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Cy-kick CS liquid concentrate insecticide provides 90 days of full-throttle killing power, controlling insects indoors and outdoors. With a broad spectrum label including spiders, ants, mosquitoes, bees, cockroaches, crickets, fleas, flies, bed bugs, silverfish, ticks, wasps, wood infesting borers and more, you don’t have to pick and choose between different insecticides for different pests. Cy-Kick CS works great against every insect you’re up against, so one product and one application is all you need. Simply mix 1 to 2 oz Cykick CS per gallon of water and apply using a small commercial sprayer or foamer. Spray liberally indoors along baseboards, in cracks and crevices, and wall voids. Cy-Kick is also used as an outdoor perimeter or lawn treatment. The density of Cy-Kick CS is similar to water, resulting in an even, consistent mixture that requires little agitation to remain in full suspension. When sprayed, Cy-Kick CS creates a thick barrier of microcapsules that is impossible for insects to cross without being exposed to a lethal dose of insecticide. Exposed insects pick up microcapsules on their hairs and body triggering a rapid release of the active ingredient, resulting in death. Cy-kick CS is virtually odorless, and will not create a visible residue or stain when used according to the recommended label rate.
Product Documents
Active Ingredient | Cyfluthrin 6% |
Target pests |
Ants, Bed Bugs, Boxelder Bugs, Carpenter Ants, Carpenter Bees, Carpet Beetles, Centipedes, Clover Mites, Cluster Flies, Cockroaches, Crickets, Earwigs, Fire Ants, Fleas, Flies, Grasshoppers, Hornets, Millipedes, Mosquitoes, Scorpions, Silverfish, Spiders, Springtails,
Termites, Ticks, Yellow Jackets and others * See label for complete list |
For use in |
Residential & Commercial; Indoors & Outdoors: Apartments, Animal Pens, Campgrounds, Dog Kennels, Barns, Hospitals, Hotels, Food Plants, Nursing Homes, Office Building, Restaurants, Schools, Supermarkets, Warehouses and others * See label for complete list |
Application |
1 - 2 oz. per gallon of water (8 - 16 oz per 100 gallons of water) * See label for complete application instructions |
Pet safe | Yes, if used as directed on Label |
Formulation | Professional Product |
NOT FOR SALE TO | CT, NY (Restricted To Licensed Applicators Only) |
Shipping Weight | 1.20 lbs |
Manufacturer | BASF (Mfg. Number: 59014457) |
UPC | 804338142209 |
EPA Registration | 499-304 |
The active ingredient in Cy-Kick CS is Cyfluthrin, a synthetic pyrethroid that attacks the central nervous system of target pests. Made to mimic the effects on insects of naturally occurring pyrethrum, man-made cyfluthrin has the advantage of remaining effective for up to 3 months. SmartCap Technology means Cy-Kick CS stands up to porous and highly absorbent surfaces such as concrete, while the polymer shell protects the active ingredient making it readily available to pests. When sprayed, Cy-Kick CS creates a thick barrier of microcapsules that is impossible for insects to cross without being exposed to a lethal dose of insecticide. Exposed insects pick up microcapsules on their hairs and body, triggering a rapid release of the active ingredient, resulting in death. Though Cy-Kick CS is tough on insects, it is very gentle on people and pets when used correctly.
A wide variety of structural pests including ants, bed bugs, cockroaches, earwigs, fleas, millipedes, mosquitoes, scorpions, spiders, wasps, bees, and yellowjackets
INSECTS CONTROLLED: Ants, Asian Lady Bugs, Bed Bugs, Bees, Boxelder Bugs, Cadelles, Carpenter Ants, Carpenter Bees, Carpet Beetles, Centipedes, Chocolate Moths, Cigarette Beetles, Clover Mites, Cluster Flies, Cockroaches, Crickets, Darkling Beetles, Dermestids, Drugstore Beetles, Earwigs, Elm Leaf Beetles, Fire Ants, Firebrats, Fleas, Flies, Flour Beetles, Grain Weevils, Grasshoppers, Hide Beetles, Hornets, House Flies, Indian Meal Moths, Larder Beetles, Lesser Grain Borers, Lesser Mealworms, Loopers, Mediterranean Flour Moths, Merchant Grain Beetles, Mealworms, Millipedes, Mosquitoes, Psocids, Rice Weevils, Sawtoothed Grain Beetles, Scorpions, Silverfish, Sowbugs, Spiders, Springtails, Stable Flies, Stored Product Pests, Termites, Ticks, Yellowjackets, Warehouse Moths, Wasps, Wood Wasps, Wood-Infesting Borers and Beetles
Cy-Kick CS is an ideal broad-spectrum insecticide for prevention, maintenance, or active infestations of over 55 common structural pests in residential and commercial applications. SmartCap Technology makes Cy-Kick CS ideal for a variety of surfaces, including porous and highly absorbent areas like concrete and mulch. SmartCap microencapsulation also increase the residual life of Cy-Kick CS to up to 90 days, making it ideal for quarterly pest control treatments. Because Cy-Kick CS is a microencapsulated suspension, it is more resilient in direct sunlight and more easily picked up by tough pests such as cockroaches, scorpions, and mosquitoes.
