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Kirsti's Reviews > Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World

Dewey by Vicki Myron
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did not like it
bookshelves: nonfiction, oh-forget-it


I am listening to the audiobook, which is narrated by the same woman who narrated five gruesome mystery novels by Julia Spencer-Fleming. So, even though this book is about a pwecious widdle kitty cat, I keep thinking that any minute there will be a disembowelment.

I really don't know if I can finish this thing. It seems to be a Reader's Digest article that has metastasized into a bestseller.


UPDATE: Nope, I can't finish it. Cute cat, charming story, incredibly long-winded authors. I did not need to know that in 1988 the library staff's fridge really could have been tidier.
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Reading Progress

October 1, 2008 – Shelved
Started Reading
September 10, 2009 – Finished Reading
September 11, 2009 – Shelved as: oh-forget-it
September 11, 2009 – Shelved as: nonfiction

Comments Showing 1-8 of 8 (8 new)

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message 1: by Jen (new)

Jen You know, I saw this in Borders, and I was going to email you to tell you about it. It's Kismet!

Kirsti It's not Kismet—it's Dewey! :-)

I love a sentimental read once in awhile. I have The Good Good Pig on my to-be-read shelf, and I am a big fan of The Dog Who Rescues Cats.

Janet Quite possibly the MOST boring read ever! Bought it in hardbound so felt compelled to finish but rest assured you missed absolutely nothing by giving up early. I have to believe this book rode the shirttails of Marley & Me, another insipid read. All this proves is if you put a somewhat photogenic cat or dog on the cover the book will sell....

John Interesting that you felt the audiobook was far too cloying as it's actually abridged!

Sharon Maybe, you're not into libraries or cats.

Josie This book is so awesome!!!!!!!!

Nadia The rural charm was the hardest to stomach.

Kirsti I know! And I normally like rural charm!

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