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Showing latest 50 of 5,539 images tagged with Flora tag.

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NJ2649 : Rough Sow-thistle (Sonchus asper) by Anne Burgess Rough Sow-thistle (Sonchus asper) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ2649
Apparently the only way to tell Rough Sow-thistle from Smooth Sow-thistle is... (more)
NJ2050 : Withered Heather by Anne Burgess Withered Heather by Anne Burgess
for square NJ2050
Unlike NJ2050 : Heather (Calluna vulgaris), which still retains some of its characteristic purple... (more)
NJ2151 : Cross-leaved Heath (Erica tetralix) by Anne Burgess Cross-leaved Heath (Erica tetralix) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ2151
I was surprised to see a few of these in full bloom today, because they are... (more)
NJ2050 : Heather (Calluna vulgaris) by Anne Burgess Heather (Calluna vulgaris) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ2050
This has a much shorter flowering season than either NJ2151 : Cross-leaved Heath (Erica tetralix) or... (more)
NJ2050 : Heather (Calluna vulgaris) by Anne Burgess Heather (Calluna vulgaris) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ2050
Though most of the NJ2050 : Heather (Calluna vulgaris) is over, I did find one or two spikes with... (more)
NJ2150 : Bell Heather (Erica cinerea) by Anne Burgess Bell Heather (Erica cinerea) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ2150
The Bell Heather plants here are evidently unaware that the book says they... (more)
SU0053 : Roses by the Church of All Saints, West Lavington by Brian Robert Marshall Roses by the Church of All Saints, West Lavington by Brian Robert Marshall
geograph for square SU0053
Category: Flora
Sadly I'm not a gifted gardener - I'm forced to see gardening as a... (more)
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SP2007 : Flora in a roadside verge by Philip Halling Flora in a roadside verge by Philip Halling
geograph for square SP2007
Flora in a roadside verge with Eastleach Downs Farm in the distance.
NT3473 : Melilot by Anne Burgess Melilot by Anne Burgess
for square NT3473
I didn't recognise it, and I am indebted to M J Richardson for help with... (more)
NJ3761 : Spring is Sprung! by Anne Burgess Spring is Sprung! by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3761
Category: Flora
The buds on the bushes are just bursting. However this image was taken while... (more)
NJ6163 : Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) by Anne Burgess Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ6163
Category: Flora
One of the striking features of the countryside at the moment is the profusion... (more)
NJ5163 : A Harbinger of Spring by Anne Burgess A Harbinger of Spring by Anne Burgess
for square NJ5163
Category: Flora
A plant of Wood Sorrel (Oxalis acetosella) growing in a cleft among the gnarled... (more)
NJ1765 : Scarlet Berries by Anne Burgess Scarlet Berries by Anne Burgess
for square NJ1765
Category: Flora
I thought I knew what this was, but on consulting the book on my return home I... (more)
NJ6717 : Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) by Anne Burgess Cornflower (Centaurea cyanus) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ6717
Category: Flora
This is unusual enough nowadays for it to be a special pleasure to find one of... (more)
NJ3458 : St John's Wort (Hypericum) by Anne Burgess St John's Wort (Hypericum) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3458
Category: Flora
Unfortunately I don't know which species of Hypericum this is. Its flowers... (more)
NJ3265 : Orchid by Anne Burgess Orchid by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3265
Category: Flora
I can't make up my mind what species this is. It isn't as tightly... (more)
NJ3265 : Hawkweed or Hawkbeard by Anne Burgess Hawkweed or Hawkbeard by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3265
Category: Flora
Unfortunately I did not have a book to hand, and omitted to note the differences... (more)
NJ2420 : Coppery Monkey Flower (Mimulus x burnetii) by Anne Burgess Coppery Monkey Flower (Mimulus x burnetii) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ2420
Category: Flora
Many years ago I found a plant of this growing wild, or rather naturalised, in... (more)
NJ2156 : White Honesty (Lunaria annua) by Anne Burgess White Honesty (Lunaria annua) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ2156
Category: Flora
This is a closer view of the white-flowered plant in NJ2156 : Honesty (Lunaria annua).
NO8988 : Hybrid Bluebell (Hyacinthus x massartiana) by Anne Burgess Hybrid Bluebell (Hyacinthus x massartiana) by Anne Burgess
for square NO8988
Category: Flora
The cliffs are thickly carpeted here with bluebells, but sadly these don't... (more)
NJ3365 : Caucasian Stonecrop (Sedum spurium) by Anne Burgess Caucasian Stonecrop (Sedum spurium) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3365
Category: Flora
This is a close-up of a flowering head of NJ3365 : Caucasian Stonecrop (Sedum spurium).
NF8139 : Mountain Everlasting (Antennaria dioica) by Anne Burgess Mountain Everlasting (Antennaria dioica) by Anne Burgess
for square NF8139
Category: Flora
This insignificant plant is widespread on moors and mountains. This is a male... (more)
NF8138 : Common Butterwort  (Pinguicula vulgaris) by Anne Burgess Common Butterwort (Pinguicula vulgaris) by Anne Burgess
for square NF8138
Category: Flora
Butterwort is a common plant of boggy land, and occurs widely throughout northern Britain.
NF8138 : Common Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza fuchsii) by Anne Burgess Common Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza fuchsii) by Anne Burgess
for square NF8138
Category: Flora
I think this is what these flowers are, but I am willing to be corrected.
NF7636 : Common Dog Violet (Viola riviniana) by Anne Burgess Common Dog Violet (Viola riviniana) by Anne Burgess
for square NF7636
Category: Flora
The commonest and most widespread violet species.
