near to Calgary, Isle of Mull, Argyll And Bute, Scotland
We have
14 images
in grid square NM3753
We have
14 images
for NM3753
Standing stone
by Alan Stewart
One standing stone, two standing lambs and a couple of geese in the process of taking off. (no partridges, no pear trees)
Ardnamurchan peninsula in the distance.
Disused Croft, Cillchroisd
by Mick Garratt
Journey's end - a river meets the sea
One of the burns draining northwards from Mornish reaches the sea at Port Langamull
Dyke, Sunipol
by Richard Webb
Basalt flow landscape on the north coast of Mull.
Sunipol Farm
by Alan Stewart
Freshing Cleaned Drainage Ditch, Cillchroisd
by Mick Garratt
The Cuillin of Skye from Mull
by Peter Evans
The Mull coast near Sunipol Farm with its view on a good day across to Rum, Canna and 40 to 50 miles away to the Cuillin of Skye.
Mull coast view to Canna, Rum and Skye
by Peter Evans
The Mull coast near Sunipol Farm with a view on a good day across to Rum, Canna and 40 to 50 miles away to the Cuillins of Skye
Standing stone at Cillchriosd
by Karl and Ali
This prehistoric monument sits in a flat field and is about 2.5m tall. We could not see any definite man-made markings such as cup and ring hollows or spirals. There is an excellent view towards the hills of Ardnamurchan.
On the road at Sunipol
by Karl and Ali
A cottage in a lovely location on the north coast of Mull. Across the Sound of Mull are the hills of western Ardnamurchan.
Sunipol from the road to Caliach |
Sheep Pens at Sunipol Farm |
Sunipol Farm
The beach at Langamull in the distance.
Cillchriosd standing stone
This standing stone is clearly visible from the nearby highway. Wonderful setting. Link