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Showing latest 50 of 192 images tagged with Herring Gull tag.

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J3576 : Herring gull, Belfast by Rossographer Herring gull, Belfast by Rossographer
for square J3576
Herring gull... (more)
J3576 : Herring gull, Belfast by Rossographer Herring gull, Belfast by Rossographer
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Herring gull... (more)
J5383 : Gull, Groomsport by Rossographer Gull, Groomsport by Rossographer
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A young herring gull at Groomsport Harbour.
J5081 : Herring Gull, Bangor by Rossographer Herring Gull, Bangor by Rossographer
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Head of a Herring Gull on a post by Bangor Marina J5082 : Bangor Marina.
SX0144 : Juvenile Herring Gull by Rob Farrow Juvenile Herring Gull by Rob Farrow
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I think that I'm right in identifying this gull as a juvenile Herring Gull... (more)
TQ2995 : Herring Gulls on Wildlife Pond, Oakwood Park by Christine Matthews Herring Gulls on Wildlife Pond, Oakwood Park by Christine Matthews
geograph for square TQ2995
The difference in size between Herring Gulls and Black Headed Gulls is... (more)
TQ6200 : Mother and child herring gull spectators, Eastbourne by nick macneill Mother and child herring gull spectators, Eastbourne by nick macneill
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The gull with grey bespeckled plumage is the offspring of the gull behind.... (more)
SX0991 : Boscastle - A Herring Gull in the River Valency by Rob Farrow Boscastle - A Herring Gull in the River Valency by Rob Farrow
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This gull was happy paddling in the shallow waters of the River Valency as it... (more)
J3575 : Juvenile gull, Belfast by Rossographer Juvenile gull, Belfast by Rossographer
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Juvenile herring gull with his starfish lunch at Belfast harbour.
J5081 : Herring Gull, Bangor by Rossographer Herring Gull, Bangor by Rossographer
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A crying Herring Gull (Larus argentatus)... (more)
SH7683 : A European Herring Gull on the Great Orme by Steve Daniels A European Herring Gull on the Great Orme by Steve Daniels
for square SH7683
One of the best known of all gulls along the shores of western Europe, that was... (more)
NT9464 : Can I have some chips? by Walter Baxter Can I have some chips? by Walter Baxter
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I was in my car with a fish supper on the dashboard when a herring gull in a... (more)
J3775 : Herring gull, Sydenham bypass, Belfast (August 2019) by Albert Bridge Herring gull, Sydenham bypass, Belfast (August 2019) by Albert Bridge
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A herring gull, on a street light, at the airport lay-by, Sydenham bypass.
J5979 : Herring gull, Donaghadee (August 2017) by Albert Bridge Herring gull, Donaghadee (August 2017) by Albert Bridge
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A herring gull at The Commons. They appear, as if by magic, at the slightest... (more)
J3474 : Herring gull, Donegall Quay, Belfast (October 2016) by Albert Bridge Herring gull, Donegall Quay, Belfast (October 2016) by Albert Bridge
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A herring gull (pink legs) at the old ferry berth, Donegall Quay.
J3674 : Herring gull, Connswater, Belfast (July 2016) by Albert Bridge Herring gull, Connswater, Belfast (July 2016) by Albert Bridge
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A herring gull... (more)
TM1714 : Gulls at Clacton, Essex by Christine Matthews Gulls at Clacton, Essex by Christine Matthews
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Black headed gulls and young herring gulls.
TV6198 : Young Herring Gull, Eastbourne Air Show, East Sussex by Christine Matthews Young Herring Gull, Eastbourne Air Show, East Sussex by Christine Matthews
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While the rest of the country suffered with storms and rain, Eastbourne was... (more)
J3474 : Herring gull, Donegall Quay, Belfast (August 2015) by Albert Bridge Herring gull, Donegall Quay, Belfast (August 2015) by Albert Bridge
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A herring gull... (more)
Tags: place:BelfastX   Belfast HarbourX   subject:BirdX   BirdX   top:Derelict, DisusedX   top:Docks, HarboursX   Donegall QuayX   GullX   HarbourX   bird:Herring GullX  
J5182 : Herring gull, Ballyholme, Bangor (February 2015) by Albert Bridge Herring gull, Ballyholme, Bangor (February 2015) by Albert Bridge
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A herring gull (pink legs) – one of a few among a flock of geese beside the... (more)
NZ8911 : Herring Gulls on Harbourside, Whitby by Christine Matthews Herring Gulls on Harbourside, Whitby by Christine Matthews
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Waiting for food, these herring gulls were sitting on the lobster pots while... (more)
J5082 : Herring gull, Bangor harbour (July 2014) by Albert Bridge Herring gull, Bangor harbour (July 2014) by Albert Bridge
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A herring gull... (more)
J3576 : Herring gull, Belfast harbour (October 2018) by Albert Bridge Herring gull, Belfast harbour (October 2018) by Albert Bridge
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A herring gull, on a pontoon, close to HMS “Caroline”, on a very wet day. The... (more)
C8540 : Boat and gull, Portrush harbour by Rossographer Boat and gull, Portrush harbour by Rossographer
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A boat and herring gull in Portrush harbour.
Tags: subject:BoatX   BoatsX   top:City, Town CentreX   type:Close LookX   top:CoastalX   top:Docks, HarboursX   subject:HarbourX   HarbourX   bird:Herring GullX   Herring Gull   PortrushX   place:PortrushX   place:Portrush HarbourX   Rowing BoatX  
NU2132 : Sharin' ma chips by Barbara Carr Sharin' ma chips by Barbara Carr
geograph for square NU2132
Any scattering of food gets instant interest from the bird population - today... (more)
TG5206 : Immature gull on a rooftop by Alan Murray-Rust Immature gull on a rooftop by Alan Murray-Rust
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It needs an expert eye - which mine are not - to distinguish between immature... (more)
SZ0481 : Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) by Anne Burgess Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) by Anne Burgess
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A gull makes use of updraughts to soar along the top of the cliff.