Cy-Kick CS can be used inside as a crack and crevice treatment or outside as a perimeter treatment for listed pests, for localized treatment of wood-destroying insects, for outdoor mosquito control, and for yellow jacket baiting outdoors. See below for further details. Always read the product label completely before use.
Mixing instructions - Thoroughly clean spray equipment before using Cy-Kick CS. Shake concentrate well before diluting. When diluting, first add approximately one-half of the water to the spray tank and then add the proper amount of Cy-Kick CS. When emptying the bottles, triple rinse with water, shake well and add the rinsate to the spray tank. Add the rest of the water and agitate the sprayer thoroughly. Agitate sprayer occasionally during use to ensure even mixture. Shake or re-agitate sprayer if spraying is interrupted or if dilution is left in sprayer overnight. If spray screens are used, they should be 50 mesh or larger. See video above for handheld sprayer application.
Void/Crack and Crevice Application - To treat insects harbored in voids and in cracks and crevices, apply with equipment designed for void applications. Follow the manufacturer's recommendations for proper equipment set up and operating pressures. Place the tip of the applicator at or into the crack or crevice to be treated. Apply product in short bursts while keeping tip in position. Allow the air stream to push insecticide deep into voids. Application should be made in such a manner to limit dripping and run-off on structural surfaces and plants.
Apartments, Calf Hutches, Calving Pens and Parlors, Campgrounds, Empty Chicken Houses, Dairy Areas, Dog Kennels, Food Storage Areas, Grain Mills, Granaries, Hog Barns, Homes, Horse Barns, Hospitals, Hotels, Meat Packing Plants, Food Processing Plants, Milkrooms, Motels, Nursing Homes, Rabbit Hutches, Resorts, Restaurants and other Food Handling Establishments, Schools, Supermarkets, Transportation Equipment (Buses, Boats, Ships, Trains, Trucks, Planes (do not use in airplane cabins)), Utilities, Warehouses, Commercial and Industrial Buildings; Federally inspected meat and poultry plants, Livestock Housing
Dilute Cy-Kick CS to 0.05% or 0.10% (1.0 oz. or 2.0 oz) with water using the spray dilution chart. Cy-Kick CS should be used as a Crack & Crevice residual product where insects may be hiding, living and breeding and/or for selected spot application. When using in food/feed areas of food/feed handling establishments, restaurants or other areas where food/feed is commercially prepared or processed, refer to the section entitled “Food/Feed Areas of Food Handling Establishments” on product label for use directions. Non-food/feed areas are areas such as garbage rooms, restrooms, floor drains (to sewers), entries and vestibules, offices, locker rooms, machine rooms, boiler rooms, garages, mop closets and storage (after canning or bottling).
Bed Bugs – Apply to cracks and crevices where evidence of bed bugs occurs. This includes bed frames, box springs, inside empty dressers and clothes closets, carpet edges, high and low wall moldings and wallpaper edges. Do not use this product on mattresses, pillows, bed linens or clothes. Remove all clothes and other articles from dressers or clothes closets before application. Allow all treated areas to dry thoroughly before use. Not recommended for use as sole protection against bed bugs.
Cy-Kick CS can be used as a residual treatment on outdoor surfaces and/or as a crack, crevice and void treatment of buildings, porches, window frames, leaves, patios, garages, garbage dumps and other areas where pests congregate or enter premises. Repeat treatment as necessary to maintain effectiveness, but not more than twice per week. Treatments must be at least 3 days apart. Use the 0.05% or 0.10% (1.0 oz. or 2.0 oz) rate. Cy-Kick CS can be used as a residual treatment to control pests in outdoor void areas such as meter boxes and manholes. Repeat treatment as necessary, but not more than twice per week. Treatments must be at least 3 days apart. Use the 0.05% or 0.10% (1.0 oz. or 2.0 oz) rate.
Perimeter Treatment - To help prevent infestations of buildings, treat a band of soil 6 to 10 feet wide around and adjacent to the building. Also treat the building foundation to a height of 2 to 3 feet where pests are active and may find entrance. Treat other insect entry points such as doors, windows, under siding and eaves of structure. Cy-Kick CS may be applied in compressed air, backpack or power spray equipment. An application rate of 0.5 to 1.0 fluid ounce of Cy-Kick CS per 1000 sq. ft. is desirable. Apply in sufficient water to adequately cover the area being treated. Application should be made in such a manner to limit dripping and run-off on structural surfaces and plants. Alternate directions are to use 4 to 8 fl. oz. of product per 50 gallons of water.
Mosquitos – Use handheld, backpack, or truck mounted sprayers only. Use up to 150 gallons of diluted spray per acre. Treat shrubbery, vegetation and other areas where mosquitoes may rest. Shrubbery and vegetation around stagnant pools, marshy areas, ponds, and shorelines may be treated if applied as a wet spray.
