Grid reference NN1295
near to Sgùrr Chòinich [hill or Mountain], Highland, Great Britain
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We have
3 images
for NN1295
North face of Sgurr Chòinich
Sgurr Chòinich is just high enough for a corrie glacier to have formed in the late ice age. The small north facing corrie has a steep headwall. Looking down a mix of steep grass and crag after a traverse into the square below the summit.... (more)
Declining north-east ridge of Sgùrr Chòinich
The ridge descends into desolate country towards the forests in Glen Garry and to Loch Garry, which can be seen. The distant, cloud-shadowed conical hill to the right of the image will be Ben Tee.
North face of Sgurr Chòinich
View to the steep corrie headwall under the summit of Sgurr Chòinich.