Grid reference SM8226
near to Middle Mill, Pembrokeshire/Sir Benfro, Wales
Explore gridsquare SM8226
Surrounding area
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Standing stone, Tremaenhir
The OS map shows 'standing stones' here, but a quick search revealed only this one. The settlement name would suggest an ancient site associated with the stones, as it appears to translate as the settlement [town] of the long stones.
Field gateways
A pair of field gateways of a country road south of Treglamais. The field on the left has been cut and harvested for silage.
Tree lined road near Caerwen
Post Box
Post box in remote rural location.
Pembrokeshire from the air, 1998
Tremaenhir - part of an ancient landscape
A listed post Medieval farmhouse and listed lofted stable, built on a Medieval settlement known as Trefmengar.
Evidence of earlier prehistoric activity with Bronze Age standing stones - one in the field to the west of the farmhouse (Grid... (more)
Derelict farm buildings
There are plans for these buildings at Tremaenhir to be converted into holiday cottages. A sign of the growth of the Pembrokeshire tourism industry.
Tremaenhir Farm House
Late 18th century or early 19th century substantial farmhouse of rubble stone with slate roof and stone stacks. Grade II listed.
Gate, gorse and letter box
Letter box at Tremaenhir
On the cross roads, just east of the ancient settlement of Tremaenhir.
Tremaenhir - standing stone
This is the inscribed stone mentioned in SM8226 : Tremaenhir - part of an ancient landscape, the inscription being more visible 'in the flesh' than a photo can really do justice to.
I couldn't track down the other stones in the area around the farm, which I... ( more)
View through a gap in the hedge
Near Caerwen Farm, Pembrokeshire.