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Gibraltar Development Plan, 2009

The Gibraltar Development Plan was approved by the then Chief Minister on 25 September 2009 and replaced the previous 1991 Plan. The Plan comprises a suite of inter-related documents:

Parts I and II:

  • Part 1 - General policies - sets out planning policy in relation to variety of topics;
  • Part II - area specific policies and proposals - Gibraltar has been divided into nine land use zones and specific policies and proposals formulated for each of these.

View Parts I and II - Click Here

The Old Town Plan:

although one of the above-mentioned zones, the importance and complexities of the old Town require a specific area plan. In the future other specific area plans may be produced for other zones where this is considered necessary.

View Old Town Plan - Click Here

The Old Town Design Guide:

The Old Town Design Guide provides detailed policy guidance on design within the Old Town.

View Old Town Design Guide - Click Here

Strategic Environmental Assessment

The Gibraltar Development Plan was subject to an assessment, by independent consultants, on the likely environmental effects of the Plan at a strategic level. The findings of the assessment are contained in the Final Environmental Report. View the Final Environmental Report - Click Here

Post Adoption SEA Statement

Under the Environment Act 2005, that transposes Directive 2001/42/EC on the assessment of the effects of certain plans and programs on the environment (SEA Directive) it is a requirement, having prepared an Environmental Report, to make available a Post Adoption SEA Statement. In essence this statement explains:

  • How environmental considerations have been integrated into the plan;
  • How the Environmental Report has been taken into account;
  • How any opinions expressed as a result of the consultation on the Draft Plan and Draft Environmental Report have been taken into account;
  • The reasons for choosing the plan as adopted, in the light of the other reasonable alternatives dealt with; and
  • The measures that are to be taken to monitor the significant environmental effects of the implementation of the plan.

View the Post Adoption SEA Statement - Click Here Copies of the Gibraltar Development Plan are available for purchase from the Department of Town Planning and Building Control, Suite 631, Europort, Gibraltar, at a cost of £50 per copy. Alternatively, an electronic version is available on CD at a cost of £10.