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Francesca ❆'s Reviews > Kill the Queen

Kill the Queen by Jennifer Estep
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did not like it

*Thanks to Edelweiss and Harper Voyager(Harper Collins) for giving me an ARC in exchange for an honest review*

Sadly, this book didn’t work for me (despite the amazing premise) for multiple reasons.
I thought the world building was poorly flashed out (with bits of infos sprinkled in without a logic), the blurb describes it as “Game of Thrones meets Gladiator” but in reality the gladiators are used as plot device while the plot doesn’t have a smudge of the treachery and cruelty of GoT.
The divide between villains and heroes is showed like a neon sign, the usage of the first person narrative gave an alienating quality to the story (felt really lecture like) and also the language used felt very “modern” and created some discrepancies between the genre and writing.
The plot felt stifled and predictable, with lackluster plot twists and bland dialogues.
As for the characters....a big meh. I didn’t find them very fleshed out or captivating, the protagonist was both naive and annoying and although she matures a great deal she still comes across as a flat character; the male counterpart wasn’t any better: classic hunk with the personality of a coconut; the secondary characters were well integrated in the plot although I wished they were more “important” for the plot so they would’ve felt more real.
The romance could’ve been avoided: it goes from mild attraction to full “I’m gonna sleep with you tonight and I just decided it because we might die soon so YOLO” (I know, what a sound reasoning!), this rushing took away any investment I could’ve developed if the author stuck with the slow burn.

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Reading Progress

September 11, 2018 – Started Reading
September 11, 2018 – Shelved
September 11, 2018 –
1.0% "Many thanks to HarperCollins - Harper Voyager for providing a review copy of this book and putting up with me and my technical difficulties."
September 11, 2018 –
20.0% "First person POV + huge chunks of world building descriptive narrative = feels like the the main character is teaching a class."
September 12, 2018 –
60.0% "😶😶😶😶"
September 12, 2018 –
70.0% "“She tilted her head to the side, studying me. “But yours is cold, controlled, calculated. You think everything through before you say a word, take a step, make a move.”

*snorts* suuuuuuuure xD"
September 12, 2018 –
80.0% "“Why? Because I’m some chosen one? Some special snowflake with a unique power that no one has ever seen before?”

When did this book turn into a satire piece?! 😳😳"
September 13, 2018 –
85.0% "“You’ve been helping people all along. And that is what a Winter queen really does, Evie.”

Don’t know wether to laugh or cry...."
September 13, 2018 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-21 of 21 (21 new)

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message 1: by Jessica (new)

Jessica ☹️

Francesca ❆ Jessica wrote: "☹️"


message 3: by Kim (new)

Kim I'm taking this off my tbr, meh. Thanks for the review!

Francesca ❆ Kim wrote: "I'm taking this off my tbr, meh. Thanks for the review!"

It honestly started pretty good but it went to hell pretty quickly....not a great loss tbh ;)

message 5: by Susan (new)

Susan Kennedy I think I agree with Kim... taking this off my tbr as well. Sorry it was disappointing! Hate that!

message 6: by Kim (new)

Kim ❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Kim wrote: "I'm taking this off my tbr, meh. Thanks for the review!"

It honestly started pretty good but it went to hell pretty quickly....not a great loss tbh ;)"

I have +700 other books on my tbr, I really could use more people telling me when certain books are a waste of time :-)

message 7: by Susan (new)

Susan Kennedy LOL Agreed :)

Francesca ❆ Susan wrote: "I think I agree with Kim... taking this off my tbr as well. Sorry it was disappointing! Hate that!"

I’m glad I could help, I’m always on the lookout for new fantasy books and it’s such a bummer when it doesn’t work out :(

Francesca ❆ Kim wrote: "I have +700 other books on my tbr, I really could use more people telling me when certain books are a waste of time :-)"

Yeah...same here 😆 Especially from people that have similar tastes 😉

Lillie Thank you. You described everything that is wrong with this book. It is an insult to Game of Thrones/Gladiator to be compared with this book. I swear, sometimes I think that I have read a different version of the book when I see this many good reviews.

message 11: by Francesca ❆ (last edited Dec 16, 2018 08:12AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Francesca ❆ Lillie wrote: "Thank you. You described everything that is wrong with this book. It is an insult to Game of Thrones/Gladiator to be compared with this book. I swear, sometimes I think that I have read a different..."

Thank you so much for your kind words...
The premise was sooo good (that’s why I requested an ARC) but the delivery lacked all the emotion, style and character that divide a mediocre book from a good one.
Mostly I’m insulted by how they tried to sold it to us.
Seriously! Sometimes I feel like I’m being the weird one :/

Hayley ☾ (TheVillainousReader) Lovely review as alwayyyyssssssssss.

Francesca ❆ Thank youuuuuuuu 😽😽😽

Rosie I totally agree! (view spoiler)

message 15: by Francesca ❆ (last edited Dec 16, 2018 08:21AM) (new) - rated it 1 star

Francesca ❆ Rosie wrote: "I totally agree! [spoilers removed]"

Oh Rosie, how right you are!
(view spoiler)

Andrew H Thank you for saying it, I agree. It's not working for me, probably a DNF.

Francesca ❆ Andrew wrote: "Thank you for saying it, I agree. It's not working for me, probably a DNF."

If I wasn’t reading the ARC at the time, I would’ve DNFed it as was a really boring read.

Minna Personality of a coconut, PERFECT! lololololol.

Francesca ❆ Minna wrote: "Personality of a coconut, PERFECT! lololololol."

🤣 he was SO full of cliches! Omg, one of the worst love interests in a fantasy book (and I’m not saying that lightly)!
I didn’t continue those series but looking at the sequels and reviews I have no idea why this series was continued...I’m confident that we dodged a bullet! XD

Minna ❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Minna wrote: "Personality of a coconut, PERFECT! lololololol."

🤣 he was SO full of cliches! Omg, one of the worst love interests in a fantasy book (and I’m not saying that lightly)!"

Now THAT^ is a real achievement! bc a list of worst fantasy love interests would be a long, long, loooooong list. x_X
(PS if you actually have such a list, please post, it would be very entertaining) ;)

Francesca ❆ Minna wrote: "❆Francesca (Mother of Cats) Selina❆ wrote: "Minna wrote: "Personality of a coconut, PERFECT! lololololol."

🤣 he was SO full of cliches! Omg, one of the worst love interests in a fantasy book (and ..."

That’s very very true.
I mean....I don’t have a list down...but how much time do you have? Cause I can come up with something. 😆

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