Tags: subject:BirdX   BirdX   BirdsX   GullX   GullsX   bird:Herring GullX   top:Wild Animals, Plants and MushroomsX  
J3979 : Juvenile gull, Holywood (March 2015) by Albert Bridge Juvenile gull, Holywood (March 2015) by Albert Bridge
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A young gull, in mottled plumage, in the wet sand along the shore of Belfast... (more)
Tags: place:Belfast LoughX   BirdX   subject:BirdX   top:CoastalX   GullX   Herring Gull   place:HolywoodX   PlumageX   top:Wild Animals, Plants and MushroomsX  
NO6107 : Gulls feeding at Crail Harbour by M J Richardson Gulls feeding at Crail Harbour by M J Richardson
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At low tide at the harbour entrance there was a mess of dead fish - some looked... (more)
Tags: subject:BirdX   BirdsX   top:CoastalX   place:CrailX   top:Docks, HarboursX   top:Estuary, MarineX   place:FifeX   FishX   GullsX   subject:HarbourX   bird:Herring GullX   top:Village, Rural SettlementX   top:Wild Animals, Plants and MushroomsX  
J3675 : Gull, Victoria Park, Belfast - June 2014(1) by Albert Bridge Gull, Victoria Park, Belfast - June 2014(1) by Albert Bridge
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A gull with (muddy) red legs on the Connswater at the northern end of Victoria... (more)
NX8350 : A herring gull on Hestan Island by Walter Baxter A herring gull on Hestan Island by Walter Baxter
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This was taken as I scrambled round the west side of the island at low tide. A... (more)
Tags: Herring Gull   top:IslandsX  
SH6053 : Herring gull beside the Rhyd Ddu path by Philip Halling Herring gull beside the Rhyd Ddu path by Philip Halling
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Herring gull beside the Rhyd Ddu path on Bwlch Main below the summit of Snowdon.
SH6053 : Herring gull by Philip Halling Herring gull by Philip Halling
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Before reaching the always busy summit of Snowdon I stopped for lunch on Bwlch... (more)
Tags: subject:BirdX   bucket:CloseCropX   bird:Herring GullX   bucket:LifeX   top:Wild Animals, Plants and MushroomsX  
SX9372 : Herring gull, Teignmouth by Alan Hunt Herring gull, Teignmouth by Alan Hunt
for square SX9372
A common species around our coasts, this herring gull was happy to pose for its... (more)
SN5882 : Beach with Herring Gull, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion by Christine Matthews Beach with Herring Gull, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion by Christine Matthews
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SN5882 : Beach with Herring Gull, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion by Christine Matthews Beach with Herring Gull, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion by Christine Matthews
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SN5882 : Herring Gull, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion by Christine Matthews Herring Gull, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion by Christine Matthews
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SN5882 : Herring Gull, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion by Christine Matthews Herring Gull, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion by Christine Matthews
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SM9538 : Non-paying passenger by David Lally Non-paying passenger by David Lally
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In the event his herring gull stowaway disembarked before departure
TQ4500 : Herring gull, Newhaven Harbour by nick macneill Herring gull, Newhaven Harbour by nick macneill
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SY3391 : Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) by Christine Matthews Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) by Christine Matthews
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Herring Gull eyeing up the fishing bait.
SY3391 : Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) by Christine Matthews Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) by Christine Matthews
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This Herring Gull purposefully making his way towards the RNLI shop has... (more)
O2839 : Young Herring Gull, Howth, Ireland by Christine Matthews Young Herring Gull, Howth, Ireland by Christine Matthews
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Young herring gull preening while perched on a post by the harbour.
TV6299 : Herring Gull perched on a stockpile of shingle, Eastbourne by Andrew Diack Herring Gull perched on a stockpile of shingle, Eastbourne by Andrew Diack
geograph for square TV6299
The photo shows a Herring Gull sitting on top of a stockpile of shingle on... (more)
Tags: subject:BirdX   top:CoastalX   top:Estuary, MarineX   type:GeographX   bird:Herring GullX   top:People, EventsX   top:Rocks, Scree, CliffsX   top:Suburb, Urban FringeX  
NZ4064 : Gulls on the rocks at Marsden by Robert Graham Gulls on the rocks at Marsden by Robert Graham
geograph for square NZ4064
Looking down from the cliffs at Souter Point, at the south end of Marsden Bay.... (more)
TG4623 : Dead Grey Seal pup and Herring Gull by Ian Capper Dead Grey Seal pup and Herring Gull by Ian Capper
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A dead Grey Seal pup (Halichoerus grypus) on the beach at Horsey Gap. This... (more)
SW8160 : Cormorant and Herring Gull by Rob Farrow Cormorant and Herring Gull by Rob Farrow
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A closer view of the birds seen in SW8160 : Hitching a lift The Herring Gull (Larus... (more)
Tags: subject:BirdX   Boating LakeX   top:City, Town CentreX   type:Close LookX   bird:CormorantX   bird:Herring GullX   top:Lakes, Wetland, BogX   place:NewquayX  
SN3155 : Herring gull and geology by John Winder Herring gull and geology by John Winder
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The same herring gull as featured in SN3155 : Herring gull. You'll notice how... (more)
SN3155 : Herring gull by John Winder Herring gull by John Winder
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A herring gull obligingly poses for my long lens on the cliffs near Llangrannog.
NO6107 : Juvenile herring gull by Richard Sutcliffe Juvenile herring gull by Richard Sutcliffe
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This juvenile herring gull, Larus argentatus, was investigating the fish boxes... (more)
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