Stacey B's Reviews > The Weight of Ink
The Weight of Ink
This book won an award, which is very hard to come by with all the competition out there.
I was asked a few months ago to read this book (not by the author) for an upcoming conference.
and can understand why this book an award.
As a lover of jewish history, historical and contemporary fiction, it was
a wonderful surprise recognizing I would be reading both as one.
The writing is superb, as is the subject matter.
I loved this book.
Evidently so did many others.
Keep it up Rachel!!!!!
This book won an award, which is very hard to come by with all the competition out there.
I was asked a few months ago to read this book (not by the author) for an upcoming conference.
and can understand why this book an award.
As a lover of jewish history, historical and contemporary fiction, it was
a wonderful surprise recognizing I would be reading both as one.
The writing is superb, as is the subject matter.
I loved this book.
Evidently so did many others.
Keep it up Rachel!!!!!
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The Weight of Ink.
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message 1:
[deleted user]
May 13, 2018 12:44PM
Its sitting on my bookshelf. I can't wait to read it now especially after this review.
The conference is May 22nd-23rd.
There are authors attending whose books will not be published until June-November 2018
Each author has two minutes to promote their book on a stage with a podium.
We are also looking at how well the authors fare in the arena of public speaking, reason being that they tour diff communities and speak at events.
After each author session, there is a long break where we meet and chat with the authors.
There are also break out sessions on diff subjects where we give and receive input.
If you are an author who has published a book within year or so (not sure) you qualify to present.
If you are jewish, the subject matter can be anything.
If you are not jewish, you must have some jewish content in your book.
About 1/4 of authors are traditionalists- usually some rabbi's, scholars and teachers.
The norm is changing.
Many of the established authors can sell their books
by their name and dont need this opportunity.
The writing is the same, but the subject matter is much more current incorporating social issues. ie Jody Pincoult.
The indie and debut authors (not all ) are becoming edgier and use new wow titles to get noticed. ie Lauren Weisberger
The subjects range anywhere between YA, Historical Fiction, Fiction, Humor, Mystery, Self Help, Spiritual, New Age, and Israel.
Some of the authors who will be there already have there books out.
Rachel Kadish, Jenna Blum, Martin Fletcher, Chloe Benjamin and Gerri Chanel ( Saving Mona Lisa) Ronald Balsom (Girl From Berlin.