3 weeks for plants to recover from transit stress.
Aramex Free Freight

Mulberry - White Shahtoot

$49.00 ($24.00-$129.00 choose a size)

Large, sweet fruit can reach up to 10cm in length. Delicious eaten fresh but can also be sundried and eaten as a sweet. Medium sized, spreading tree with a weeping habit, excellent shade tree. Birds love them too so make sure you cover them if you don't want to share. You can also get multiple crops by pruning immediately after your first crop.

Blackberry Jam Fruit

$19.90 ($4.90-$19.90 choose a size)

The flesh of this rare fruit thinly coats the seed and tastes just like blackberry jam. They are ready when they turn yellow and can be eaten straight off the tree. Slow growing, this is an attractive bushy shrub with fragrant flowers. Grows best in part shade and it is sensitive to over-watering in the cooler months. It required an acidic soil and good drainage.

Dwarf Jaboticaba - Costada

$29.00 ($29.00-$59.00 choose a size)

A beautiful, ornamental tree that produces tasty, sweet fruit. Extremely rare. Is known to fruit in two years in the tropics and perfect for pots. Growing in temperate areas is experimental.

Dwarf Mulberry - Black

$34.00 ($23.90-$99.00 choose a size)

This mulberry has a very low chill factor making it ideal for our subtropical climate. Pruning after fruiting allows it to be kept under 3mtrs, and also encourages multiply cropping throughout the summer. It is best to pick the fruit when ripe, as it doesn't ripen further off the tree. A benefit of a mulberry tree is that the fruit ripens over an extended period of time unlike other fruit that often ripens all at once. The fruits of the black mulberry, considered the tastiest and most versatile of the mulberries are large and juicy with a good balance of sweetness and tartness. The fruit of the dwarf black mulberry is the same as that on the large black mulberry that we all know and love. The fruit is large, resembling a blackberry, sweet and luscious. When not devoured fresh it is ideal to use in jams, wines and mulberry pies. (Dwarf Mulberry Tree Video )This variety performs excellent in the Subtropics. There has been feedback that this variety doesn't perform as well in Temperate Climates.
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Palm - Jelly or Wine Palm

$14.90 ($14.90-$24.75 choose a size)

The Butia or Jelly palm yields a host of edible and useful products. They have large stalks of golden fruit in clusters. The fruit is green before it ripens, then turns golden, sometimes having a reddish tinge when ready to eat. Soft, tasty flesh surrounds a hard seed that looks like a miniature coconut. Simply peel the flesh away and eat it, prepare a soft puree, or use Butia Palm fruit in jelly. The taste is delicious and starts out like apple and transforms into tropical like flavours similar to an apricot/banana mix. Although delicious when eaten fresh they are most often preserved due to their stringy fibrous flesh. Jelly palm fruits are picked as they ripen. If whole bunches are harvested, they tend to ripen all at once. They keep well under refrigeration for around a week. This South American palm is native to Brazil and is the hardiest feather-leafed palm in cultivation. The palm has beautiful blue-green leaves that are strongly curved making it instantly recognisable. It is an essential palm for the exotic garden and is also a wonderful indoor plant providing light is adequate. For best results fertilize the Palm in the spring, and in mid summer. The spent leaves should be cut to improve its appearance. A long living palm (over 20 years) it enjoys full sun or part shade and thrives in a sandy loam soil. Adequate moisture will greatly improve yields. It is salt, drought and cold tolerant so can be grown in a range of environments

Dwarf Apple 2 Way - Dorsett Golden/Anna


Low chill Dwarf 2 way apple. Double grafted with 2 popular low chill varieties now on one tree, beneficial for pollination. Grow fresh tasty apples at home. Space saving so you can fit more fruit trees in small spaces. Suitable for warm temperate to subtropical climates. Full sun and regular fertiliser and good moisture levels for quality fruit. Cover young fruits to protect from pests. Grow in a large pot, espalier or in the ground. Prune regularly to maintain compact shape. Dorsett Golden is a golden skinned apple with a beautiful tart sweet flavour and Anna which is similar to a Red Delicious - crunchy, juicy and sweet. These apples are suitable for fresh eating and cooking. Grow your own chemical free apples and enjoy the benefits of eating straight from the tree. Protect trees from late frost if you are in a more temperate area.

