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Showing images tagged with place:Kingerby tag.
Effigy of Sir William Disney, St Peter's church, Kingerby
by Julian P Guffogg
for square TF0592
Sir William Disney (father of the two effigies in the church) was a companion of... (more)
Interior, St Peter's church, Kingerby
by Julian P Guffogg
for square TF0592
Stained glass window, St Peter's church, Kingerby
by Julian P Guffogg
for square TF0592
St Paul and St John the Baptist. Pevsner thinks the glass is by Willement, 1850.
Medieval Stained glass window, St Peter's church, Kingerby
by J.Hannan-Briggs
for square TF0592
14th C. stained glass showing St Cecilia and St Katherine. The faces are modern.... (more)
Interior, St Peter's church, Kingerby
by J.Hannan-Briggs
for square TF0592
Tomb Slab, Kingerby church
by J.Hannan-Briggs
for square TF0592
Possibly Henry Disney, circa 1350
St Peter's church, Kingerby
by J.Hannan-Briggs
geograph for square TF0592
Detail, stained glass window,St Peter's church, Kingerby
by J.Hannan-Briggs
for square TF0592
Detail of St Cecilia and her organ, and St Catherine with her wheel.
14th... (more)
Effigy of Knight, St Peter's church. Kingerby
by J.Hannan-Briggs
for square TF0592
Late 14th C. The legs have been truncated. He is dressed in chain mail and... (more)
Effigy of Knight, St Peter's church, Kingerby
by J.Hannan-Briggs
for square TF0592
13th Century knight dressed in chain mail lying with legs crossed, and puppies... (more)