near to Lurgashall, West Sussex, England
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167 images
in grid square SU9327
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Looking from Lurgashall Churchyard towards The Noah's Ark
by Basher Eyre
The Well House, Lurgashall
by Simon Carey
Dating from the 18th century and located on the south western side of the village green.
The Chimes
Approaching the quaintly named property ‘The Chimes’ with the spire of Lurgashall Church in view, no doubt the inspiration for that name.
Sign for the Noahs Ark
This could be a sarcastic reference to the mixed crowd of characters one finds in a pub. More likely it was inspired by the biblical story and because it is from the arms of the Shipwright's Company. The Shipwright's motto might... (more)
Lurgashall Green
by Len Williams
A view across the village green at Lurgashall. The public house on the right is 'The Noah's Ark'.
Altar cloth - St Laurence's Church, Lurgashall
by Ian Hawfinch
Churchyard at Lurgashall
by Shazz
View SSW from the path west of Park Farm
by Ian Hawfinch
Lurgashall Village Green
by Colin Smith
Looking across the triangular green towards the cricket pavilion and the "Noah's Ark" pub on a late autumnal afternoon.
Fields near Northurst Farm
On Dial Green Lane near to Northurst Farm. Beyond the fields the land rises up to Black Down in the distance.
Cottage overlooking the green, Lurgashall |
Direction Sign - Signpost by Lurgashall Green, Lurgashall Parish
Disc finial - 4 arms; West Sussex badge disc by the UC road, in parish of Lurgashall (Chichester District), near Cricket Green, on grass verge. After this photo was taken the arms were replaced, see... (more)
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