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J4972 : Redshank, Newtownards by Rossographer Redshank, Newtownards by Rossographer
for square J4972
A redshank feeding in Strangford Lough as seen from the Floodgates Walk, Newtwonards.
TF0720 : Persicaria maculosa by Bob Harvey Persicaria maculosa by Bob Harvey
for square TF0720
The plant called Redshank, with the characteristic blotch in the centre of each... (more)
Tags: season:AutumnX   place:Bourne WoodsX   type:Close LookX   Early AutumnX   top:LowlandsX   subject:PlantX   plant:RedshankX   top:Wild Animals, Plants and MushroomsX   subject:WoodlandX   top:Woodland, ForestX  
J3675 : Redshank, Victoria Park, Belfast (January 2015) by Albert Bridge Redshank, Victoria Park, Belfast (January 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J3675
One of a few redshank... (more)
J4482 : Redshank (wildflower), Helen's Bay (August 2015) by Albert Bridge Redshank (wildflower), Helen's Bay (August 2015) by Albert Bridge
for square J4482
Redshank (sometimes “redleg”)... (more)
NS3977 : Redshank (Persicaria maculosa) by Lairich Rig Redshank (Persicaria maculosa) by Lairich Rig
for square NS3977
Category: Wild flowers
(Syn. Polygonum persicaria, under which name it is listed in older works.)... (more)
Tags: bucket:CloseupX   top:GrasslandX   bucket:LifeX   plant:RedshankX  
NO5201 : Redshank by Richard Sutcliffe Redshank by Richard Sutcliffe
for square NO5201
A redshank, Tringa totanus, feeding on the mud in St Monans Harbour exposed when... (more)
J5081 : Redshanks, Bangor by Rossographer Redshanks, Bangor by Rossographer
for square J5081
One of several flocks of redshanks at Bangor Marina.
TF0820 : More Redshank by Bob Harvey More Redshank by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
An other clump of Redshank growing in what was a water-filled ditch until the summer.
TF0820 : The plant called Redshank by Bob Harvey The plant called Redshank by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Redshank, or Persicaria maculosa, seems to like this corner. There are spindly... (more)
NL6494 : Redshank (Tringa totanus) on a post by Rob Farrow Redshank (Tringa totanus) on a post by Rob Farrow
for square NL6494
Redshank (Tringa totanus) are most commonly seen on the shoreline being a wading... (more)
Tags: subject:BirdX   type:Close LookX   top:CoastalX   top:IslandsX   bird:Redshank   island:Vatersay/BhatarsaighX   top:Wild Animals, Plants and MushroomsX  
TF0820 : Redshank flowers by Bob Harvey Redshank flowers by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Another clump of Persicaria maculosa. Now I have my eye in, there are several... (more)
TF0820 : The plant called Redshank by Bob Harvey The plant called Redshank by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
A patch of Persicaria maculosa, the Redshank, not far from the squirrel... (more)
TF0820 : Persicaria maculosa by Bob Harvey Persicaria maculosa by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Andrew Curtis identified this for me as Redshank (Polygonum persicaria), but it... (more)
NZ5528 : A lone Redshank amongst a flock of sleeping Oystercatchers by Mick Garratt A lone Redshank amongst a flock of sleeping Oystercatchers by Mick Garratt
for square NZ5528
A mooch around South Gare at the mouth of the Tees. Twitchers were twitching... (more)
J3777 : Redshank, Belfast Harbour lagoon (November 2016) by Albert Bridge Redshank, Belfast Harbour lagoon (November 2016) by Albert Bridge
for square J3777
A redshank feeding in the harbour lagoon, about an hour before high water, close... (more)
J4972 : Redshank, Strangford Lough, Newtownards (November 2014) by Albert Bridge Redshank, Strangford Lough, Newtownards (November 2014) by Albert Bridge
for square J4972
Part of a large flock of (mainly) redshank, on the inter-tidal mud, near the seawall.
NU0052 : Redshank in Meadow Haven by Barbara Carr Redshank in Meadow Haven by Barbara Carr
for square NU0052
Redshank (Tringa totanus, RSPB amber list) feeding on Meadow Haven beach.
J1041 : Redshank/redleg, Loughbrickland by Albert Bridge Redshank/redleg, Loughbrickland by Albert Bridge
for square J1041
The wildflower redshank (also known as “redleg”)... (more)
TA1028 : Wading bird on the River Hull by Stephen Craven Wading bird on the River Hull by Stephen Craven
for square TA1028
NT9952 : A redshank at Berwick-upon-Tweed Quayside by Walter Baxter A redshank at Berwick-upon-Tweed Quayside by Walter Baxter
for square NT9952
This wader was searching for food in the mud area by the Berwick Boats pontoon... (more)
SW9972 : Redshank, River Camel, Wadebridge by Derek Harper Redshank, River Camel, Wadebridge by Derek Harper
for square SW9972
On the mud by the grass island shown in SW9972 : Across the Camel.
TA0022 : The Humber Estuary at Barton Cliff by Graham Hogg The Humber Estuary at Barton Cliff by Graham Hogg
geograph for square TA0022
A flock of redshank is feeding on the sands.
TA1281 : Recently uncovered beach, Filey by Humphrey Bolton Recently uncovered beach, Filey by Humphrey Bolton
for square TA1281
I have been informed that the bird is a Redshank.
TA1281 : Redshanks on Filey beach by Pauline E Redshanks on Filey beach by Pauline E
for square TA1281
Tringa totanus - easily identified by their reddish-orange legs and red base of... (more)
NZ4161 : Rocks at White Steel, Whitburn by Robert Graham Rocks at White Steel, Whitburn by Robert Graham
geograph for square NZ4161
Rocky foreshore at Whitburn, close to high tide. The flock of birds on the rocks... (more)
NH6548 : Redshank on the shoreline at North Kessock by valenta Redshank on the shoreline at North Kessock by valenta
for square NH6548
Caught in the dusk light just before the red sunset disappeared.
SW9873 : Redshank, Camel estuary by Derek Harper Redshank, Camel estuary by Derek Harper
for square SW9873
A lone Tringa totanus seen from the Camel Trail near the sewage works.
J4972 : Waders, Strangford Lough, Newtownards (November 2014) by Albert Bridge Waders, Strangford Lough, Newtownards (November 2014) by Albert Bridge
geograph for square J4972
More than three hours after low water Killyleagh the tide was driving this mixed... (more)
TF0820 : Persicaria maculosa by Bob Harvey Persicaria maculosa by Bob Harvey
for square TF0820
Near the plants seen in TF0820 : Redshank flowers more of the same
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