SU2011 : Newly raised stream bed, in Broomy Inclosure
taken 9 years ago, near to Linwood, Hampshire, England
A plan of work by the Forestry Commission, financed under the Higher Level Stewardship Scheme, to undo the damage caused by drainage works in the 19th century. Those works involved straightening and deepening naturally meandering streams, resulting in increased flow rates, erosion and separation of the stream from its flood plain. The plan involves raising the stream bed, restoring old meanders, and filling in drainage ditches.
A similar but larger scheme was carried out at Warwickslade Cutting ( Link ) in 2009 and was successful. Subsequent schemes carried out or planned for the part of the New Forest north of the A31 have proved more controversial. In particular, the plan to restore Latchmore Brook has been strongly opposed by a local action group.
This Amberslade & Broomy Inclosure scheme builds upon restoration work done earlier upstream in Amberslade Bottom. The present scheme was carried out between May and June 2015 and the photographs here therefore show the result shortly after completion of the works, but with insufficient time allowed for naturalisation.