3 km from Weeton, East Riding of Yorkshire, England
We have
13 images
in grid square TA3318
We have
13 images
for TA3318
Patrington Channel on the River Humber
Modern floodgates at the point where Winestead Drain runs into Patrington Channel, looking northwest from marshland on the eastern (Welwick) side.
The pumping station at Patrington Channel
by Ian S
When I was here last (Aug 2000) you could walk past this pumping station. But now because of H&S you cannot. Now you have to walk northwest with the drain on your left to cross the bridge at Outstray Farm. Then walk back towards the... (more)
Area to become salt flats
Sea defences removed
Narrowing of a drain
It is not clear why this drain should change its dimensions so dramatically. Maybe it's part of some long abandoned scheme to reclaim some of the salt marsh.
The pumping station at Patrington Channel
by Ian S
There is no way past this pumping station and you must walk back along the drain until you reach a bridge at Outstay Farm one mile to the northwest.
Looking across the Humber at Patrington Channel
by Ian S
The pumping station at Patrington Channel
by Ian S
This is not a public right of way and you can no longer walk past this building. To get to the other side of the drain it is a 2 mile walk via the bridge at outstay farm.
Heading northwest along Winestead Drain
by Ian S
You can now walk all the way to Saltend near Hull by walking on this flood bank. The only time you come off it is at Paull where you walk down the Main Street to pick up the bank again.
Creek on the Welwick Saltmarsh
by Mat Fascione
Welwick Saltmarsh is the most extensive area of saltmarsh on the north bank of the River Humber.
Sheep next to the Welwick Saltmarsh
by Mat Fascione
Patrington Channel Pumping Station
by Mat Fascione
At the point where the Winestead Drain joins the Humber Estuary.
Patrington Channel along the Humber estuary
by Mat Fascione
Winestead Drain
by David Brown