Qúeen Street 1 - Grantham, Lincolnshire
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SK9135
This view was taken on the route from Grantham Railway Station to the town... (more)
Oak Leaves
by Bob Harvey
for square SK9237
The foliage of the Grantham Oak, showing the typical Quercus Robor leaves - and... (more)
Grantham's oldest resident
by Bob Harvey
for square SK9237
Information board for what is now called "The Grantham Oak", where it... (more)
Protective matting
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square SK9237
A meh substance designed so that the inevitable vehicular traffic won't... (more)
The trunk of an ancient oak
by Bob Harvey
for square SK9237
Quercus Robor, the English or Pedunculate Oak can live to 1500 years. This is a... (more)
The oak in Belton Lane
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square SK9237
The green tree in the centre farground is the huge Oak on Belton Lane, now known... (more)
The Grantham Oak
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square SK9237
Surrounded by a side road, the tree in Belton Lane.
The Oak Tree
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square SK9237
The Oak's trunk
by Bob Harvey
geograph for square SK9237
Quercus Robor, the English or Pedunculate Oak can live to 1500 years. This is a... (more)
Protecting the tree
by Bob Harvey
for square SK9237
The roped area is intended to prevent parked vehicles damaging the roots of the tree.
Norton Street - Grantham, Lincolnshire
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SK9135
View south-east along Norton Street, a one-way street of housing in Grantham,... (more)
Railway Terrace 4 - Grantham, Lincolnshire
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SK9135
Railway Terrace is a row of houses on the route between Grantham Railway Station... (more)
Railway Terrace 3 - Grantham, Lincolnshire
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SK9135
Railway Terrace is a row of houses on the route between Grantham Railway Station... (more)
Porter Window, St Wulfram's church, Grantham
by Julian P Guffogg
for square SK9136
By Leonard Evetts, 1969.
Depicting the birth and life of Christ.
In memory of... (more)
Grantham House
by Richard Croft
geograph for square SK9136
Grade I listed Grantham House Link and St.... ( more)
Stained glass window, St Wulfram's church, Grantham
by Julian P Guffogg
for square SK9136
Glass by Clayton & Bell, 1875, depicting scenes from The Life of Jesus.... (more)
Stained glass window, St Wulfram's church, Grantham
by Julian P Guffogg
for square SK9136
Memorial to Rev William Glaister, Vicar of Grantham 1883-1905.
Glass by Kempe... (more)
Stained glass window, St Wulfram's church, Grantham
by Julian P Guffogg
for square SK9136
Doctors of the Church", St Ambrose, shown below with The Emperor of... (more)
Stained glass window, St Wulfram's church, Grantham
by Julian P Guffogg
for square SK9136
Four Bishops, including St Hugh and St Botolph. Glass by Kempe.
Catlin Window, St Wulfram's church, Grantham
by J.Hannan-Briggs
for square SK9136
By Harry Harvey (d.2011) 1962.
Depicting war in heaven and Archangel Michael.... (more)
Hall window, St Wulfram's church, Grantham
by Julian P Guffogg
for square SK9136
By John Hayward 1970.
Christ saves the sinking Peter (Matthew 14:31)
Given by... (more)
Pinchbeck Window, St Wulfram's church, Grantham
by Julian P Guffogg
for square SK9136
By John Hayward, 1974, showing the seven sacraments.
Given by Lily Pinchbeck in... (more)
West Window, St Wulfram's church, Grantham
by Julian P Guffogg
for square SK9136
1855, in memory of Rev. Charles Bradley.
The four apostles are seen, with their... (more)
Three Saints
by Richard Croft
for square SK9136
Detail of the inside of the marvellous font cover in St.Wulfrum's church,... (more)
Stone Faces, St Wulfram's church, Grantham
by Julian P Guffogg
for square SK9136
Tower and Spire, St Wulfram's church, Grantham
by Julian P Guffogg
for square SK9136
At 282 feet high, it was completed by 1320. It is the third highest in England,... (more)
Interior, St Wulfram's church, Grantham
by J.Hannan-Briggs
for square SK9136
Organ in St Wulfram's church, Grantham
by J.Hannan-Briggs
for square SK9136
North Aisle, St Wulfram's Church, Grantham
by J.Hannan-Briggs
for square SK9136
Altar and reredos, St Wulfram's church, Grantham
by J.Hannan-Briggs
for square SK9136
Spire of St Wulfram's church, Grantham
by J.Hannan-Briggs
geograph for square SK9136
There is currently a "Save the Spire" appeal on.
Gargoyle and carved faces, St Wulfram's church, Grantham
by J.Hannan-Briggs
for square SK9136
Font, St Wulfram's church, Grantham
by J.Hannan-Briggs
for square SK9136
Circa 1496. The octagonal font is carved with scenes from the scriptures. It was... (more)
Font cover, St Wulfram's church, Grantham
by J.Hannan-Briggs
for square SK9136
This elaborate font cover, designed by Sir Walter Tapper, 1899, features Edward... (more)
The Harrington Tomb, St Wulfram's church, Grantham
by J.Hannan-Briggs
for square SK9136
14th Century.
South Porch, St Wulfram's church, Grantham
by J.Hannan-Briggs
for square SK9136
The Parvise over the porch contains the chained library.
St Wulfram's church, Grantham
by J.Hannan-Briggs
geograph for square SK9136
St Wulfram's church, Grantham
by J.Hannan-Briggs
geograph for square SK9136
Ryder monument
by Richard Croft
for square SK9136
Marble monument by Henry Cheere in 1759 in St.Wulfrum's church to the... (more)
Lady Chapel
by Richard Croft
for square SK9136
St.Wulfrum's church Lady Chapel of c1350 with splendid window tracery
St.Wulfrum's crypt
by Richard Croft
for square SK9136
14th century crypt under St.Wulfrum's church
St.Wulfrum's chancel
by Richard Croft
for square SK9136
St.Wulfrum's 14th century chancel, much restored by Sir George Gilbert Scott in 1866
St.Wulfrum's nave
by Richard Croft
for square SK9136
View west inside St.Wulfrum's nave
St.Wulfrum's nave
by Richard Croft
for square SK9136
View east in St.Wulfrum's vast early 14th century nave
Memorial to William Cust, St Wulfram's church
by J.Hannan-Briggs
for square SK9136
"A brave and Judicious sea-officer" was killed by a Cannon Ball in... (more)
Memorial to Sir Dudley Ryder, St Wulfram's church
by J.Hannan-Briggs
for square SK9136
Rt Hon. Sir Dudley Ryder was Solicitor General, Attorney General and Chief... (more)
Crypt and Medieval altar, St Wulfram's church
by J.Hannan-Briggs
for square SK9136
Missing Brasses in the South Aisle at St Wulfram's
by J.Hannan-Briggs
for square SK9136
Two description plates remain, one to Faith Grant, widow of Simon. she died in... (more)
Railway Terrace 2 - Grantham, Lincolnshire
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SK9135
Railway Terrace is a row of houses on the route between Grantham Railway Station... (more)
Railway Terrace 1 - Grantham, Lincolnshire
by Martin Richard Phelan
geograph for square SK9135
Railway Terrace is a row of houses on the route between Grantham Railway Station... (more)