Grid reference SK8171
near to North Clifton, Nottinghamshire, England
Explore gridsquare SK8171
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Drainage channel joining the River Trent
The Trent Viaduct
Carried the railway for the Chesterfield to Lincoln Line.
Trent floodbank
River Trent to the left, floodplain to the right, with the primary floodbank in the middle. View north from Fledborough Viaduct Link
The River Trent at High Marnham
A narrow boat makes its way downstream along the Trent, in the shadow of the cooling towers of the High Marnham Power Station. Although the main buildings were demolished in 2006, the cooling towers are still standing. The whole area is... (more)
High Marnham Power Station, Nottinghamshire
Railway viaduct to the Trent
Viaduct on the derelict Lancashire, Derbyshire & East Coast Railway leading up to the bridge over the Trent
Clifton Viaduct
Stretching out across the Trent flood plain, seen from the east side
Flood sluice
The landward side of a self-acting sluice which will allow flood water to drain from fields instead of remaining impounded by the embankment.
River Trent, the day after heavy rain
A swollen River Trent on 26th July, 24 hours after Link
Where have all the towers gone?
This view until 15th July 2012 would have been dominated by the cooling towers of the former High Marnham power station. They are now just a memory.
Trent Viaduct, N Clifton
The viaduct is now a walkway and cycleway.
Fledborough Viaduct: missed the train!