near to Weybourne, Norfolk, England
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158 images
in grid square TG1041
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images taken from TG1041 [3]
A sample of 12 photos from 158
for TG1041
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View towards Weybourne windmill and the sea
by David Martin
North Norfolk Railway at Kelling Heath
by Gareth James
LNER class B12 4-6-0 No. 8572 approaches Kelling Heath Crossing with a train for Holt.
Train on Kelling Heath
by DS Pugh
A train approaches the level crossing on Kelling heath. The locomotive is an unrebuilt Battle of Britain class; No. 34057.
North Norfolk Railway at Kelling Heath |
Kelling Heath Park
A request stop with a very short platform on the North Norfolk Railway, where the 15:45 from Holt has stopped to drop off some passengers.
Gorse flowering beside track
by Evelyn Simak
This track through Kelling Heath leads to a former crossing cottage by the railway line > Link a short distance further to the south. In mid April the gorse is in full bloom. Gorse is closely related... (more)
N7 69621 glides down the incline with a small freight
by Ashley Dace
Here is the N7 69621. This is a Stratford built (actually the last constructed there) Great Eastern Railway engine designed for London Suburban traffic. Although later on many of the class were outposted to other regions in East Anglia.... (more)
Through the bonny blooming heather
by K A
A splash of colour is provided by the heather on the flanks of Kelling Heath Cutting as former G.E.R. J15 class locomotive No. 7654 approaches Windpump Crossing on the North Norfolk Railway. The T shaped post warns the driver to use the... (more)
Grassy area, Kelling Heath
With a beautiful chorus of Woodlarks singing, recently returned to the heath for spring so establishing territories.
Waiting to cross the line
by Malcolm Neal
At this point a footpath crosses the railway line and these people are waiting for the train to go by.
Beware of Trains
Beware of Trains at Kelling Heath Crossing
Edge of woodland on Kelling Heath
by Rod Allday
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