near to Comb, Northumberland, England
We have
14 images
in grid square NY7588
We have
14 images
for NY7588
Fallen trees, Kielder Forest
by Oliver Dixon
Storms often cause widespread damage to shallow-rooted conifers. Between Pope's Hill and Sidwood.
Outer Hill
Clear Fell in Falstone Forest near Outer Hill.
Bridleway blocked by fallen trees
by Les Hull
Hospital Gate
An old set of gateposts amongst the countless trees of the surrounding plantations. A public bridleway follows the ride between two blocks of trees and passes through the old gateway. NY7588 : Inscribed stone at Hospital Gate shows an inscribed stone to the right of the... (more)
Gateposts (could this be Hospital Gate?)
by Les Hull
Bridleway through gateposts
by Les Hull
Thorney Burn
by Les Hull
Forest Ride and Newly Planted Conifers
by Les Hull
Inscribed stone at Hospital Gate
A small inscribed stone containing the words "Hospital Gate" provides the name of a place where a gate once stood in a boundary wall. The gate is now in the middle of the massive Kielder Forest plantations and the boundary wall... (more)
Small stream in felled plantation
A small stream flowing through land which has been clear felled.
Clear felled land north of Hospital Gate
A large block of trees to the north of Hospital Gate has been clear felled and work is under way preparing the land to be replanted with new trees.
Forest track, Falstone Forest
A forest track in the large Forestry Commission owned Faltsone Forest.
Forest Ride, Falstone Forest
A ride marks the boundary between two adjacent blocks of coniferous trees in Falstone Forest. The block on the left appears to be the younger of the two.
Flittingford Bothy
A remote bothy maintained by the Mountain Bothies Association.