Fleas – Treat infested areas. This product will kill fleas on contact but does not provide residual control.
Yellow Jacket Control Outdoors – Add 2.0g of concentrate to 100g of bait matrix and mix thoroughly (approximately ¼ tsp of concentrate per 3.75 oz. of bait) per dispenser. Mix only enough bait for immediate use. Hang dispensers in a sunny location, from a tree limb or other suitable support around the periphery of the area to be protected and at heights inaccessible to children and pets. Use 3-4 dispensers/acre or place them about 100 ft apart. Replenish dispensers with fresh bait as long as yellowjackets are present. Unused baits will probably be unattractive to yellowjackets after a few days, especially if temperatures are above 90 degrees F. See product label for more details on baiting suggestions and how to make and mark dispensers. See also our Alpine Yellow Jacket Bait Station Kit with Onslaught.
Takes care of all my insect problems
By Howell on 07/22/2008
I have used Cy-Kick CS for years. I never hire pest control services. This solutions takes care of all my insect problems. I use it in my house, the outside area my house, the porches and deck areas, and in my shop. However, try to spray AFTER a rain spell (on your outside area). Spray the lower edge of your house, around weep holes, around doors and windows. I use it every two to three months, or after lengthy rain spells. Spray inside your house under and behind couches, beds, other furniture, under sinks, etc. My pets have never been harmed by this product.
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270 of 286 people found this review helpful
Only product that eliminated scorpions
By Roxanne on 03/14/2010
Arizona resident - with mature date palms next door - need I say more? After stuggling with an interior scorpion problem for two years, I purchased the first pint of Cy-Kick and began spraying systematically on the first of each month. This was after hiring a monthly pest service for about a year - they would come on the first and I would begin to see live scorpions inside around the 15th so would spray in between visits. The service was using a weaker solution for interior and Cy-Kick for exterior. Taking the task on my own, I begin with spraying interior with Cy-Kick for first two months, and exterior every month. Now I only spray interior once a year and exterior every month. Haven't seen a scorpion inside for a year!!! Pest control experts will say spray doesn't touch scorpions - I beg to differ. Cy-Kick is the only way to go.
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224 of 229 people found this review helpful
Works fairly quickly.
By Travis on 05/23/2007
I am mainly trying to kill and get rid of scorpions. I have used this product in the past and killed them fairly quickly as well as other bugs around the house. With the Cy-Kick CS I did not hear crickets and saw a lot of dead roaches.
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163 of 168 people found this review helpful
Fast kill
By John on 04/15/2008
I applied some Cy-Kick CS directly on a scorpion while I was treating my house. That sucker was dead in about 3 minutes. So far I haven't seen any in my house.
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129 of 136 people found this review helpful
Cy-Kick CS is fantastic on Arizona scorpions
By Keith on 03/21/2010
I started using Cy-Kick CS after moving into a home infested with scorpions. After using this product for two months (2oz per gallon), spraying exterior of house and perimeter fence, scorpions have disappeared. I only have to spray once a month. Well worth the money if you have ever been stung.
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116 of 119 people found this review helpful
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102 of 109 people found this answer helpful
I've asked a prior question regarding usage rates of CyKick CS. I'm always trying to find a way to eliminate the need for a professional control service. However, I looked at my invoice the other day and realized the technician sprayed almost 15 gallons around my 2000SF home! Keep in mind, this was simply my bi-monthly treatment for Scorpions - no infestation or anything. He uses a "power sprayer" and I'm sure lots of water in his mixture, but how could I duplicate 15 gallons? Does that seem excessive? So as you can tell, it's things like that that make us (the consumer) reluctant to DIY...
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95 of 100 people found this answer helpful
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82 of 92 people found this answer helpful
The main difference is that the Cy-Kick CS is a microencapsulated suspension. Micro Encapsulation means that each droplet of insecticide is encased in a protective microscopic capsule, which provides a long residual even in direct sunlight. Micro cap also means the product can be more easily picked up by the tiny hairs on insects and especially flying insects. So, while both the Bifen IT and the Cy-Kick CS are great products there are some instances where Cy-Kick CS is a bit more effective such as spider and scorpion control and on outdoor surfaces that are exposed to the elements.
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77 of 81 people found this answer helpful
There are so many other products that state, "Kills spiders (excluding Black Widow and Brown Recluse)".
Yes, Cy-Kick CS will kill just about any spider that it is sprayed. Spiders are very difficult to control however and most residual insecticides like Cy Kick CS will kill any spider that it is physically sprayed on, but new spiders entering the area are very difficult for any insecticide to control. This is because spiders bodies are high off of the ground and they do not groom their legs like other insects do. How these products mainly control spiders is that they kill the spiders food that is around, all of the other bugs, and if there is no food around, then the spiders will not want to be in that area anymore. For more information, please take a few moments to review our treatment article on How to Get Rid of Spiders.
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72 of 81 people found this answer helpful
Cy-Kick CS
Rating: 4.7 (537 Reviews / 277 Q&A)