near to Gaodhail, Isle of Mull, Argyll And Bute, Scotland
We have
12 images
in grid square NM6039
We have
12 images
for NM6039
River Forsa
by Alan Stewart
Splashy bit in the river which is edged by Gorse
by Richard Webb
View upstream taken while undertaking a tricky crossing of the river. The bed is very slippery, but there are plenty of good footholds. The hill is Beinn Talaidh.
Farm track in Glen Forsa
by Steven Brown
River Forsa
by Rude Health
A view along the River Forsa beside the estate track in Glen Forsa on a wet morning in May.
River Forsa
by Steven Brown
by Richard Webb
The river has a series of weirs to provide fish holding pools.
Leathad Feàrna
by Richard Webb
The Glen Forsa side of Beinn Bhuidhe (413m, 314m prominence).
River Forsa
by Richard Webb
A tautological name, the A at the end means river. The river has a series of weirs to provide fish holding pools. One of the plantations in the glen is visible across the river.
River Forsa
by Mick Garratt
Forestry on Mull
On the eastern side of the valley of the River Forsa, which drains north into the Sound of Mull. On the right below the engine cowling is Coire nam Muc and Maol Buidhe.
Fishing hut beside the River Forsa |
River Forsa
by Alan Reid
Beinn Talaidh in the centre.