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TL1998 : Street sweeping machine, Bridge Street south, Peterborough by Robin Stott Street sweeping machine, Bridge Street south, Peterborough by Robin Stott
geograph for square TL1998
In shadow in the background is the Magistrates' Court. The postbox is number PE1 19.
TL1998 : Motorcycle parking, St Peters Road, Peterborough by Robin Stott Motorcycle parking, St Peters Road, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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TL1998 : Blue light area, Peterborough city centre at dusk by Robin Stott Blue light area, Peterborough city centre at dusk by Robin Stott
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The London Plane trees in Bridge Street are lit by blue uplighters in the... (more)
TL1998 : Shopfront, 7 Westgate, Peterborough by Robin Stott Shopfront, 7 Westgate, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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Classy lettering for J W D'Arcy. This might be done by screen-printing or... (more)
TL1998 : Cathedral Space Heater by James Howe (Grandson) Cathedral Space Heater by James Howe (Grandson)
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Late Victorian genus, albeit now converted from coke to gas-fired. Gurney... (more)
TL1998 : Southern entrance to the Westgate Arcade, Peterborough by Robin Stott Southern entrance to the Westgate Arcade, Peterborough by Robin Stott
geograph for square TL1998
The netting may be to deter seagulls and pigeons. Compare Michael Trolove's... (more)
TL1998 : Queensgate shopping centre, ground floor, southwest side, Peterborough by Robin Stott Queensgate shopping centre, ground floor, southwest side, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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Seen from the crossing with the Westgate Arcade, out of shot right, and the exit... (more)
TL1998 : Begging in Bridge Street, Peterborough by Robin Stott Begging in Bridge Street, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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Tony begs in cheerful rhyme from a prime spot at the top of Bridge Street.... (more)
TL1998 : Central court, St Peters Arcade, Peterborough by Robin Stott Central court, St Peters Arcade, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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On the right the Argo Lounge, a busy and popular café-bar. On the left the... (more)
TL1998 : West through St Peters Arcade, Peterborough by Robin Stott West through St Peters Arcade, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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The Arcade is a useful way between St Peters Road, behind the camera, and Bridge Street.
Tags: top:City, Town CentreX   type:Close LookX   top:LowlandsX   PassageX   top:PathsX   place:PeterboroughX   Postcode Area PE1  
TL1998 : North end of St Peters Road, Peterborough by Robin Stott North end of St Peters Road, Peterborough by Robin Stott
geograph for square TL1998
On the left is the rear of the Town Hall: see TL1998 : Behind the Town Hall, Peterborough. Behind the wall on... (more)
TL1998 : Rear entrance, Peterborough Town Hall, St Peters Road by Robin Stott Rear entrance, Peterborough Town Hall, St Peters Road by Robin Stott
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Built in 1933 but does not appear to be listed.
TL1998 : Central feature and entrance, rear of Peterborough Town Hall, St Peters Road by Robin Stott Central feature and entrance, rear of Peterborough Town Hall, St Peters Road by Robin Stott
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Built in 1933 but does not appear to be listed.
