near to Baltasound, Unst, Shetland Islands, Scotland
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in grid square HP6208
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images taken from HP6208 [120]
taken pre 2000 [4]
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891 images
for HP6208
5 Images, camera in HP620089 Centisquare?...
Millburn Park, Baltasound
Oil era council housing - Unst's part in the oil dividend was relatively small, but the airport was used for transfers to offshore installations during the 1980s and early 1990s.
Aurora borealis over Ivy Cottage, Baltasound
Just a fairly faint display of the northern lights.
Bluethroat (Luscinia svevica), Baltasound
A scarce migrant in Britain, more frequent in spring - this young male has been wandering around Baltasound for three weeks.
Baltasound Hall |
Bus Stop at Baltasound
by David Dixon