Peach - Aztec Gold


Aztec Gold has a yellow flesh and requires up to 300 hours of chill. It has a good resistance to bacterial black spot. A large firm fleshed peach that grows well in the subtropics. Resistant to bacterial black spot. Aztec Gold has yellow flesh and red / yellow skin.

Fig - Sandpaper Birds Eye

$18.75 ($18.75-$24.00 choose a size)

An outstanding selection of the native Sandpaper fig. Small, red fleshed fig with good flavour. The fruits ripen from red to dark-red almost black and are sweet and floral tasting. Heavy cropping and no splitting in wet weather. Ideal native fig for a wide range of climates. The leaves are rough and sandpapery and were used by Indigenous Australians to finish wooden tools.
Aramex Free Freight

Peach - Flordaprince


Yellow-fleshed variety requiring only 150 hours chill. A medium sized round fruit with a firm skin and good blush. Semi-clingstone. Earliest fruiting peach, popular low chill variety


$17.90 ($2.95-$29.00 choose a size)

A South American Eugenia, sweet tasty fruit similar to the Rio Grande Cherry. Self pollinating selection. Makes an attractive fruit bearing hedge.Weed warning: Nangapire is not listed as a weed in NSW or Qld but it has the potential to be spread by birds as it self seeds readily. Please net your plants
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Monstera - Fruit Salad Tree

$17.90 ($17.90-$39.00 choose a size)

Often called the Fruit Salad Tree or the Swiss Cheese Plant as the ripened fruit has a pineapple-banana odour and fruit salad taste. The mature fruit has a yellow-green, violet-spotted rind of hexagonal plates covering a creamy-white, soft pulp. Highly ornamental, an excellent choice for heavily shaded positions. This is an uber popular indoor plant - you will definitely spot it gracing ledges, benches, shelves, hanging baskets and spectacular in house displays. A simple plant, grows well in a good quality potting mix and can handle a little neglect. If you are just entering the world of indoor plantery then this is a great one to start with. Happy growing
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Peach - Okinawa


Low chill peach rootstock used for grafting subtropical peach and plums onto. Has a degree of nematode resistance.

Nectarine - Sunwright


A yellow-fleshed nectarine to 150 hours chill. A semi -clingstone, oval fruit, small to medium size with attractive colour, (80 - 90% blush), slightly soft flesh, good flavour. Very early fruiting. Thin fruit to get good fruit size.

Japanese Raisin

$34.00 ($17.90-$34.00 choose a size)

A fast growing tree that produces small raisin like fruit stalks which can be eaten fresh, cooked or dried. The Raisin Tree is deciduous and can grow to a height of 21m but in the open is more commonly around 9m with a single trunk and a rounded head. They have handsome, large, glossy green, cordate leaves which can hang from the stem. The flowers are small but are clustered together in great masses and are cream in colour.
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Dwarf Banana- Red Dacca

$24.00 ($19.90-$49.00 choose a size)

A Dwarf size red skinned variety which should have a deep maroon-red skin when ripe. Growing to 2.5m. Great eaten fresh when ripe or baked, fried, or toasted when still green. Red bananas have more beta carotene and vitamin C than yellow ones. This variety is showing some promise growing in cooler urban areas, like Sydney and Melbourne

Dwarf Plum Gulf Gold Tree (G)

$46.95 ($29.00-$79.00 choose a size)

This golden plum is firm with excellent flavour & texture and a small seed. 350 hours chill. This dwarf plum is an ideal backyard variety and perfect for pots. An excellent all-round variety with the added bonus that it doesn't seem to be attractive to fruit fly as much as other stonefruit. Partially self pollinating but benefits from pollination with Gulf Ruby. Attractive in spring when it is smothered in white blossoms.

Dwarf Persimmon - Ichikikijiro (NA)

$79.00 ($79.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Large, flat fruit of excellent quality, non-astringent and seedless when grown on its own. Being a dwarf variety it is well suited to backyards but is also a good commercial variety. Will fruit as early as March in the subtropics. Ichikikijiro generally produce only one flush of growth in the spring so don't be alarmed if your tree is not growing in summer, this habit contributes to their small stature.

