Object 187
Object 187 was a parallel project to Object 188, the T-90 tank. It was based on the T-72B, with a heavily modified turret. A particularly notable feature was the rejection of the T-64 hull design. The redesigned layout took up more space, but positively affected ergonomics and protection from the glacis plate. Due to lengthening of the hull's nose section, the driver's position was lower, with his optics attached to the roof of the hull, unlike in the T-64 and its derivatives. This remedied a notorious weak spot of the T-64 design - the section between the turret and the hull. The same solution made it possible to arrange armouring at more rational angles of inclination as a countermeasure to modern sub-caliber armour-piercing rounds.
"187" is in effect closed the tank is one of the most mysterious AFVs produced Soviet industry. Reliable information on machine on the network is virtually non-existent. The few publications that are available, Sin speculations guesses and Frank errors. The proposed pictures are the first publicly available images of this tank in the Internet. Them depicted model 6-th the skilled (and last) of the master machine. FEDERAL officers model Yuri Jeje and Vladimir Usovym to M1/10 for presentation to the requisitioning office as an illustration when you close one of the stages of OCD. Work on the model took 2 months, and "modelisty" worked on its manufacturing mainly overtime, lingering after the main work sometimes until deep into the night. Currently, this model is still in FEDERAL ownership, with the issue of its transfer to storage and exhibiting at the Museum of armored vehicles "Uralvagonzavod".
Creator of tank "object" was Deputy Chief Designer of the 187 FEDERAL A.s. Selgacev. A group of designers and client representatives took part in "187" Object. In the Centre is the Chief Designer and head of military Potkin V. I. acceptance V. Zharkov.
Work on the tank "187" led Uralsk KB transport engineering within the topics of OCD "improvement of t-72B. The theme of "improving the t-72B" was defined by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR from June 19, 1986 year. Work on about. 187 was virtually in parallel with work on the tank "188" is the future of the t-90 (with some advance last) until the mid 90-ies of the XX century. Unlike vol. 188, this initiative was the development of KB. While the Urals KB still could afford such "liberty", of course relying on the financial support of DEVELOPED as a potential serial factory. Both machines: vol. 187 and 188 vol. evolved in the direction of further development of the t-72 tank. However, unlike on. 188, 187 's design team headed by V.i. Potkinym laid in construction machines deeper changes compared to the original design of the t-72B. Supervisor works on the tank was Deputy Chief Designer of the A.s. Selgacev. Radical solution became a waiver of imposed in the late 60 's tagil'skomu KB "revolutionary" design of the hull of the t-64. The arrangement of the machines underwent a small razuplotnenie that had a positive impact both on ergonomics and protection of VDL chassis. Due to the lengthening of the nasal part of the location of the driver remained deep in the hull, causing the shaft sensors began to go outside through the roof of the hull, rather than straight through the VFD as the t-64 and his genetic heirs-the notorious "relaxed disappeared décolleté» in the middle of a VFD. This decision allowed to arrange booking under more rational angles of inclination for counteracting contemporary BPS.
The turret was installed on the machines a new design-Unlike traditional casting its construction was performed from the welded plates of medium hardness. Design and technology of production of such turrets was developed jointly by the NII Stali, FEDERAL and Uralvagonzavodom. At that time almost simultaneously worked on weld for FEDERAL turrets (about 187 and 188.) and HKBT (t-80ud). Tower on. 187 differed most impressive dimensions, especially at the rear. A great contribution to the development of turrets for tagil'skih machines and their protection introduced Y.n. Kondratiev. "Iron" armor tank was supplemented by a new set of armour-the prototype of the current complex universal DMZ "Relic". On some not quite reliable data, complex protection on. "name had 187 Malachite". The protection scheme complemented lattice screens and KOČP "Blind" with OTŠU and PU 902a system. The tank's main armament was the 125-mm Smoothbore gun with advanced ballistics 2A66 (91T) developed in Sverdlovsk on "plant No. 9"-in the famous Petrovsky artillery KB. Together with the instrument developed a new armor-piercing composite rigid projectile 3bm-39 code OCD Anker "with coefficient of elongation of more than 20. It was a uranium DLCO-bar, with a new detachable tray. WOO this BPS consisted of kalibernoj and light composite podkalibernoj coils; the latter had *-shaped cross-section. While plumage ran out of light alloys and panache in a fraction of the caliber. Work on the new shot conducted them. The bulk of the work on testing the new guns and shot was held at NTIIM. New gun externally distinguished by the presence of muzzle brake. DT had odnokamernuű design less effective and served more than for tap of gases with the line of sight of the controlled missiles, not to relieve efforts impact. At the same time, some samples during the operation of the modernized gun was installed 2a46m (d-81tm).
At the time of the formulation of Object 187, equipped with the world's most advanced LMS - something similar to army tanks likely opponents began to appear only at the end of the 1990s. The LMS was made on the basis of the elements 1A45. The great merit of this complex was the adaptation to. 187 and 188 vol. of Y.M.Nejgebaučru and V.M.Bystrickomu. One of the innovations, first introduced in the domestic application was the use of tank in electronic circuits that control has significantly reduced volume and weight of the cable runs. The credit for this belongs to the same Yuri Nejgebaučru.
