Grid reference SX4086
near to Portgate, Devon, England
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7 images
for SX4086
Bridleway to Lifton
Stowford Bridleway 9 drops towards the Wolf valley as it passes between a young wood on the left, and one of the fields used by Dingles Fairground Heritage Centre.
Dingles Steam Village
This now incorporates a nationally important fairground collection. This was a special event day with a Garrett portable and a Burrell showmans in front of the main entrance.
Footbridge over the River Wolf
On the Two Castles Trail.
Dingles Steam Village
This shed contains the fairground exhibits. This is very much a work in progress.
Dingles Steam Village
This is now the Fairground Heritage Centre and this little display of steam engines has been sold off. The big one on the left is a Robey diagonal duplex from Barracks Fabrics in Macclesfield and is now down in Tavistock with the Robey... (more)
Flooded field next to the River Wolf
It appears that the flooded section is in a former drainage channel, possibly an abandoned meander.
Dingles Steam Village - steam engine
This site has now rebranded as a fairground heritage centre and disposed of most of its stationary steam engines. I haven't been recently and would welcome any information on whether this survives. This a G Waller, of Stroud inverted... (more)