Peach - Angel Subtropical PBR


Angel Peaches are shaped like donuts and there is something very heavenly about the flavour. They are a very sweet yellow fleshed variety, which is more soft and juicy in texture compared to standard peaches. Angel's will crop in warm subtropical climates. Requires about 150 hours chill. This makes them very low chill and they will often flower quite early in late winter Suitable from Rockhampton south to the subtropics and coastal NSW. Peaches can be protected from birds and insects with exclusion netting. This variety has Plant Breeder Rights over it.

Dwarf Nectarine - Sunset Backyard Beauty

$59.00 ($59.00-$64.00 choose a size)

The Super Dwarf Sunset Nectarine has beautiful, dark red leaves throughout the year. The plant grows to approximate 1-1.5m height x 0.8m width. It has high density flowers and single pink blossoms in spring. PBR variety The full sized, yellow flesh nectarines mature in November/December in Subtropical areas and December early January in cooler areas so you can avoid the rush of going to the supermarket to get your early season Summer fruit - just grow your own! This is also the ideal fruit tree to inspire kids to grow their own food in the garden. Best suited to subtropical climates. This variety is subject to Plant Breeder Rights.

Babaco (Grafted)


Grafted Babacos don't suffer from root_Rot. Cutting grown Babacos can fall over easier as well. Grafted varieties are usually harder to propagate and can be good when your climate is ideal for them. An attractive torpedo shaped fruit with effervescent flesh. The texture of the golden fruit is light and refreshing. The slightly acid flavour has a hint of strawberry, pineapple and pawpaw and can be made into a tasty thirst quenching drink.

Bayberry - Black Carbon


Selection of the Tiawanese Black Bayberry. The fruits are delicious and famous for their health giving properties.

Dwarf Peach - Sunset Backyard Beauty

$59.00 ($59.00-$64.00 choose a size)

High density flowering of double pink peach blossom in spring makes this tree a delight in the garden, it produces white fleshed full sized freestone peaches in early summer Often ripening in time for Christmas PBR No pollination required. Sometimes referred to as a Super Dwarf Peach Tree. This is an ideal tree to get the kids involved in growing their own fruit in the garden! This variety is subject to Plant Breeder Rights.

Peachcot Ora A


Early maturing, firm dark orange skin and flesh, with very good flavour. Resistant to bacterial black spot. Botanically a peach but has apricot characteristics. Low chill and can be grown successfully in subtropics

Fig - Bourjassotte Noire


The variety is very productive, figs are medium to large with black skin and sweet, deep red flesh, with a closed ostiole. It is superior in taste, look and size to other figs

Dwarf Ambarella


A fast growing tropical fruit tree, this dwarf form can fruit within 1-2 years. Fruit can be eaten fresh and used for drinks and jellies, the flavour is said to resemble pineapple. Fruit is borne is hanging clumps and change from bright green to orange when ripe. The fruit will fall from the tree and then ripen. Care must be taken when eating as the seed has spines. An attractive tree on its own.

Babaco Cutting

$59.00 ($39.00-$79.00 choose a size)

An attractive torpedo shaped fruit with effervescent flesh. The texture of the golden fruit is light and refreshing. The slightly acid flavour has a hint of strawberry, pineapple and pawpaw and can be made into a tasty thirst quenching drink.

Peach - China Flat


China Flat is a white-fleshed variety needing 150 hours chill. A freestone heirloom variety that is flat in shape, pale in colour and with delicious sweet flavour

Lucs Garcinia - Limoncillo


Native to Mexico, Mexican Achachairu or Luc's Garcinia as it is called produces bright yellow fruit which are single seeded, typically as large as tennis balls, and have both a better pulp ratio and elegant subacid flavour that is considered superior to that of its much celebrated and close relatives, achacha and mangosteen. Slow growing, attractive tree with a spreading form and large leafed foliage that is waxy and deep emerald green. Cold tolerance slightly better than that of Achacha. A very exciting offering that is sure to become a standout in the Australian exotic fruit market.

