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Anne's Reviews > Afterlife with Archie, Vol. 1: Escape from Riverdale

Afterlife with Archie, Vol. 1 by Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa
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's review

it was amazing
bookshelves: braaaaaains-zombies, drama-in-the-burbs, graphic-novels, hoopla, horror, read-in-2017, witchy-woman, archie-comics, comics, hoopla-bonus-borrows, read-in-2024
Read 2 times. Last read May 30, 2024 to May 31, 2024.

I was honestly not interested in some sort of schlocky Zombies in Riverdale story. When I first heard of this one it just sounded like some corny cash grab that was trying to ride the coattails of The Walking Dead...and the other 10 bjillion zombie stories out there.


But surprisingly, Afterlife managed to make it worthwhile for me to read one more story about the living dead. The first thing they did right was to utilize Riverdale's paranormal neighbor, Sabrina, as the catalyst of the infestation.
Jughead's beloved pet Hot Dog gets hit by a car and dies. Overcome with grief, he turns to Sabrina and begs her to bring him back. Her aunts tell both of them no - some things are just not done.


But after thinking about how she would feel if it were her & Salem, Sabrina decides to sneak out of the house and help Jughead anyway. Of course, her aunts were right, and it does not end well. And this is how the zombie plague starts. <--very cool!


Sabrina ends up getting banished for her crime, so she isn't (as far as I know) aware of what happened...yet. I'm assuming we'll find out more of her story in volume 2.
Ok, and just so you don't think I'm spoiling the plot for you, all of the above happens in the first few pages!


The rest of the story is about the core group of Archie's friends and family realizing what happened, and then trying to survive.


Maybe even freakier than the horde of zombies, the Blossoms show up and make a cringy appearance as the perviest related residents in Riverdale.


There were several stand-out moments in Afterlife that really sucker punched me in the Feels. I don't want to ruin it for anyone who hasn't read this yet, so don't click the spoiler tag if you haven't!
(view spoiler) I swear to god, I'm tearing up right now.
Yes. Over an ARCHIE comic about ZOMBIES. <--I don't even... How did they pull that off?!


This was so much better than I thought it would be! Loved it!
I have no idea if it would be that good for someone who wasn't an Archie fan. For me, part of the fun was that the Riverdale in my childhood memory was always this perfect place, and this comic takes that memory and tosses it into an apocalyptic/horror setting.
Now, I'm not sure if that will make everyone happy, but I enjoyed the hell out of it.
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Reading Progress

October 11, 2017 – Started Reading
October 11, 2017 – Shelved
October 23, 2017 – Finished Reading
May 30, 2024 – Started Reading
May 31, 2024 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-17 of 17 (17 new)

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message 1: by Gabrielle (new)

Gabrielle Dubois I liked your review, but this is absolutly not my kind of reading! :)

Anne That's ok, it's not going to be something that everyone will like. :)

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

I agree 1000% with both of your spoiler points. I read this when it came out and I still think about those two things all the time. So well done.

Anne Good! It's not just me. I was all sniffly and it really surprised me! It was like, this is Archie vs Zombies, right? ha!

Ronyell Awesome review Anne! I loved this book too!

message 6: by Mir (new)

Mir I'm not sure how much I'll enjoy this since I never read Archie, but I was reasonably entertained by the Sabrina equivalent without having read the "normal" Sabrina (in fact I didn't even know it was a comic... I just remember my sister watching the show).

message 7: by Lewi (new)

Lewi Archie's like rikkie rikkie top dog dude

Anne If you liked Sabrina, then you'll probably like this one. Not as dark, though.

message 9: by Asghar (new) - added it

Asghar Abbas weren't you reading this in 2015 ?

message 10: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne No, but I probably put it on my to-read list in 2015. I haven't been able to get my hands on it until my library connected with Hoopla.

message 11: by Asghar (new) - added it

Asghar Abbas Anne wrote: "No, but I probably put it on my to-read list in 2015. I haven't been able to get my hands on it until my library connected with Hoopla."

That must be it, I started talking to you around 0ct 2015, I think and must have seen it on your tbr list. Have you seen Riverdale ? It's dark and moody but juvenile. It's basically vampy diaries without the, you know, vampires lol

message 12: by Asghar (new) - added it

Asghar Abbas Miriam wrote: "I'm not sure how much I'll enjoy this since I never read Archie, but I was reasonably entertained by the Sabrina equivalent without having read the "normal" Sabrina (in fact I didn't even know it w..."

Sabrina tv show was sort of charming. You know , I grew up reading Archie comics, jughead resonated so much with me. Not having read them at all isn't as bad as never having heard of them lol one of my writer friends Kelly didn't even know what they were. I thought these comics were one of the most American things ever .

message 13: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne Asghar wrote: "That must be it, I started talking to you around 0ct 2015, I think and must have seen it on your tbr list. Have you seen Riverdale ? It's dark and moody but juvenile. It's basically vampy diaries without the, you know, vampires lol "

That sounds about right. We've been friends for a few least!
Dear god. Riverdale. Both of my girls LOVE it. They've been watching it on Hulu religiously, and I've gotten sucked into it with them simply because of their excitement for the show. In their defense, they are 9 & 12. I've noticed I can enjoy the goofy teen dramas if my kids are into them.

message 14: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne Asghar wrote: "Sabrina tv show was sort of charming. You know , I grew up reading Archie comics, jughead resonated so much with me. Not having read them at all isn't as bad as never having heard of them lol one of my writer friends Kelly didn't even know what they were. I thought these comics were one of the most American things ever . "

I couldn't get enough of these growing up. It was like this super-fake but idyllic town, and I badly wanted to find it and be a part of the group.

message 15: by Asghar (new) - added it

Asghar Abbas Anne wrote: "Asghar wrote: "Sabrina tv show was sort of charming. You know , I grew up reading Archie comics, jughead resonated so much with me. Not having read them at all isn't as bad as never having heard of..."

Me too ! I loved these as a kid. It was based on the 1950s themes. Archie was lovable , Jughead my favorite. Though the two girls friends thing seemed weird to me but it was lot of fun

message 16: by Kevin (new) - added it

Kevin Carson This immediately joined my to-read list. I've yet to read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies.

message 17: by Anne (new) - rated it 5 stars

Anne Kevin wrote: "This immediately joined my to-read list. I've yet to read Pride and Prejudice and Zombies."

I preferred this to P&P and Zombies.

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