Grid reference NG4755
near to Hartaval [hill or Mountain], Highland, Great Britain
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We have
5 images
for NG4755
Hartaval summit
A bit of a "liner", this one, but the 1:25k suggests it's just in this square. Summit of 668m Hartaval, Trotternish.
Hartaval summit
The summit cairn on the flat, 669m high, top of Hartaval - the second highest point on the Trotternish Ridge after the Storr.
Summit area of Hartaval
Hartaval is a mountain of the Trotternish area of Skye; the view is northwards along the continuing mountain chain.
Summit ridge of Hartaval
Looking northwards from just below the summit.
Bealach Hartaval
A steep sided beach between Hartaval and Sgùrr a' Mhalaidh. The large boulders have dropped from an outcrop above and behind the photographer.