Peach - Tropic Beauty

$49.00 ($49.00-$54.00 choose a size)

Yellow fleshed variety needing only 150 hours chill. A semi-clingstone peach with round, large size and very good skin colour. Very firm with excellent flavour. One of the best Subtropical peach selections.

Peach - Tropic Snow


White, non browning fleshed variety requiring only 225 hours chill. A freestone peach with round, medium to large, creamy white flesh and outstanding flavour. Highly resistant to bacterial spot. Ripens November to December

Mango - Bullocks Heart


Large fruit with red blush and sweet, fibreless flesh. Aromatic mango flavours, juicy and refreshing. Fantastic for fresh eating, smoothies, or freezing and drying. Mid season with some resistance to anthracnose.


$39.00 ($19.75-$79.00 choose a size)

Despite being tropical the ambarella has proven to be quite hardy and are very fast to become established in the subtropics and fruit set begins after only three years. Tastes like a mix between pineapple and mango but with a crunchy texture. The part nearer to the peel is quite sour getting sweeter near the seed. The ripe fruit is also much sweeter than the less mature green fruit. In Indonesia, they are steamed and eaten as a vegetable with salted fish and rice and in Sri Lanka the raw fruit is mostly eaten fresh and cooked as a curry with chilli. As they mature the skin turns golden-yellow with an orange-yellow pulp surrounding a single large spiny seed. When ripe they have a pleasant pineapple-like fragrance. Growing conditions Like the Mango, the tree thrives in humid tropical and subtropical areas growing up to 2 metres in a single growing season. It grows on all types of soil as long as they are well drained. Trees are cold sensitive when small and should be protected from serious frost and strong wind. Trees do best in full sun, but will produce some fruit in light shade. As a large and vigorous tree they prefer not be planted underneath other large trees and unlike some mango varieties they are not too fussed on salt spray.

Nectarine - Sunraycer


Yellow-fleshed subtropical nectarine. Semi-clingstone with well shaped large sized fruit. Good skin colour and non-browning flesh. Good flavour and high resistance to bacterial spot.

Dwarf Acerola - Pixie PBR

$37.00 ($24.90-$37.00 choose a size)

Dwarf selection of our favourite vitamin C packed fruit Acerola. Gorgeous pink flowers and compact habit growing to about 1.5m. Excellent for pots and easy to net This variety is subject to Plant Breeders Rights and can not be propagated for onselling

Dwarf Peach

$29.00 ($29.00-$49.00 choose a size)

White fleshed freestone variety, ideally suited to the subtropics. The compact size of this variety makes it ideal for small back yards or as a potted specimen. Seed grown and will bear in 2 years. Very attractive pale to dark pink blossoms. Easy to net to protect from fruit fly, birds and bats

Mulberry - Lena


Selected for good quality, large, juicy, sweet fruit, Lena is a large, vigorous shade tree suited to temperate, subtropical and some tropical areas. Annual pruning to keep contained will promote fruit production as fruit is produced on new growth. Should produce a second crop in late summer if pruned in late spring. Best results when grown in full sun with ample moisture.



Trial Product, new to Daleys: The unusual red fruit on this evergreen climber is sweet, juicy and flavoursome. The fruit resembles a large berry or pineapple with many segments, but can be up to 10cm in diameter. Very ornamental with beautiful red flowers and burgundy new growth. Likes part shade, moist soil and can tolerate cool temperatures. Native to elevated areas of South East Asia. Vines can be monoecious or dioecious, it is unknown what our vine is in the trial phase

Nectarine - White Satin


White, aromatic fleshed nectarine requiring 250 hours chill. Beautiful red skin and excellent quality fruit. Prune after fruiting in summer to encourage fruiting wood for next season. Thin fruit for good fruit size. One of the best tasting nectarines in the subtropics. It produces an early crop and is very sweet and juicy.

Dwarf Peach - Standard

$49.00 ($49.00-$79.00 choose a size)

White flesh peach maturing late Xmas. Low chill selection that is perfect for subtropical regions. Very attractive pink flowers in July. Grafted on peach stock 60cm high, stays compact, ideal for pots or small backyards.

Maqui Berry


Flavour similar to blackberries. Native to Chile and Argentina, mature Maqui Berry bushes can produce kilos and kilos of super fruits each year. Recommended to plant multiple Maquis for cross pollination as they are not self fertile. They can be eaten fresh, dried, juiced or preserved.

