Grid reference SO5095
near to Cardington, Shropshire, England
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The path back to Leyhill
A footpath across sheep fields, leading back to Leyhill Farm
Ford, Cardington
Road to Willstone.
The Royal Oak, Cardington
Long service remembered at St James, Cardington
Brook House, Cardington
In a village of lovely houses this is a particularly fine one. Dated 1574 and with the initials RO.
The Royal Oak, Cardington
Cardington village hall
The village hall, opposite the parish church in the centre of Cardington. This community hall was formerly the village school, which closed c1979. The red brick building with stone quoins at the right-hand edge of the photo was the original... (more)
A plume of smoke rises from the 15th century Royal Oak no doubt from a fire keeping customers warm on this winter afternoon. The building is said to be Shropshire's longest continuously licensed pub. Behind that is the grade I listed... (more)
Towards The Wilderness
Footpath heading northwest towards The Wilderness near Caer Caradoc away from the village of Cardington.
One of two so named 2 - Cardington, Shropshire
The other one is in Bedfordshire, but please correct me if there are any more in Britain. Another corner of this relatively remote village, which once had a brewery and a ropemakers at the former New Inn. It is said that there was once a... (more)
Barn, Grove Farm
Cardington Ford
This pretty sett ford is found in Cardington.