near to Lurgashall, West Sussex, England
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65 images
in grid square SU9227
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View north from Colemans Copse
by N Chadwick
Great Field
by Simon Carey
The name of the field according to Lodsworth's 1841 tithe map bounded to the east by The Hanger.
Communications, Dial Green
A post box and community notice board at the junction. The large yellow notice advertises 'Fernhurst Revels' on 20th May 2012.
Bridleway on northern edge of Goffs Copse
by Dave Spicer
House at Little Brockhurst
by Ian Hawfinch
It could be that the house is called "Little Brockhurst". I'm not sure. I think those are vines in the foreground. There's certainly a winery hereabouts.
Footpath junction on Black Down
by Shazz
Path junction beside Colemans Copse
Approaching the path junction where the footpath to Black Down turns left through the narrow strip of woodland at this point.
Direction Sign - Signpost at Dial Green in Lurgashall parish
by A Savill
Annulus finial - 3 arms; WSCC parish halo by the UC road, in parish of Lurgashall (Chichester District), at Dial Green on the southeast side of the T junction of Jobson's Lane, Highstead Lane and Dial Green Lane.
surveyed... (more)
Blackdown Distillery |
The Lurgashall Winery |
Cat on bridleway near Great Brockhurst Farm
by Dave Spicer
Barely managed to raise an eyebrow.
Kibe Field/Colemans Field/Pasture Field/Blind Lane Field
by Simon Carey
The name of the field according to Lodsworth's and Lurgashall's 1841 tithe maps. The footpath running through the centre of the field was once the parish boundary between the two. On the left, the Lodsworth side, was Kibe Field.... (more)
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