Peach - White Opal

$54.00 ($49.00-$54.00 choose a size)

White, melting, sweet flesh. Attractive coloured skin with red blush, over a creamy-white ground colour. Medium to large size rounded, slightly ovate in shape. Low chill for subtropical area. Suited to areas that receive minimal cold weather during the winter months. This cultivar should perform well along coastal regions from Sydney through to Nambour, Qld and in the coastal area

Rose Apple

$19.75 ($4.90-$23.90 choose a size)

Native to the East Indies, this attractive tree has glossy narrow leaves and dark red new growth. The yellow fruit is rose petal flavoured and in a class of its own for taste. The tree is virtually never without fruit or flowers, fruiting for about 6 months of the year. The white fluffy flowers are spectacular and attract many bees and birds with their fragrance. A beautiful ornamental plant. Fruits in 3-4 years from seed. Warning This species is susceptible to Myrtle Rust (Puccinia psidii s.l.)It has been observed in the field with moderate to severe damage and will require ongoing treatment to control the rust. For more information follow this link. Weed Warning: in some parts of the world this has become an invasive plant. Care should be taken when planting near native areas.

Ice Cream Bean


Trees have long pods up to 1.5m long filled with a thick, white, juicy,'cottony' pulp surrounding each large seed and it is sweet and melting. Ingas are large attractive trees with spreading branches and lovely white and yellow pompom type flowers, flowering and fruiting 2-3 times per year. For best fruit set, 2 trees are required This species has the longest pods of the Inga genus, they are a very popular fruit in Latin America. The tree has the added advantage of being nitrogen fixing and is a good choice as a fast growing shade tree. They are very useful as a shady interrow tree in orchards of coffee and cacao, for example. They are fast growing, large trees and respond well to heavy pruning to control size, even coppicing. Weed Warning: This is an attractive fast growing legume tree native to Central and South America. Over the last 20 years Ice Cream Beans have gained popularity in Australia as a nitrogen fixing tree that produces large velvety pods filled with creamy sweet flesh. Its popularity has also generated concerns about its potential to spread, with the main area of concern in NSW from Taree to the Tweed region and into Queensland.



Trial Product, Daley's is currently trialling this product, but we will not have them available for sale in the foreseeable future. If you are interested in this item please request the email notification from this page, but at this stage we cannot give you an estimated time of availability.Bael fruits are large with a hard woody shell that must be cracked with a hammer. They take 11 months to ripen on the tree and grow to the size of a grapefruit or pummelo. The fibrous yellow pulp is very aromatic described as being sweet, aromatic and pleasant, although tangy and slightly astringent in some varieties, smelling of roses and tasting like marmalade, or part citrus, part tamarind. Fruits are eaten fresh or dried. This tree is considered sacred by Hindus and the fruits are used as food and in tradition medicine throughout its natural range in Asia. In India it has a reputation of being able to grow where other trees cannot. It is happy in a wide range of soil conditions, will tolerate periods of waterlogging and has an unusually wide tolerance to temperature, from -7C to 48C. It does require a pronounced dry season to set fruit.

Dwarf Papaya - Red Army

$34.95 ($21.00-$34.95 choose a size)

Early cropping, dwarf variety with red flesh. High yielding, tasty fruit, and self pollinating, perfect for small spaces and in small food forests. Precocious - fruits in under 6 months and under 1m tall. Enrich free draining soil with compost in a warm protected position for best results. Resistant to Papaya Ring Spot Virus.

Peach - Flordagold


Yellow-fleshed variety rounded medium to large, attractive coloured fruit. Excellent quality. Requires up to 325 hours chill.