For experienced machine samples were tested several types of powertrains and transmissions, including GTE. The most promising SU was found during tests Chelyabinsk x-shaped bar and-85-2 rated at 1200 HP force overall features of the engine in the MTO it was located on the longitudinal scheme (as in once-2 to t-34). Moreover, this arrangement simplified its dock with GOPom. Originally, exhaust nozzles on. 187 x-obraznikom were pobortno, exhaust along the boards by nadgusenicnym regiments were withdrawn over the stern. Work on MTO vol. 187 led E.b. Babylonian Set, o.a., Harlow v.i., Ivanov Yi on the machine applied a new chassis with parallel PROPULSION and metallic treadmill. If you compare the Caterpillar about. 187 with Caterpillar on. 188, the first thing that draws attention to itself-the shape and placement of the gruntozacepov-if mentally outline block one line, it turns out the oval (t-80/ -90 rectangle, the HULC ™ ROBOTIC EXOSKELETON-trapezoid). Crest-solid (t-80/ -90 "skoboobraznyj"). Links of crawler belt met cast using the subsequent machining that is certainly more technological and economical way compared to forging links t-64 and t-80 and t-90. Vane hydraulic dampers were installed on 1 and 6 rollers (early designs) and at 1, 2 and 6 rollers (samples # 5 and # 6). Was substantially increased the dynamic progress of the rollers.
Machines were built in pairs three series. Each series was significantly different from the previous, clearly demonstrating the evolution of the type and direction of the phased arrangements nodes failover units and systems. Within each series machine just had differences, but less significant.
Prototypes of the No. 1 and no. 2, perhaps with the exception of the Corps were the closest to shape the future of the t-90. As a powerplant for the # 1 used a modified Chelyabinsk V-84ms diesel engine with a capacity of 840 HP This powerplant in the subsequent almost entirely moved on about. 188. At the end of the test cycle the sample no. 1 passed the disassembly and defektovku, after which his body was used in the manufacture of model No. 3. Sample # 2 was equipped with already 1000-horsepower V-shaped diesel engine with Turbo CD-34 (-85) in Barnaul. In this type of machine has successfully passed a large cycle of sea trials in Turkmenistan, to withstand high temperatures and dust in the air. Some time later, on returning to Nizhny Tagil, the machine has passed the outfitting and was shot at the site NTIIMa (Prospector). The results of the real impact of modern anti-tank means showed outstanding results on the level of protection. Shot sample machine has been disposed of.
Prototype No. 3 was initially used for a variety of "barbaric" experiments related to the possibility of structural failure and for this reason was never fully complete. Unlike models Nos. 1 and no. 2 took a classic for t-72 equipped with a turret, model No. 3 had a turret of the new design-from 40 mm thick bronelistov katannyh connected to the welding. Geometrically Tower model No. 3 very closely resembles modern welded Tower t-90s tanks, t-90SA and t-90a, actually from her latest designs and maintains its constructive lineage. Significant external differences Tower model No. 3 from the now familiar, welded turrets on the t-90, are bronelistov cutting shape, weld, pallet ejection hatch round shape (t-90 he oval), the presence of "turrets" in the left aft FVU turret roofs (at a t-90, as well as on t-72 chassis machines located in the FVU).
Sample # 4 had a similar chassis chassis model No. 3 to it overlapping in "turbinnik". Has changed the shape and design of the welded turret, increased its dimensions in the amidships and aft. Input Meteodatcik, firing conditions set in the aft turret, externally differs markedly from the usual TWO modern t-90. The basis of SU became new x-shaped Chelyabinsk engine a-85-2 rated at 1200 HP nižnetagil'skih traditional designs fan cooling system had already two centrifugal fan removed from the center of the rear part of the right and left respectively. Diesel engine exhaust nozzles were located along with pobortno post-shelves and gas in the feed to the bottom. Elongated tract significantly contributed to good cooling exhaust, effectively dismissed the heat, thereby reducing the thermal signature to the level of a general background. Compared with model No. 3 has changed position MAT on the right fender. Changes and running gear-traditional sloth with "Windows" was replaced by "solid"-without holes and cutouts. Integrated explosive reactive armor protection "contact-V installed on samples with no. 1 to no. 3 was replaced with a new design. Vyšibnye RS Panel on VFD were made of sufficiently massive titanium plates. Subsequently, when passing cars in 38 NIII Mo Kubinku these panels with the aim of preventing their "accidental" loss were replaced by 30 mm steel with milled grooves, simulating real sick leave of the Panel. This ersatz design four-bolt plate to the chassis VDL.
Prototypes of the No. 5 and no. 6 has undergone the most significant changes, becoming the most advanced machines of this type. Bow of the hull even more increased in size and changed shape. If the noses of t-72 and early designs on. 187 resembled a chisel, the nose on the samples No. 5 and no. 6 purchased the zubiloobraznuű form. The length of the "naked" body (excluding fenders) was 7.2 m, width (similar)-2.17 meters. Inspection hatch with mehvoda moved him toward the turret. Again grew in size, welded Tower. Its overall width without accounting for the DMZ was 3.12 m was raised very seriously the protection of airborne projection Tower. Bright exterior distinguishing feature turrets models Nos. 5 and 6 is extremely wide feed-the largest of all welded turrets, designed in the Soviet Union. On these machines, as in sample no. 4 was installed a new complex of DMZ, but in comparison with the Quartet at the fifth and sixth cars vyšibnye panels were performed are no longer made of titanium, and of steel armor. Were also redesigned the containers installed in the front part of the DMZ and on the cheeks of the turret. Ural KB made tremendous efforts trying to put this wonderful machine in service with the Soviet army. However, despite successful tests and obviously high combat and technical capacity of the machine was not adopted by the DOD. Instead, customers from the MO once again opted for half-measures and focus on the work of the AMG. 188-symbiosis chassis t-72B with part of systems. 187. Once again, almost ready for the series and very forward-looking machine ceded its place in a series of simpler and cheaper. To the above, perhaps it is worth adding that in theory its Chief Designer Vladimir Ivanovich Potkina, vol. 187 had become a base for the design and manufacture of a whole family of combat vehicles constituted combat, and also serve as a basis when designing promising even more powerful and sophisticated tanks.
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