Grid reference NS4884
near to Craighat, Stirling, Scotland
Explore gridsquare NS4884
Surrounding area
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Drainage channel in Knockinhaglish Wood
This is a view along the channel that, as mentioned in the end-note, impinges upon the southern extremity of the earthwork (behind the photographer); see NS4884 : Knockinhaglish earthwork.
Low level moorland, at Aucheneck?
The flat moorland with scattered rushes has no obvious name which might be applied to it at any scale of OS mapping. The OS do however know the trig point as Aucheneck, so perhaps that name can serve for the area generally.
The view across... (more)
Mobile phone mast
I'm not that keen at walking straight past cattle, so this is as close as I went to the top of the hill.
Killearn NTL-Tower
This tower belongs to ntl and is a TV-Relay for the Killearn area.
Aucheneck trig
Looking S towards Dumgoyne
Field near Finnich Toll
The area of woodland visible beyond the field lies along the banks of the Carnock Burn. The Campsie Hills provide the backdrop; the horn of Dumgoyne ( NS5482) is prominent, right of centre.
Dry-stone wall beside a track
To the northwest of this section of the track is a length of rickety-looking dry-stone wall. The material is simply what was available locally; compare the red sandstone that forms nearby NS4984 : Finnich Glen.
T. V. relay mast for the Killearn area
Earthworks in Knockinhaglish Wood
See the Canmore link in the end-note for a detailed report. Click on the end-note title for other views, including some taken on a later visit when vegetation cover presented less of a problem, and the earthwork and its ditch were more... (more)
Old windpump (detail from base)
As shown here, a small plaque is mounted on the near side of the structure; it names the manufacturer of the windpump. For this and other details, and for a view of the structure as a whole, see the main description: NS4884 : Old windpump.
Aucheneck trig pillar
Woods beside the track
The area of woodland to the southeast of the track is marked on the 1:25000 and 1:50000 maps. In the background, the ground falls away along the line of the Carnock Burn.