The SAGE Encyclopedia of Human Communication Sciences and Disorders, 1st Edition
SAGE | 2019 | ISBN-13: 9781483380827
This in-depth encyclopedia is aimed at undergraduate students interested in interdisciplinary perspectives on human communication—both normal and disordered—across the life span. This timely and unique set will look at the spectrum of communication disorders, from causation and prevention to testing and assessment through rehabilitation, intervention, and education. This encyclopedia offers an interdisciplinary reach, including a strong focus on health issues, with topics such as Asperger’s syndrome, fetal alcohol syndrome, anatomy of the human larynx, dementia, and more. It includes core psychology and cognitive sciences topics, such as social development, stigma, language acquisition, self-help groups, memory, depression, behaviorism, and cognitive development. Education topics include cooperative learning, special education, and classroom-based service delivery. Top researchers and clinicians across multiple fields have contributed to approximately 640 signed entries across four volumes.
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