near to Mitchell, Cornwall, England
We have
13 images
in grid square SW8556
We have
13 images
for SW8556
Green Lane near Pollamounter
by Rob Farrow
This overgrown track heads off southeastwards from a bend in the lane between Degembris Major & Minor and Pollamounter, being slightly closer to the latter. This track peters out after a few yards at a field boundary according to the map.
Road approaching Degembris
Country road approaching Degembris to the north of Mitchell.
Degembris Ford
by John Walton
This ford is found beyond Degembris Farm.
Degembris Major, St Newlyn East
by Andrew Smith
Viewed from the lane east of Pollamounter beneath fields of oil-seed rape.
Lane to Degembris
by Rob Farrow
Looking northwards towards Degembris Major & Minor on the lane from Pollamounter on a lovely (and rare) sunny August day!
Track beside Nancolleth caravan park
by Rob Farrow
This private track just leads to the lower level of the small caravan park at Nancolleth and soon comes to a dead end.
Track to Nancolleth from Degembris
by Rob Farrow
Looking along the gently rising track that leads to the gate seen in SW8656 : Track and gate leading to path to Degembris. The track links Degembris to Nancolleth.
Site of disused quarry
by Rob Farrow
On the map a disused quarry is marked on the track between Degembris and Nancolleth. The edges of these former workings are now shrouded in tangled vegetation and no real sign of its former purpose can be easily discerned.
Degembris Major
by Rob Farrow
Degembris is a hamlet south of Newquay in Cornwall. According to the map, this building is in a part of the hamlet called Degembris Major - though where the accompanying "Minor" is I don't know!
There are several buildings... (more)
Track linking Degembris to Nancolleth
by Rob Farrow
This track (not a public right of way) links the hamlet of Degembris to the farm at Nancolleth. This section being nearer the former.
Site of disused Workings on track from Degembris to Nancolleth
by Rob Farrow
This green area is to the north of the track from Degembris to Nancolleth and is marked on the map as the site of disused Workings. A little further east on this track there is a disused quarry, so presumably these former workings were... (more)
Small ford near Degembris
by Rob Farrow
This little ford is on a track leading out of Degembris heading towards Tregerles. Fortunately for anyone wishing to walk (rather than take a horse or any kind of motorised vehicle) - there is now a footbridge to cross the little stream... (more)
Footbridge near Degembris
by Rob Farrow
This new footbridge (which I think replaces an older one) allows walkers to cross the stream here without having to negotiate SW8556 : Small ford near Degembris a few yards to the west.