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GURUFOCUS.COM » STOCK LIST » Industrials » Industrial Products » Atlas Copco AB (OSTO:ATCO A) » Definitions » PEG Ratio
Atlas Copco AB (OSTO:ATCO A) PEG Ratio : 2.05 (As of Feb. 07, 2025)
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What is Atlas Copco AB PEG Ratio?
PE Ratio without NRI / 5-Year EBITDA Growth Rate*

PEG Ratio is defined as the PE Ratio without NRI divided by the growth ratio. The growth rate we use is the 5-Year EBITDA growth rate. As of today, Atlas Copco AB's PE Ratio without NRI is 30.52. Atlas Copco AB's 5-Year EBITDA growth rate is 14.90%. Therefore, Atlas Copco AB's PEG Ratio for today is 2.05.

* The 5-Year EBITDA Growth Rate is the 5-year average EBITDA per share growth rate. While the denominator is a percentage, we use the whole number as opposed to the decimal form for the calculation. For example, 5% would be shown as 5 as opposed to 0.05. If it's smaller than or equal to 0, then the PEG Ratio is not calculated.

The historical rank and industry rank for Atlas Copco AB's PEG Ratio or its related term are showing as below:

OSTO:ATCO A' s PEG Ratio Range Over the Past 10 Years
Min: 1.72   Med: 5.33   Max: 28.93
Current: 2.05

During the past 13 years, Atlas Copco AB's highest PEG Ratio was 28.93. The lowest was 1.72. And the median was 5.33.

OSTO:ATCO A's PEG Ratio is ranked worse than
55.47% of 1271 companies
in the Industrial Products industry
Industry Median: 1.75 vs OSTO:ATCO A: 2.05

Peter Lynch thinks a company with a P/E ratio equal to its growth rate is fairly valued.

Atlas Copco AB PEG Ratio Historical Data

The historical data trend for Atlas Copco AB's PEG Ratio can be seen below:

* For Operating Data section: All numbers are indicated by the unit behind each term and all currency related amount are in USD.
* For other sections: All numbers are in millions except for per share data, ratio, and percentage. All currency related amount are indicated in the company's associated stock exchange currency.

* Premium members only.

Atlas Copco AB PEG Ratio Chart

Atlas Copco AB Annual Data
Trend Dec15 Dec16 Dec17 Dec18 Dec19 Dec20 Dec21 Dec22 Dec23 Dec24
PEG Ratio
Get a 7-Day Free Trial Premium Member Only Premium Member Only 19.92 18.50 4.01 2.48 1.70

Atlas Copco AB Quarterly Data
Mar20 Jun20 Sep20 Dec20 Mar21 Jun21 Sep21 Dec21 Mar22 Jun22 Sep22 Dec22 Mar23 Jun23 Sep23 Dec23 Mar24 Jun24 Sep24 Dec24
PEG Ratio Get a 7-Day Free Trial Premium Member Only Premium Member Only Premium Member Only Premium Member Only Premium Member Only Premium Member Only Premium Member Only Premium Member Only Premium Member Only Premium Member Only Premium Member Only Premium Member Only 2.48 2.27 2.24 2.15 1.70

Competitive Comparison of Atlas Copco AB's PEG Ratio

For the Specialty Industrial Machinery subindustry, Atlas Copco AB's PEG Ratio, along with its competitors' market caps and PEG Ratio data, can be viewed below:

* Competitive companies are chosen from companies within the same industry, with headquarter located in same country, with closest market capitalization; x-axis shows the market cap, and y-axis shows the term value; the bigger the dot, the larger the market cap. Note that "N/A" values will not show up in the chart.

Atlas Copco AB's PEG Ratio Distribution in the Industrial Products Industry

For the Industrial Products industry and Industrials sector, Atlas Copco AB's PEG Ratio distribution charts can be found below:

* The bar in red indicates where Atlas Copco AB's PEG Ratio falls into.

Atlas Copco AB PEG Ratio Calculation

PEG Ratio is defined as the PE Ratio without NRI divided by the growth ratio. The ratio we use is the 5-Year EBITDA growth rate.

Atlas Copco AB's PEG Ratio for today is calculated as

PEG Ratio=PE Ratio without NRI/5-Year EBITDA Growth Rate*

* For Operating Data section: All numbers are indicated by the unit behind each term and all currency related amount are in USD.
* For other sections: All numbers are in millions except for per share data, ratio, and percentage. All currency related amount are indicated in the company's associated stock exchange currency.

* Note: The 5-Year EBITDA Growth Rate is the 5-year average EBITDA per share growth rate. While the denominator is a percentage, we use the whole number as opposed to the decimal form for the calculation. For example, 5% would be shown as 5 as opposed to 0.05. If it's smaller than or equal to 0, then the PEG Ratio is not calculated.

Atlas Copco AB  (OSTO:ATCO A) PEG Ratio Explanation

To compare stocks with different growth rates, Peter Lynch invented a ratio called PEG Ratio. PEG Ratio is defined as the P/E ratio divided by the growth ratio. He thinks a company with a P/E ratio equal to its growth rate is fairly valued. Still he said he would rather buy a company growing 20% a year with a P/E of 20, instead of a company growing 10% a year with a P/E of 10.

Atlas Copco AB PEG Ratio Related Terms

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Atlas Copco AB Business Description
Sickla Industrivag 19, Nacka, Stockholm, SWE, SE-105 23
Atlas Copco is a 140-year-old Swedish company that pioneered air compression technology and remains a leading air compressor manufacturer. Atlas Copco is also a leading manufacturer of vacuum pump equipment, industrial power tools, and portable power and air compression equipment. The company's operations match the geographic breadth of its customers, with a presence in 180 countries. Atlas Copco's revenue is derived from three sources: initial equipment sales, spare parts, and maintenance.

Atlas Copco AB Headlines

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