Grid reference SX5354
near to Elburton, Plymouth, England
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We have
13 images
for SX5354
Plymouth Golf Centre
The rear of their new driving range can be seen on the left, with protective net. Otherwise golf balls might land on all those glasshouses at Fry's Nursery, in the background.
Hoovering up Golf Balls
The white spots on this driving range are, of course, golf balls and retrieving them is a job for some well-protected machinery. The greenhouses of the adjacent nursery can be seen behind the range.
Drake Memorial Park
The Drake Memorial Park is an unusual cemetery in that it is a beautiful, natural park comprising open grassland areas separated by trees, shrubs and access roadways. The graves are located within the Park's lawned areas, and are... (more)
Signal display and lay-by on A38 near New Barne Farm
Not a play area
The fence and bank surrounding Hazeldene quarry, in Middle Devonian limestone, just north of Elburton; seen from the drive to Fry's Nursery.
Plymouth Golf Centre
Drake Memorial Park
The founders of Drake Memorial Park intended to create a new type of burial ground for the residents of Plymouth and its surrounding area. One of the first fully-lawned cemeteries in the country, work started on setting out its first five... (more)
The A38 eastbound
Torrential rain, A38
Plympton : Devon Expressway A38
Heading into Plymouth on the Devon Expressway A38.
Variable Message Sign on the Devon Expressway
A variable message sign on the westbound carriageway of the A38 near Plymouth.
Variable message signs (VMS), also sometimes referred to as matrix signs, are electronic traffic signs used on motorways (and some other major routes) to give... (more)
Track to Pascora Farm
Vinery Lane