near to West Thorney, West Sussex, England
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34 images
in grid square SU7601
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Longmere Point
by Colin Smith
Gorse and grassland at the southern point of Thorney Island.
Old lights falling over even more
The remains of some old airfield runway lights on an offshore gantry are still hanging on precariously. Pictures over the past ten years or so show them gradually keeling over, but judging by the way that the remains of structures far older... (more)
Pilsey Sand |
Outfall at Longmere Point
Surface water from land behind the sea wall drains to the sea. On the right is a bird hide.
Field corner, Thorney Island
by Footprints
A damp corner of a stubble field - you don't see many of those these days!
View south towards the harbour entrance from Longmere Point
by Ian Hawfinch
Thorney Island - Wrecked jetty with former runway lights
by Rob Farrow
Just to the west of the southernmost point of Thorney Island (Longmere Point) lie these remains of a jetty which once supported guiding lights for the RAF runway on the island. Posts continue southwards across the sand from here presumably... (more)
Looking out of bird watching hide near Longmere Point
by Shazz
On the other side of the water is Hayling Island.
See also Link.
Footpath marker at Longmere Point |
Tidal Marsh
by Colin Smith
Saltmarsh between the eastern shore of Thorney Island and the Thorney Channel in Chichester Harbour.
Track leading to Pilsey Island |
by Footprints
Narrow strip of mature saltmarsh along the east side of Thorney Island
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