NF7636 : Lousewort (Pedicularis sylvatica) by Anne Burgess Lousewort (Pedicularis sylvatica) by Anne Burgess
for square NF7636
Category: Flora
One of two species of Lousewort, this plant of damp areas is short and... (more)
NJ3135 : Brooklime (Veronica beccabunga) by Anne Burgess Brooklime (Veronica beccabunga) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3135
Category: Flora
This plant grows almost exclusively in small streams and burns, and this was the... (more)
NJ3437 : Mouse-Ear Hawkweed (Pilosella officinarum) by Anne Burgess Mouse-Ear Hawkweed (Pilosella officinarum) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3437
Category: Flora
This hawkweed is distinguished from other hawkweeds because its flowers are... (more)
NJ3365 : Moonwort (Botrychium lunaria) by Anne Burgess Moonwort (Botrychium lunaria) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3365
Category: Flora
This is a relative of the ferns. It is the only species of moonwort found in... (more)
NJ3265 : Lesser Butterfly Orchid (Platanthera bifolia) by Anne Burgess Lesser Butterfly Orchid (Platanthera bifolia) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3265
Category: Flora
A close-up of NJ3265 : Lesser Butterfly Orchid (Platanthera bifolia), showing the diagnostic parallel pollen masses and... (more)
NJ3265 : Lesser Butterfly Orchid (Platanthera bifolia) by Anne Burgess Lesser Butterfly Orchid (Platanthera bifolia) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3265
Category: Flora
This is one of only two known specimens in the square, and the exact grid... (more)
NJ3265 : Common Wintergreen (Pyrola minor) by Anne Burgess Common Wintergreen (Pyrola minor) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3265
Category: Flora
This can be distinguished from other wintergreens by its pale pink flowers, and... (more)
NJ3460 : Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera) by Anne Burgess Himalayan Balsam (Impatiens glandulifera) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3460
Category: Flora
This is an unusually dark flower. The plant is also called Indian Balsam and... (more)
NF6604 : Orchid by Anne Burgess Orchid by Anne Burgess
for square NF6604
Category: Flora
The exact species of this orchid is still a matter of debate. It is probably... (more)
NF6604 : Spring Squill (Scilla verna) by Anne Burgess Spring Squill (Scilla verna) by Anne Burgess
for square NF6604
Category: Flora
The pale star-shaped flowers of Spring Squill carpet the machair of the golf... (more)
NF7173 : Heartsease or Wild Pansy (Viola tricolor) by Anne Burgess Heartsease or Wild Pansy (Viola tricolor) by Anne Burgess
for square NF7173
Category: Flora
The yellow variant of this common wild flower.
NF7376 : Infant Plant by Anne Burgess Infant Plant by Anne Burgess
for square NF7376
Category: Flora
This is the vegetable equivalent of a day-old chick - it was only about the size... (more)
NF8675 : Orchid by Anne Burgess Orchid by Anne Burgess
for square NF8675
Category: Flora
The jury is still out on the exact identification of this orchid. It could be... (more)
NF8756 : White Water-lily (Nymphaea alba) by Anne Burgess White Water-lily (Nymphaea alba) by Anne Burgess
for square NF8756
Category: Flora
A telephoto view of a single flower. It was not practical to get any closer as... (more)
NF8756 : White Water-lily (Nymphaea alba) by Anne Burgess White Water-lily (Nymphaea alba) by Anne Burgess
for square NF8756
Category: Flora
These flowers may be of the smaller subspecies N alba occidentalis, which occurs... (more)
NF8274 : Cuckoo Flower or Lady's Smock (Cardamine pratensis) by Anne Burgess Cuckoo Flower or Lady's Smock (Cardamine pratensis) by Anne Burgess
for square NF8274
Category: Flora
This is a very common plant all over the islands on damp ground.
NJ9644 : Pink Purslane (Claytonia sibirica) by Anne Burgess Pink Purslane (Claytonia sibirica) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ9644
Category: Flora
Many of the road verges around here are thick with drifts of this modest pink flower.
NJ6665 : Spanish Bluebells (Hyacinthoides hispanica) by Anne Burgess Spanish Bluebells (Hyacinthoides hispanica) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ6665
Category: Flora
In fact, these may possibly be hybrids intermediate between H non-scripta/us... (more)
NJ2156 : Honesty (Lunaria annua) by Anne Burgess Honesty (Lunaria annua) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ2156
Category: Flora
Both the purple and the white variety grow together here on the roadside verge.... (more)
NJ3160 : Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) by Anne Burgess Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ3160
Category: Flora
A close look at some superb specimens of these most familiar flowers. If only... (more)
NR7487 : Periwinkle (Vinca major) by Anne Burgess Periwinkle (Vinca major) by Anne Burgess
for square NR7487
Category: Flora
Whether native or naturalised, these provide a large bank of bright colour... (more)
NR7361 : Violets (Viola riviniana) by Anne Burgess Violets (Viola riviniana) by Anne Burgess
for square NR7361
Category: Flora
An unusually thick patch of wild violets by the side of the road.
NJ2758 : Giant Butterbur (Petasites japonicus) by Anne Burgess Giant Butterbur (Petasites japonicus) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ2758
Category: Flora
This, like its relatives, is an introduced plant which is becoming well... (more)
NJ6646 : Broom (Cytisus scoparius) Pods by Anne Burgess Broom (Cytisus scoparius) Pods by Anne Burgess
for square NJ6646
Category: Flora
In the warmth of the sun, the black dried pods of broom explode with a sharp... (more)
NJ4938 : Cowberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) by Anne Burgess Cowberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea) by Anne Burgess
for square NJ4938
Category: Flora
This was the only one I could find with fruit, though there was also one still... (more)
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