near to Torsonce, Scottish Borders, Scotland
We have
5 images
in grid square NT4342
We have
5 images
for NT4342
Sheep and rough grazing, Ferniehirst Hill.
The recent snow has picked out some faint tracks through the coarse grass.
Pond on Ferniehirst Hill
by Richard Webb
The hillside is grazed by sheep.
Hope Rig
by Richard Webb
The corner of a big enclosed area of rough grazing on Ferniehirst Hill. The woodland is part of a strip which shelters improved land below.
Rough grazing, Ferniehirst
by Richard Webb
Rough ground above the Gala Water. It is grazed by sheep.
Stow from the air
Ferniehirst Covert is in the foreground. Lugate Water can also be seen.