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Grid reference NJ3554

3 km from Ordiquish, Moray, Scotland

Images in NJ3554 Breakdown list
We have 10 images for NJ3554
 : Thief's Hill by Anne Burgess Thief's Hill
The hill in the distance here is marked as Thief's Hill on the maps. Note the larch on one side and pine on the other side of the road.
 : Track in Ordiequish Forest by Alan Hodgson Track in Ordiequish Forest
 : Forest access road by Ralph Greig Forest access road
 : Wood of Ordiequish by Anne Burgess Wood of Ordiequish
Bare larches against a clear blue November sky.
 : Wood of Ordiequish by Anne Burgess Wood of Ordiequish
This part of the forest is planted with Scots Pine. The area in the foreground has been felled, leaving piles of brash littering the ground.
 : Ordiequish Forest by Alan Hodgson Ordiequish Forest
Forest track on a stiff gradient heading up to Thief's Hill.
 : Felled Area on Thief's Hill by Anne Burgess Felled Area on Thief's Hill
There must have been trees in this gap to force the ones on either side into growing as tall as these, but the gap has been cleared long enough for the ground to have revegetated.
 : Forest Track by Anne Burgess Forest Track
There are multiple tracks in the Wood of Ordiequish, of which this is one.
 : Forest Track by Anne Burgess Forest Track
One of the maze of roads, tracks and paths in the Wood of Ordiequish.
 : Fire Break by Anne Burgess Fire Break
At least I assume it is a fire break. The pines on either side are tall and bare, suggesting that they were competing with others that have since been felled, and felled long enough ago for the vegetation to have regenerated.

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