West Burnside, Dollar
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NS9698
With the Dollar Burn on the right, and the Ochil Hills in mist and rain beyond.
Dollar Burn, looking across to East Burnside
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NS9698
The clumps of white flowers are Wild Garlic or Ramsons [Allium ursinum].
Waterfall In Dollar Glen
by Rude Health
geograph for square NS9699
Blue badge for Lavinia Malcolm, Dollar
by M J Richardson
for square NS9698
Blue badge for Lavinia Malcolm, Dollar
by M J Richardson
for square NS9698
Burnside House, Dollar
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NS9698
24 West Burnside, with a magnificent Clematis montana, and the former home of... (more)
Dollar Museum
by M J Richardson
geograph for square NS9698
The museum occupies the left-hand part of the building; unfortunately only open... (more)
Small Cottage
by Rude Health
geograph for square NS9698
A small cottage found near the start of Castle Road, Dollar.
Welcome to Pool of Muchart
by Stanley Howe
geograph for square NN9900
On A91 from Dollar.
Muckhart Parish Church
by Stanley Howe
geograph for square NO0000
Looking northwards.
A Glen Devon path starting from Muckhart Parish Church
by Stanley Howe
geograph for square NO0000
The information board on local wildlife supplied by The Woodland Trust of Scotland.
Rev Cairns memorial, Muckhart Parish Church
by Stanley Howe
geograph for square NO0000
Of local stones construction, on the approach lanes to the church.
Memorial by Muckhart Parish Church
by Stanley Howe
for square NO0000
To the Rev John Edgar Cairns, Minister in Muckhart from 1907-1933; erected by... (more)
Junction of Blairingone minor road with the A91
by Stanley Howe
geograph for square NS9898
Near Pathead Cottages (off right).
View north from a bend in the minor road
by Stanley Howe
geograph for square NS9898
With Fir Knowe on the left, and Cowden Farm outbuildings on the right.The ridge... (more)
Minor Road to Pathead Cottages (A91)
by Stanley Howe
geograph for square NS9898
From a dogleg bend in the road from Vicar's Bridge.
Fir Knowe
by Stanley Howe
geograph for square NS9898
From the access track to Cowden Farm. Pathead Cottages in left rear.
Public Paths junction signpost
by Stanley Howe
geograph for square NS9898
Choices are left to Muchart (passing Cowden Farm), or right to Rumbling Bridge.
Upstream River Devon
by Stanley Howe
geograph for square NS9898
Above the Vicar's Bridge.
A path by the River Devon near Vicar's Bridge
by Stanley Howe
geograph for square NS9898
No fishing on a Sunday; by order of the Devon Angling Association.
Minor road from Blairingone to Vicar's Bridge
by Stanley Howe
geograph for square NS9897
To cross the River Devon.
Holiday Accommodation
by Rude Health
geograph for square NS9697
Law Hill
by Rude Health
geograph for square NS9799
Easy bag from the community car park to the west to bag TUMP in the copse and... (more)
Vicar's Bridge over the River Devon
by Stanley Howe
geograph for square NS9898
Carrying the minor road between Blairingone (A977) and Pool of Muckhart (A91).