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Boykin Spaniel bounces in the water Dog Husbandry Tips 07.06.2021

5 beautiful dog places in Mallorca

These are the 5 most beautiful places in Mallorca with dog.

5 beautiful dog parks on Mallorca

If you are with your four-legged friend on Mallorca, then you have almost endless possibilities to pass the time. Below you get five tips for the most beautiful places that you and your darling should definitely have seen:

Refreshment at the dog beach

No question: the Balearic island stands for unique beaches and bathing vacations on the Mediterranean. Therefore, our tips start with the official dog beaches, where your best friend can romp and swim to his heart's content leash-free among fellow dogs. The bays are signposted with the indication "Playa canina".

  • Playa Punta Marroig in Palmanova (in the south of Mallorca): Between Palmanova and Es Carregador. The bathing bay is open from 8 to 20 o'clock.
  • Cala dels gats in Costa de la Palma (in the south of Mallorca): This small cove is made of sand and stones and extends between Punta dels Gats and Cala Blanca. Here, too, the opening hours are from 8 am to 8 pm.
  • Playa de Llenaire in Port de Pollença (in the north of Mallorca): Located directly in the traditional fishing village of Port de Pollença, this stretch of beach is almost 600 meters long and is made up of rocks and stones (plenty of shaded areas available).
  • Playa Na Patana in the municipality of Santa Margarida (in the northeast of Mallorca): This very popular sandy cove extends about two kilometers from Can Picafort, between the mouth of the torrents of Son Baulo and Son Real.
  • Es Carnatge beach (near Palma de Mallorca): About nine kilometers from Palma, between Coll den Rabassa and Can Pastilla.
Dog, mammal, vertebrate, Canidae, dog breed, tan golden retriever puppy, retriever cub, carnivore, sporting group, grass, Shutterstock / MPH Photos

In addition, there are some municipal areas that allow four-legged friends on the coast. These include Andratx, Pollença and Capdepera. Here, dogs are allowed to enjoy the beaches without restrictions during the winter season (from November 1 to March 31). Artá also sets an animal-friendly example. Here pets can even enjoy the sea breeze at the bays from October 1 to April 30. The administration of Muro allows beach walks with dogs between November 1 and February 28.

Please note: in all other municipalities of the Balearic Island, access to the beaches for pets is not allowed 365 days a year, unless they are officially signposted as dog beaches.

For culture enthusiasts - Palma de Mallorca on four paws

You don't want to miss out on a city trip with your four-legged companion? No problem - you can easily visit the metropolis of Palma with your dog. There are even organized bus tours where your furry friend is welcome. In addition, some lines of the municipal transport company allow pets to travel with you. But basically, bus rides are hardly necessary, because the city can be discovered relaxed on foot. You can walk along the city wall, inspect the old town from there and stroll through the narrow streets and idyllic squares, as well as spy monasteries and medieval courtyards.

Great parks for two- and four-legged friends

In addition, there are numerous green spaces in Palma where pets have access. These are often signposted as "Pipican". This is a mostly fenced area for dogs, where there are numerous playground equipment and employment opportunities. Here, all breeds can let off steam with their buddies, leash-free:

  • Parc de Sa Falda Verda
  • Parc Krekovic - Manuel Azaña
  • Parc Joan Gris
  • Parc La Ribera
  • Parc de Son Dameto d'Alt
  • Parc de Sagrat Cor

Boat tour to the most beautiful viewpoint of Mallorca.

Who says dogs can't go on boat trips in Mallorca? There is an interesting boat trip where your darling is welcome. We are talking about a tour from Puerto de Alcudia to Cap Formentor. During this four-hour excursion you will sail along the coast. You will enjoy the magnificent views of the cliffs and some bizarre rock caves and numerous bays and beaches.

Banner: Shutterstock / Zadranka
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