Grid reference SD9318
near to Calderbrook, Rochdale, England
Explore gridsquare SD9318
Surrounding area
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These rocks are not named on the OS map, but they are the nearest ones to Fox Stones Hill.
An unofficial shortcut of the Rochdale Way comes through here, bypassing an unnecessary descending and ascending loop.
Wychenlea Farm, Calderbrook, Littleborough
A typical Pennine hill farm. This one is situated on a footpath over the tops between Calderbrook and Wardle. It is worth mentioning that the farm dog is one of the very few that are friendly.
Ruins at Forest Lodge
The 1893 map shows this as Forest but 1910 and later have it as Forest Lodge.
Gate on Hey Head Lane
A footpath towards Far Hey head.
Dry valley in Dearden's Pasture
Dearden's Pasture is an enclosed area of the moor but it appears no different to land adjacent. This area is covered with bracken.
The Pennine Bridleway Mary Towneley loop near Stansfield Hill
View from Cuckoo Hill, Littleborough
A path climbs up Allenden Hill, which is 50m higher than Cuckoo Hill, but does not have a proper summit.
Pennine Bridleway above Calderbrook
Pennine Trout Farm
The upper pond of the Pennine Trout Farm, Calderbrook Link .
The upper pond viewed looking northwards Link .
The two ponds are former reservoirs in... ( more)
Path above Far Hey Head
Yes, there is a path here through the thick grass, and it is soggy in places. It meets up with the Pennine Bridleway at the wall which can be seen ahead.
Hey Head Panorama
The farmhouses of Far Hey Head and Near Hey Head seen from coming down from Ringing Pots Hill. There is a glimpse of the lower Pennine Bridleway in the foreground
Pennine Trout Farm, Calderbrook
As seen from the Pennine Bridleway.