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Dog,Pug,Mammal,Vertebrate,Canidae,Dog breed,Skin,Companion dog,Snout,Puppy, Dog Health 14.06.2021

3 reasons why your dog scratches all the time

These are the main factors for your dog's scratching.

There are several causes if your dog is scratching all the time.

Scratching due to fleas, mites or fungal infection.

A dog can be a host for parasites. Parasites include fleas, hair lice and mites. Several types of mites can cause itching on your dog's fur. These include predatory mites, mange mites, ear mites and autumn grass mites. Fleas jump from infected animals to the dog. They can also be found in the environment on the sleeping area or on car seats. In pet shops you can find special products that help against fleas. There are various flea sprays or flea collars that keep fleas away from the dog. In case of a flea infestation, it is important not only to treat the dog itself, but also to get rid of the fleas in the animal's environment. Fleas can be quite persistent. Washing the dog's bed is absolutely necessary. The dog itself can be allergic to the flea saliva.

If your dog has a weakened immune system, he is susceptible to a fungal infestation. If your animal has no direct contact with infected animals, a fungal infestation is rather rare. Pay attention to a comprehensive care of your favorite, then fungi have no chance.

Insect, Pest, Parasite, Beetle, Invertebrate, Dog Flea, Flea in Dog Fur, Flea in Hair

Scratching due to ticks

Summertime is tick time. If you like to rummage through woods and meadows with your dog, there is a risk that you will catch ticks. Ticks prefer to sit in bushes or in tall grass. They react to warmth in their environment and then simply drop onto the host. They suck on the skin and drain the blood from their host.

Your dog has an allergy

If your dog is continually scratching, it may also indicate an allergy. The healthy skin condition is disturbed. Allergies can be triggered by food, for example. In addition to constant scratching, the dog may refuse food. These are typical symptoms of a food allergy. The cause is special proteins in the food. To determine whether your dog is allergic to his food, you can apply the exclusion principle. Try different types of dog food and see how the dog reacts or if he shows any improvement.

The dog can also be allergic to certain materials. This is called a contact allergy.

If the dog sneezes frequently, it is possible that he is suffering from atopy. Your dog is then allergic to pollen, grass or mould. House dust mites or their excrement can also be the cause of an allergy. This type of mite lives in house dust and can only be eliminated by regular and thorough cleaning of the apartment or house.

Other causes of itching in dogs

Your dog may also react with itching if he has hyperthyroidism or specific autoimmune diseases. With a weakened immune system, the protective function of the coat decreases and the skin becomes vulnerable. Yeast fungi or bacteria take advantage of this weakness and settle on the skin. An infection is the result. Consult your trusted veterinarian for the correct diagnosis and appropriate therapy and treatment. Various factors such as breed, age of the dog, location of the itch, seasonal conditions and general living conditions all play a role in the diagnosis.

Dogs suffer from skin eczema and are then dependent on your help, as they cannot help themselves in this case.

Conclusion - Triggers for itching in dogs

  • Mites
  • Fleas
  • Fungi
  • Bacteria
  • Ticks
  • Allergy
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Autoimmune disease
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Banner: Shutterstock / wriemis
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