near to Nedderton, Northumberland, England
We have
11 images
in grid square NZ2281
We have
11 images
for NZ2281
Stannington Station
by Alan Fearon
Although the railway station (now disused) is in the next gridsquare (see: NZ2181 ) this is the view back along the road (east) to the A192. Confusingly, although the village is called Stannington Station the station itself was... (more)
Nedderton Service Station
by Oliver Dixon
Petrol station and shop at the junction of the A192 and B1331.
Nedderton Service Station
by JThomas
Approaching the A192
by Russel Wills
Near Nedderton.
A192 towards Morpeth
by JThomas
Looking across growing cereals and oil seed rape
by Russel Wills
Towards Hepscott Park.
Petrol Station, Nedderton
A small shop and petrol filling station at the road junction to the west of Nedderton.
Arable field to the west of Nedderton
An arable field to the west of the small village of Nedderton in which a crop of beans is growing.
Farm building off Stannington Station Road
Looking across an arable field towards a farm building and parked farm machinery, located to the east of Stannington Station.
Roadworks on Stannington Station Road
Temporary traffic lights in operation on Stannington Station Road whilst a group of workmen did up the road.
Field, Netherton
by Richard Webb
Beside the A192.