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Showing images tagged with Aldi Car Park tag.
Aldi car park
by Jonathan Hutchins
geograph for square SJ7255
Aldi supermarket and car park, Hereford
by Jaggery
geograph for square SO5040
Located 80 metres north of the A438 Eign Street. Vehicular access is via a side... (more)
Aldi car park, Cwmbran
by Jaggery
geograph for square ST2995
At 7.20am on a Saturday morning, only one car is in the car park on the north... (more)
ALDI at Ashbourne
by Malcolm Neal
geograph for square SK1745
Showing the car park and store entrance this view is in bright sunshine, but a... (more)
Aldi supermarket car park, by A52 near Ashbourne
by David Smith
geograph for square SK1745
Flooding outside Aldi
by Richard Sutcliffe
geograph for square NS5573
After receiving a month's rainfall in little over 24 hours, many parts of... (more)
Aldi supermarket, Colchester
by David Smith
geograph for square TM0024
The store is set back from Magdalen Street, with its own small car park, behind... (more)
Aldi supermarket, Sinclair Retail Park Evesham
by Mike Dodman
geograph for square SP0342
Taken late on a Sunday afternoon, after closing time!
Aldi on Saltwell Road, Dudley
by Ian S
geograph for square SO9587
Close competition
by Anthony Vosper
geograph for square SZ5883
An Aldi supermarket with in a short walk of a Morrisons supermarket. Both on the... (more)
Aldi Sign, Haverfordwest
geograph for square SM9515