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Grid reference NJ3555

near to Ordiquish, Moray, Scotland

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A sample of 12 photos from 41 for NJ3555 - View this square in the Browser >>>
NJ3555 : In the Gully by Anne Burgess In the Gully
The Forestry Commission has created a network of mountain bike trails in Slorach's Wood. Normally one wouldn't go near them because it would be plain daft to go down a narrow path intended for bikes at speed, but the trails are... (more)
NJ3555 : Power Lines in Ordiequish Forest by Alan Hodgson Power Lines in Ordiequish Forest
NJ3555 : Jean Carr's Stone by Ralph Greig Jean Carr's Stone
Jean Carr's Stone This is a large isolated boulder of conglomerate. It is named after Jean Carr, whose sad life is described on an information board nearby. She was kept a prisoner by her father until his death. Later she had a son who... (more)
NJ3555 : Till by Anne Burgess Till
The scar left by a landslide shows the depth of the glacial till which mantles the underlying bedrock here.
NJ3555 : Jean Carr's Stone by Alan Hodgson Jean Carr's Stone
There is an information board nearby telling the story of Jean and this group of boulders in Ordiequish Forest. On my older copy of the 1:25K map it is marked as "Jane Kerr (stone)" but has now been corrected. This shows how place... (more)
NJ3555 : A Deep Gully by Anne Burgess A Deep Gully
Scotch Hill is covered by a thick layer of red glacial deposits left as the glaciers melted at the end of the last Ice Age. Quite small burns have carved deep steep-sided gullies all round the hill in the unconsolidated till. This is... (more)
NJ3555 : Hugger Tree? by Anne Burgess Hugger Tree?
We thought this tree looked quite elegant with its inward-curving branches, as if it were going to hug something - the converse of a tree-hugger.
NJ3555 : I wouldn't want to fall here by Ralph Greig I wouldn't want to fall here
NJ3555 : Track in Ordiequish Forest by Alan Hodgson Track in Ordiequish Forest
NJ3555 : Road through the forest by Ralph Greig Road through the forest
NJ3555 : Gully Monster Trail by Anne Burgess Gully Monster Trail
The Forestry Commission has created a network of mountain bike trails in Slorach's Wood. Normally one wouldn't go near them because it would be plain daft to go down a narrow path intended for bikes at speed, but the trails are... (more)
NJ3555 : Frozen Puddles by Anne Burgess Frozen Puddles
It was almost a given that venturing off the paths would be a bad idea. Not so bad if the ice is thick enough to take your weight, or if the water has drained away after the ice formed. It wasn't, and it hadn't.

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