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Mastín del Pirineo

Mastín del Pirineo Breed description: Character & Co

Mastín del Pirineo

Life expectancy
8 - 12

Pyrenean Mastiff, the Mastín del Pirineo - a breed description

The Pyrenean Mastiff is considered the Spanish equivalent of the French Pyrenean Mountain Dog.

The origin of the Pyrenean Mastiff

Basically, both dogs trace back to the same ancestors and remain very similar to this day. Since the French and Spanish could not agree on a common standard, this dog is called "Mastín del Pirineo" on the Spanish side of the Pyrenees and "Chien de Montagne des Pyrénées" in France.

This very large dog is the original shepherd dog of the border mountains. There it has been watching over free moving herds independently for centuries. Around farms and settlements he was used as a watchdog against intruding humans, bears and wolves.

At the time of the Spanish Civil War, the population of the Mastín del Pirineo was in extreme decline. In the middle of the 20th century cynologists tried to preserve this national symbol. The Club del Mastín del Pirineo, founded in 1977, started the new breeding with only 24 registered animals.

The breed characteristics of the Pyrenean Mastiff

The Pyrenean Mastiff is not really a pet. It has remained a working dog to this day and prefers to spend his time outdoors rather than indoors. If you want to keep this dog, you should be able to offer him a rewarding task.

The Pyrenean Mastiff is a recognized dog breed in its own right with FCI Standard No. 92, Group 2, Section 2 "Molossoids".

  • very large primitive shepherd and guard dog
  • rare dog
  • national symbol of the Pyrenees
Banner: Shutterstock / AnjavdR
Pyrenees Mastiff, Mastín del Pirineo, big dog breed from Spain, herding dog, farm dog, no beginner dog, calm dog breed, giant dog breed, biggest dog in the world, dog with long coat, grey white dog with triangle ears Pyrenees Mastiff puppy, Mastín del Pirineo, big dog breed from Spain, herding dog, farm dog, no beginner dog, calm dog breed, giant dog breed, biggest dog in the world, dog with long coat, grey white dog with triangle ears Pyrenees Mastiff puppy, Mastín del Pirineo, big dog breed from Spain, herding dog, farm dog, no beginner dog, calm dog breed, giant dog breed, biggest dog in the world, dog with long coat, grey white dog with triangle ears, big dog breed, the biggest dog breeds in the world Pyrenees Mastiff, Mastín del Pirineo, big dog breed from Spain, herding dog, farm dog, no beginner dog, calm dog breed, giant dog breed, biggest dog in the world, dog with long coat, grey white dog with triangle ears
Alternate Name Pyrenean Mastiff
Origin Spain
Life expectancy 8 - 12 years
Care requirements low-maintenance
Activity level average
FCI group Molossian type
AKC group not recognised
KC group not recognised

The typical character traits of the Pyrenean Mastiff

These dogs are trainable, but always remain very independent. If they have enough space and a job, they are people-friendly and sociable. If, on the other hand, they sense danger, Pyrenean Mastiffs can become very unpleasant.

Such an animal belongs only in absolutely safe and experienced hands. If you have a farm and many hectares of woods and land, this dog could be something for you.

  • sociable, self-confident and very independent
  • needs space and task
  • can only be kept with dog experience and a lot of space
Pyrenees Mastiff puppy, black and white dog breed puppies, Mastín del Pirineo, big dog breed from Spain, herding dog, farm dog, no beginner dog, calm dog breed, giant dog breed, biggest dog in the world, dog with long coat, grey and white dog with triangle ears Pyrenees Mastiff puppy, black and white dog breed puppies, Mastín del Pirineo, big dog breed from Spain, herding dog, farm dog, no beginner dog, calm dog breed, giant dog breed, biggest dog in the world, dog with long coat, grey and white dog with triangle ears

Breed-typical diseases of the Mastín del Pirineo

Occasionally diseases like hip dysplasia or arthrosis can occur. Molossians should not jump into high cars or climb stairs very often. This can promote degeneration of the joints.

Breeding, acquisition and keeping of the Mastiff from Spain

If you want to buy a Mastín del Pirineo, you have to calculate with costs between 1200 and 1400 Euro for a puppy.

But think carefully if you can really do justice to this breed.

At the moment the Pyrenean Mastiff is not explicitly on the breed lists. It is too rare for that. However, some municipalities, cantons and federal states in the German-speaking countries have the Mastiff on the list in general. Check with your municipality or district administration if you want to keep this extra large dog.

Pyrenees Mastiff breed description, black and white dog breed puppies, Mastín del Pirineo, large dog breed from Spain, herding dog, farm dog, no beginner dog, calm dog breed, giant dog breed, largest dog in the world, dog with long coat, grey and white dog with triangle ears

The basic colour is white. In addition, this dog almost always has a light or dark mask. In this it differs from the mostly pure white standard of the Pyrenean Mountain Dog. The coat length is medium to long.

On the rest of the body there may be markings in the color of the mask. It is a typical Molosser with a very massive appearance. Nevertheless, this natural dog is never grossly overdrawn, fat or even immobile.

The head may assume huge proportions, and it likes to carry its tongue hanging out. Eyes and lips do not droop nearly as much as in many other Molossians. It has an endearing yet very alert expression. The long tail hangs loosely down the hind legs with a slight swing.

  1. Basic colour white with markings and mask
  2. large massive Molosser
  3. athletic and alert appearance
  4. medium long to long coat

Size, weight and life expectancy of the Mastín del Pirineo

The Pyrenees Mastiff is one of the largest and heaviest dog breeds in the world.

  • Height at withers males from 77 cm
  • Height at withers bitches from 72 cm
  • Weight not fixed, approx. from 65 kg
  • Life expectancy 12 years and more
Fur length medium
Fur -
Ear shape Triangle
Tail fanned out
Anatomy rugged, massive
Size ♀ 72 - 79 cm
Weight ♀ 65 - 75 kg
Size ♂ 75 - 78 cm
Weight ♂ 65 - 75 kg
Suitable For -


Pyrenees Mastiff, Mastín del Pirineo, big dog breed from Spain, herding dog, farm dog, no beginner dog, calm dog breed, giant dog breed, biggest dog in the world, dog with long coat, grey white dog with triangle ears
Pyrenees Mastiff puppy, black and white dog breed puppies, Mastín del Pirineo, big dog breed from Spain, herding dog, farm dog, no beginner dog, calm dog breed, giant dog breed, biggest dog in the world, dog with long coat, grey and white dog with triangle ears
Pyrenees Mastiff puppy, black and white dog breed puppies, Mastín del Pirineo, big dog breed from Spain, herding dog, farm dog, no beginner dog, calm dog breed, giant dog breed, biggest dog in the world, dog with long coat, grey and white dog with triangle ears
  • Hip dysplasia (HD)

    Hip dysplasia (HD) is a genetic condition in dogs where the hip joint is not shaped properly. This leads to pain, stiffness and restricted movement.

  • Arthrosis

    Osteoarthritis is one of the most common diseases in dogs. Dogs have an innate, strong urge to move

Sources and relevant links

FCI-Rassestandard (Deutsch)

Accessed on 22.01.2024


Accessed on 21.01.2024

Petra Krivy (2016). Herdenschutzhunde. Franckh-Kosmos Verlags-Gmbh & Company KG.

Janet Vorwald Dohner (2016). Farm Dogs. Storey Publishing, LLC.

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