Andean Walnut


This fast growing evergreen walnut species is from the relative calm and frost free sub tropical Andes. The advantage of the Andean walnut is that it is a walnut that may fruit in parts or all of the subtropics where no other walnut will fruit; it fruits well; it is self fertile; it comes into bearing from seed within about five or six years; and it has large nuts that are moderately well filled. The biggest disadvantage is that the nut does not fall free of the husk and 'clings' to the nut. This means the almost tennis ball sized 'fruit' (fleshy husk plus the 'nut' in the middle) have to be collected and piled up for the husk to rot off. The olivey green to brown fruits turn dark brown as the husk breaks down, and the fleshy part becomes black and soft and spongy. Once cleaned, the round golf-ball sized nuts can be dried. Their shell is very thick heavy, and they are not easy to open. Once open, the kernel is also difficult to remove from the shell. The kernel itself is blandly pleasant.Andean Walnut is also highly prized as a cabinet timber, because of its remarkably consistent and bold cocoa color. The wood is related to the American black walnut that you might be used to seeing, but this variety grows in South America. The wood is slightly softer, much more straight grained, and much more consistent in color.



Fruit is very juicy and aromatic and is the size of a small plum. It may be eaten fresh and the flesh has an extremely high vitamin C content. It may also be cooked to produce jam, juices and alcoholic beverages. It also has 2 small very tasty high protein nuts. It is a large, dioecious, deciduous tree which grows wild in northern South Africa. It is recommended to buy at least 3 seedlings to increase the chances you have at least one female

Soh Shang


Medium, spreading woody shrub producing plum sized red fruits. The fruit is best when fully ripened, is sweet and jelly like with some astringency. It is often eaten with salt or as juice or chutney. The flesh can be sucked from the seed. It has notable nutritional benefits. The plant fixes nitrogen with the aid of symbiotic soil bacteria and is a good addition to food forest systems. It is originally from India. The native Millaa Millaa vine looks very similar with smaller fruits and overall size. Drought hardy.

Dwarf Nectarine


Orange fleshed, freestone seedling variety, suited to the subtropics. Burgundy foliage and a compact size makes it perfect as a feature in a small backyard or in pots. Will bear in 2-3 years


$14.90 ($14.90-$18.75 choose a size)

These versatile fruits can be harvested at different stages of ripeness to take advantage of a range of flavours. For a sweeter flavour leave on the bush until fully ripe. For salsa harvest early when the fruit is sour and light in flavour. Like their close relative the Cape Gooseberry Tomatillos are high in pectin making them ideal for preserving in jam and chutney. They can also be dried to enhance the sweetness of the fruit. Prefer a frost free, sunny position in well drained soil. The flowers are mostly self-incompatible when it comes to pollination, so best to plant at least 2 for best fruit set.

Capulin Cherry


This tree closely resembles other stone fruit species. The white fragrant flowers are followed by deep-maroon to purple cherry like fruit 1-2cm with a green flesh. The sweet flavour becomes slightly bitter near the skin. The fruit is delicious eaten fresh, made into jams and preserves. If you are in a warmer climate without the pleasure of growing real cherries it's worth planting a Capulin. Fruit size is small in comparison, but you just have to eat more. Very fast growing, seedling trees begin to produce fruits within three years. For unknown reasons trees with pale grey bark produce larger fruits than those with darker bark. They will perform best if grown in full sun, they do not tolerate strong winds or too much salt. Fruits can be eaten fresh or used in desserts, preserves and jams. They can be mixed with milk or served with vanilla and cinnamon as a tasty sweet. Birds are attracted to the fruits but are less of a problem than they are with normal cherries, trees can be pruned to keep them shorter making them easier to net and the fruits easier to reach.

Jujube Rootstock


These are Sucker Jujube Rootstocks that can be used to graft other varieties onto. Weed Warning - Trees do tend to sucker from their roots around the tree and these suckers are spiny and can be a nuisance. In the dry tropics, trees can adversely affect agricultural land by forming dense thorny thickets. Best not to cultivate soil around Jujube roots to encourage suckering. Collect all fruit to prevent birds spreading seed. They make great container plants and this helps to minimise suckering.

Dwarf Banana - Lady Finger


A small version of the popular Lady Finger Banana. Expect plants from 3.5 to 4m high. Sweet and tangy, the Lady finger is a good sized fruit with a thin skin.



