Towards Castle Point
by Ian Capper
geograph for square NU1341
Looking from near Lindisfarne Castle along the beach to Castle Point with the... (more)
Castle Point
by Ian Capper
for square SN5781
Looking towards Castle Point, with Aberystwyth Castle on the left and the War... (more)
Former paddling pool, Castle Point
by Ian Capper
geograph for square SN5781
The remains of a paddling pool built off Castle Point in the early 20th century,... (more)
Castle Point
by Ian Capper
for square SN5781
Evening sun on Castle Point, with Aberystwyth Castle on the left and the War... (more)
Castle Point and South Beach
by Ian Capper
for square SN5781
South Beach viewed from The Stone Jetty at the entrance to Aberystwyth Harbour,... (more)
Pennan - Castle Point
by Colin Smith
geograph for square NJ8366
This deep ravine of the Troup Burn protects the northern side of Castle Point... (more)
Pennan - Castle Point
by Colin Smith
geograph for square NJ8366
Castle Point, a high promontory which was the site of Fort Fiddes (a late 17th... (more)
Off Castle Point
by Ian Capper
geograph for square SN5781
Looking north from the rocks off Castle Point, with Constitution Hill in the... (more)
Former paddling pool, Castle Point
by Ian Capper
geograph for square SN5781
The remains of a paddling pool built off Castle Point in the early 20th century,... (more)
Former paddling pool, Castle Point
by Ian Capper
geograph for square SN5781
The remains of a paddling pool built off Castle Point in the early 20th century,... (more)
Former paddling pool, Castle Point
by Ian Capper
geograph for square SN5781
The remains of a paddling pool built off Castle Point in the early 20th century,... (more)
Castle Point
by Ian Capper
for square SN5781
Castle Point and Aberystwyth War Memorial, viewed from The Stone Jetty at the... (more)
Castle Point
by Ian Capper
for square SN5781
Castle Point with its war memorial, seen here in late afternoon winter light.
Aberystwyth War Memorial
by Ian Capper
geograph for square SN5781
Prominently sited on Castle Point, the town war memorial was unveiled in 1923,... (more)
Stone piles
by Ian Capper
geograph for square NU1441
Stone piles above the beach near Castle Point. In the far distance is Bamburgh Castle.
Stone piles
by Ian Capper
geograph for square NU1441
Stone piles above the beach near Castle Point. In the far distance is Bamburgh Castle.
North Beach
by Ian Capper
geograph for square SN5882
Late evening sun on North Beach viewed from the slopes of Constitution Hill,... (more)
Cairns on the coastline, Holy Island
by Graham Robson
geograph for square NU1441
I'm unsure as to the purpose of these cairns (perhaps that's the... (more)
Cullykhan Bay
by Colin Smith
geograph for square NJ8366
View from the isthmus leading onto Castle Point, a promontory with historic fort... (more)
Fishguard - Castle Point
by Colin Smith
for square SM9637
This rocky promontory is topped with Fishguard Fort overlooking Fishguard... (more)
Fishguard - North Breakwater Light
by Colin Smith
for square SM9639
Built 1906 when Transatlantic shipping traffic used the harbour. Note that the... (more)
Cullykhan - Hell's Lum
by Colin Smith
geograph for square NJ8366
This is a collapsed sea cave accessible on foot through a gaping hole in the... (more)
Stone piles
by Ian Capper
geograph for square NU1441
Stone piles above the beach near Castle Point. In the distance on the right of... (more)
Stone piles
by Ian Capper
geograph for square NU1441
Stone piles above the beach near Castle Point. In the distance is Emmanuel Head.
Stone piles
by Ian Capper
for square NU1441
Stone piles above the beach near Castle Point. In the distance are some of the... (more)
Piles of pebbles on pebbles
by Eirian Evans
for square NU1441
The pebble beach at Castle Point has been the site of frenzied cairn building
Balancing Act
by Eirian Evans
geograph for square NU1441
A tall version of one of many stone stacks on the beach at Castle Point
Fishguard Fort
by Colin Smith
for square SM9637
On the rocky promontory of Castle Point is Fishguard Fort, overlooking Fishguard... (more)
Fishguard - Memorial Stone
by Colin Smith
geograph for square SM9537
Poignant memorial on the Marine Path above Fishguard Harbour, with view towards... (more)
Fishguard - Castle Point
by Colin Smith
geograph for square SM9637
This rocky promontory is topped with Fishguard Fort overlooking Fishguard... (more)
Entrance to Aberystwyth Harbour
by Ian Capper
geograph for square SN5780
The entrance to Aberystwyth Harbour with Castle Point, South Beach and New... (more)
Entrance to Aberystwyth Harbour
by Ian Capper
geograph for square SN5780
The entrance to Aberystwyth Harbour with Castle Point, South Beach and New... (more)
Fishguard Old Fort
by Rude Health
geograph for square SM9637
The Napoleonic Old Fort at Fishguard was built between 1779 and 1781 after the... (more)