TL1998 : Gates to St Peters Road from gardens south of the cathedral, Peterborough by Robin Stott Gates to St Peters Road from gardens south of the cathedral, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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The context is TL1998 : North end of St Peters Road, Peterborough. "Keep Clear" says a notice. In case... (more)
TL1998 : Rear of Peterborough Town Hall, St Peters Road by Robin Stott Rear of Peterborough Town Hall, St Peters Road by Robin Stott
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TL1998 : HSBC Bank, Cathedral Square, Peterborough, at dusk after rain by Robin Stott HSBC Bank, Cathedral Square, Peterborough, at dusk after rain by Robin Stott
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On the left is the top of Bridge Street; the Argo Lounge, half out of shot,... (more)
TL1998 : Premises of J W D'Arcy, 7 Westgate, Peterborough by Robin Stott Premises of J W D'Arcy, 7 Westgate, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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Note the oriel window, and the clock that disturbs the symmetry. A closer look... (more)
TL1998 : Alterations to a shop fascia, Westgate, Peterborough by Robin Stott Alterations to a shop fascia, Westgate, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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A hydraulic platform on the back of a truck gives these chaps access without... (more)
TL1998 : Street furniture near the Magistrates Court, Bridge Street, Peterborough by Robin Stott Street furniture near the Magistrates Court, Bridge Street, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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TL1998 : Kids get a feel for shooting people at this display, Bridge Street, Peterborough by Robin Stott Kids get a feel for shooting people at this display, Bridge Street, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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25th June 2016 was Armed Forces Day in the UK.... (more)
TL1998 : Seat after rain, Cathedral Square, Peterborough by Robin Stott Seat after rain, Cathedral Square, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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TL1898 : St John Ambulance offices and car park rear of Cowgate, Peterborough by Robin Stott St John Ambulance offices and car park rear of Cowgate, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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A wall behind the cars separates this private car park from that behind 45... (more)
TL1998 : North on Longcauseway, Peterborough by Robin Stott North on Longcauseway, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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TL1998 : Alfresco coffee lounge outside the town hall, Bridge Street, Peterborough by Robin Stott Alfresco coffee lounge outside the town hall, Bridge Street, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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One of many coffee shops in Bridge Street and its continuation, Longcauseway.... (more)
TL1998 : Public space, south end of Bridge Street, Peterborough by Robin Stott Public space, south end of Bridge Street, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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Bridge Street and its continuation, Longcauseway, were once the A15 north-south... (more)
TL1998 : Peterborough Police Station, at the corner of the Rivergate one-way loop by Robin Stott Peterborough Police Station, at the corner of the Rivergate one-way loop by Robin Stott
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The view is from the north end of the London Road bridge over the River Nene.
TL1998 : The way out of Queensgate shopping centre into Cathedral Square, Peterborough by Robin Stott The way out of Queensgate shopping centre into Cathedral Square, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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The traceried windows of St John's Church can be seen outside.
TL1998 : Entrance to St Peters Arcade from Bridge Street, Peterborough by Robin Stott Entrance to St Peters Arcade from Bridge Street, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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Argo Lounge, café-bar on the left, appears to be thriving. Tourist Information... (more)
TL1998 : Garden wall, north end of St Peters Road, Peterborough by Robin Stott Garden wall, north end of St Peters Road, Peterborough by Robin Stott
geograph for square TL1998
Approaching the north end of St Peters Road the west front, spires and tower of... (more)
TL1998 : Tiled floor at entrance, Argo Lounge, Bridge Street, Peterborough by Robin Stott Tiled floor at entrance, Argo Lounge, Bridge Street, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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During the AGM weekend I must have visited the Argo Lounge four times in... (more)
TL1898 : Subway for shared path near Cowgate, Peterborough by Robin Stott Subway for shared path near Cowgate, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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Enlivened with murals, the path comes from the railway station. Here it's... (more)
TL1898 : Shared path towards Priestgate and Cowgate, Peterborough by Robin Stott Shared path towards Priestgate and Cowgate, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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The path (labelled Priestgate on a local street map) ducks under the gyratory on... (more)
TL1898 : Covered way to bus stands, Queensgate Bus Station, Peterborough by Robin Stott Covered way to bus stands, Queensgate Bus Station, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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Why would anyone take a photograph in here?
TL1898 : Escalators in Queensgate Bus Station, Peterborough by Robin Stott Escalators in Queensgate Bus Station, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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The upper level gives access to the vast Queensgate shopping centre. The bus... (more)
TL1998 : Bridge Street north, Peterborough by Robin Stott Bridge Street north, Peterborough by Robin Stott
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Handsomely pedestrianised Bridge Street is graced by London Plane trees in... (more)
TL1998 : Light-controlled crossing of Bourges Boulevard, Peterborough by Robin Stott Light-controlled crossing of Bourges Boulevard, Peterborough by Robin Stott
geograph for square TL1998
A busy crossing of a busy dual carriageway. Bourges Boulevard severs Bridge... (more)
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