Tropical tree with orange-yellow fruits 4-6cm size forming on the trunk. Taste is sweet and tangy with hints of mango and papaya, a smooth texture and a single seed. Can be slow growing in cool areas with commensurate time to fruiting in these areas. Trees vary in size from 4-8m depending on conditions, preferring the tropical climate of its Amazonian rainforest home range. Likes deep rich soils and some shade especially when young. Reportedly can tolerate some cold conditions, but not for long. Attractive small tree with its peeling bark and cauliflorous fruit.


$19.75 ($19.75-$49.00 choose a size)

Sweet tasty red Berry, self fertile, Hardy, frost tolerant and ornamental. Excellent edible hedging plant. Drought tolerant. Slow growing and rare.



This small orange fruit can be used to make a delicious juice considered a delicacy in South America. This small spreading herbaceous shrub is very attractive with large leaves that have a purple velvet effect. Although some plants can have thorns on the leaves and stems. The small orange fruit have a translucent yellow / green flesh with a delicious, juicy, slightly acid, pineapple / lemon cross flavour. The plant does best in a rich, organic soil will also grows well on poor, stony ground, and on scarified limestone as long as it has good drainage. It appreciates semi-shade and wind protection, but will tolerate full sun. Watering is essential in dry periods. To enjoy the ripe fruits, simply wipe the fruits free of the small hairs and eat fresh out of the hand by cutting in half and squeezing the contents of each half into the mouth. The empty shells are discarded. The flesh, complete with seeds, may be and added to ice cream, made into a tangy sauce or even in baked desserts. The juice is very popular in parts of Chile and Ecuador.

Spanish Tamarind

$24.90 ($24.90-$29.00 choose a size)

A tropical tree native to Madagascar, bearing round fruit 4cm diameter, that is green and turns gradually brown when fully ripe. The pulp has a creamy consistency. The taste balances sweet and tang with fruity flavours and very much resembles the taste of blended dried fruit.

Natal Plum - Desert Star


Very attractive, dark, glossy evergreen foliage makes an appealing shrub year round In warmer months, the plant is scattered with large, white starry, scented flowers at the end of each branch. The small red fruits are edible and can be made into chutneys and relishes. Good for pots, tubs, dry borders and rockeries. Little maintenance needed, very hardy. Native to Mozambique. Natal plum fruits are best left until they are fully ripe to eat, as the latex in under ripe fruit is acrid and an irritant and may cause reactions in some people.

Palm - Wooly Jelly


Beautiful cold-hardy palm bearing small orange-red fruits with tasty pineapple-orange like pulp. Fruits are often considered even higher quality than those of its close relative the jelly palm.



The cocona is every bit as equal or superior to the tamarillo. It is a shorter plant and produces fruit of an orange to maroon colour. The white flesh has a fruity tomato like flavour.



Native to the rain forests in the highlands of Ecuador. Like the tamarillo, the casana grows rapidly to a small tree.  Its large, furry,leaves make it an interesting ornamental, but it also produces heavy crops of mild-flavored fruits within 2 years. The fruits are oval and golden yellow when ripe. They are sweet, juicy, and said to be rather like a blending of peach and tomato in flavor

Woolly Sapote


Related to White Sapote, with similar creamy, custard-flavoured fruits that soften on the tree. Productive trees preferring tropical to sub-tropical conditions, less cold tolerant than the White Sapote. Leaves are very furry. Trees are smaller overall than the White Sapote, with large root systems and prefer good amounts of water. Fruit quality can vary.


$17.75 ($14.90-$79.00 choose a size)

The Amla or Indian Gooseberry is a small leafy tree that grows throughout India and bears an edible fruit. Amla oil is extracted from its seeds and pulp. The amla fruit is often referred to as the "Indian Gooseberry" because of its edible, very tart taste. The pectin content makes it ideal for jam and chutneys. The tree begins to yield fruit from the third year onwards and the productivity levels are good. Amla oil is prepared from dried amla berries, which have been soaked in coconut oil for several days. This oil is one of the world's oldest natural hair conditioners. These trees are semi deciduous in the winter and spring, and may lose some leaves in transport as a stress response. This is quite normal and the plant will recover well.
Buy 2+ @$17.75ea usually:$24.00ea

Brazilian Cherry - Black Beauty

$49.00 ($49.00-$79.00 choose a size)

This selection of Brazilian Cherry ripens to a black colour with exceptional flavour. A highly ornamental shrub with spreading branches and aromatic foliage. The young bronze foliage is deep, glossy green when mature and deep red in cold, dry weather. The fruit is delicious eaten out-of-hand or as an ingredient in jelly, sauce and pies. Refrigeration enhances the flavour.


