Grid reference NT4805
near to Dodburn, Scottish Borders, Scotland
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8 images
for NT4805
Moorland road, Peelbraehope
Presumably serving the forest to the S. The hill on the right sports a Fort and Enclosure and numerous Settlements, according to the map.
Hill Track with Penchrise Pen in the distance
Settlement, Penchrise Pen
A large enclosure with ditch and earthwall on the slopes of Penchrise Pen. A more recent ruined sheep fank in the middle.
Rough grazing, south of Penchrise Pen
View southwards along the hill road. Timber was being loaded on to lorries just inside the forest, so a route change was needed.
Rough grazing, Penchrise
Below Penchrise Pen, with a view to the similar shaped Skelfhill Pen. An earthbank enclosure in the middle distance is marked as a settlement on the maps.
Settlement, Penchrise Pen
View from the summit of Penchrise Pen to one of the earthworks on the surrounding moorland. The circle is the ruin of a modern sheep fank.
Road over Penchrise Pen
Climbing to the moor between Penchrise Pen and White Hill from the south. The road is equipped with cattle grids and was built to a high standard. It is probably a relic of the military use of the land here.
Southwest from Penchrise Pen
Looking across the broad ridge crossed by the track heading for the forest plantations at Hawk Hass to the peak of Skelfhill Pen (532m), another of the several prominent summits of resistant igneous rocks dating from the early Carboniferous... (more)