$24.00 ($4.90-$59.00 choose a size)

The jaboticabas habit of producing the fruit directly on the trunk makes this a striking tree. Fruit is similar to a grape with a sweet and aromatic flavour. The new growth is a coppery colour along with their beautiful honey scented flowers makes it a very ornamental tree. Bears heavy crops of quality fruit that can be eaten fresh from the tree. Often fruiting up to 3 times per year. Time from flowering to fruit being ready to eat is only 30 days. More Information: California Rare Fruit Growers Association.
Buy 1+ @$24.00ea usually:$29.00ea

Dwarf Mango - King Thai

$79.00 ($79.00-$79.00 choose a size)

A semi-dwarf tree making it ideal for backyards, it produces elongated fruits with a very small seed. Flesh is sweet, succulent, fibreless and aromatic with a slight tang. The fruits start out with green skin and ripen to yellow with pink-red blushed fruit. Compact, branching, slightly upright tree growing to 3-4m tall and 2-3m wide. Shows good resistance to anthracnose and black spot. The fruit of a clone of King Thai mango are sold commercially as Maha Bliss in Australian Markets.

Avocado - Secondo (A) ยฎ

$59.00 ($59.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Superior flavour, with smooth, creamy flesh and pear-shaped, green-skinned, fruits that are textured like hass. A vigorous variety that commences fruiting in its 2nd year. Self pollinating. H Jul - Dec This is a local selection with Hass and Sharwill as parents that was selected by Daleys and is proving an excellent backyard variety as well as being our nursery favourite.

Longan - Haew

$79.00 ($79.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Haew is a late maturing cultivar. The high quality fruit is medium to large in size with a rather small seed. Being a late fruiting cultivar it tends to bear in alternate years. Marcotted trees will commence bearing in 2 years.

Acerola - Florida Sweet

$29.00 ($14.90-$79.00 choose a size)

This bright red cherry like fruit has varying tastes during different stages as it ripens. When fully ripe the fruit is juicy and aromatic with its acid content giving it a sweet acid apple-like flavour. The tree can produce a number or crops each year, making for quite a long harvest season. Our selection is called the acerola Florida Sweet Cherry and is a pleasant eating variety that is not too sour. The acerola is well suited to pot culture where it can be kept to a smaller size. It could also be grown this way in cooler climates where it can be moved to a warmer position in the winter. A word of warning the foliage of the plant is covered in tiny irritating stinging hairs that can produce an allergic reaction. When pruning your trees wear a long sleeved shirt and a pair of gloves.
Buy 1+ @$29.00ea usually:$34.00ea


$18.75 ($18.75-$19.90 choose a size)

Shrub native to Asia produces small, orange-yellow flowers followed by fruits, 1cm in diameter produced in in open, branched clusters. The soft, fibrous flesh is greenish-white stained with purplish-red near the skin. The flavour is pleasantly acid, somewhat grape-like. The fruits are eaten fresh as dessert, are made into syrup, and extensively employed in the manufacture of soft drinks. After fruiting prune to keep to an attractive shrub to 2mts high.Phalsa during transit may drop some leaves. It is a hardy plant and with acclimatisation in its new location it will respond well and bounce back. It can take 3 weeks for plants to recover from transit stress.
Aramex Free Freight

Feijoa - Large Oval

$44.00 ($44.00-$79.00 choose a size)

Large Oval - A sweet fruit and as the name suggests of oval shape and good size. Good quality. Self-fertile but will produce heavier crops when cross-pollinated.

Pineapple - F180

$14.75 ($4.90-$19.95 choose a size)

This selection is very sweet with low acidity. The pineapple makes a very attractive patio plant, which will reward you with fruit within 2 years. In the Bromeliad family it requires very well drained potting mix and a sunny warm position, otherwise very hardy.
Buy 2+ @$14.75ea usually:$19.95ea

Subtropical Fruit Trees Reviews & Tips

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