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karen's Reviews > Forbidden

Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma
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bookshelves: why-yes-i-ya, icky-sex

three stars is indicative of my personal enjoyment of the book, but that does not change the fact that this author has done something extraordinary, and this book should probably be read by most people. let's call this 3 3/4 stars for fun.

why did i read this?? duh, obviously, i wanted to see what kind of writing chops this lady had to think she could write a Y/A book about brother-sister incest. how do you market the taboo to the teen set? this is the same impulse that made me read living dead girl - to take a peek at the mechanics of this kind of writing. i find it fascinating. how do you handle this kind of subject matter without going all-out lurid and titillating shock-value tawdry? greg, upon hearing i was reading this, volunteered to write a YA book about "a teen that fucks a dead dog." that one would be harder to pull off without crossing that poor taste line. this one manages very gracefully, and i am very impressed with both her restraint and her candor.

because when i was a teen, books like forever were the big dirrrty books, and although i never read that one when i was young, i read it recently, and lord, is it boring. this book may not ultimately have managed to fall into my "best books ever" category, but that's just me and realistic YA, it's nothing lacking in the book.i still find her achievement impressive, and it is never boring.

there are so many amazing things about this book. lochan and maya are two older teens raising up their three younger siblings while their single mom goes out trying to make up for all the fun she missed out on while she was stuck making all of them. their relationship is very much like that of any tired and harried young couple with young children, except for that little curveball that they are themselves siblings. in this claustrophobic environment of bill-paying and lunch-making and emergency room visits, while still attending high school with all of its pressures, they cling to each other emotionally, and eventually cross that line. some of this is facilitated by lochan's having zero social skills or even any social contact outside of the family. despite being some kind of academic star, he has some pretty seriously stunted emotional development and difficulty communicating outside of the family. maya is more complicated. she has a social set, she has friends and schoolgirl crushes, but nothing can compare to the bond she shares with lochan - their difficult childhood made them one soul divided and all that. there is a lot of slow build, and a lot of pushing away and second-guessing, which makes the idea more believable. nothing is done without considering the danger of the relationship, and the nutty thing is, i totally found myself rooting for them.

this has to go on my icky-sex shelf because incest is still icky, but in this example, it is much less icky than usual because it is wholly consensual, and the circumstances are so unusual. not flowers in the attic unusual, but pretty close. but like flowers in the attic, there are consequences to every action. and they unspool pretty much as you expect, on the bitter side of bittersweet.

definitely worth reading, just to see how it's all done.

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August 30, 2011 – Started Reading
August 30, 2011 – Shelved
August 31, 2011 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-50 of 70 (70 new)

message 1: by Erin (new) - added it

Erin Looking forward to your review! I've had this book in my TBR forever.

message 2: by Cory (last edited Sep 06, 2011 04:00PM) (new) - rated it 2 stars

Cory Yeah, compared to Forever, this is a masterpiece. I like Judy Blume, but her ramblings on Todd, or Ted, or whatever the hell Michael called his dick. Eh, no thanks. I like Flowers in the Attic more, but that's probably because the weirdness in that story was on LSD laced crack. This is only smoking weed. Maybe meth.

message 3: by Greg (new)

Greg You should read Cement Garden by McEwan, just so you can see how a literary British male handles this same subject matter.

message 4: by Greg (last edited Sep 06, 2011 04:01PM) (new)

Greg Should I write the dead dog book as this years NaMo project?

Tentative title Fucking my Dead Dog is Fucking Awesome

message 5: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine doesn't the cover of nick and norah's infinite play list look like this?

message 6: by Eh?Eh! (new)

Eh?Eh! Greg wrote: "Should I write the dead dog book as this years NaMo project?

Tentative title Fucking my Dead Dog is Fucking Awesome"

...I will totally make a t-shirt for that.

message 7: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine Greg wrote: "Should I write the dead dog book as this years NaMo project?

Tentative title Fucking my Dead Dog is Fucking Awesome"

um YES!

karen i will wear that shirt. as long as there is a picture.

message 9: by Greg (new)

Greg i can picture the cover in my head.

message 10: by Eh?Eh! (new)

Eh?Eh! Fire up Paint and create that magical cover!

karen oh, don't let him draw it - he is bad at art.

message 12: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine you draw it karen!

message 13: by Eh?Eh! (new)

Eh?Eh! I don't know, his burrito one was artistic.

Joshua Nomen-Mutatio Twincest.

That is all.

message 15: by Greg (new)

Greg I was thinking it would be very similar to the burrito one, you know so that when someone sees the cover they would know instantly it's a Greg Stahl book.

message 16: by Eh?Eh! (new)

Eh?Eh! You mean a Greg Stahl™ book.

message 17: by Greg (new)

Greg I should trademark my name!!

message 18: by Eh?Eh! (new)

Eh?Eh! It is not a name, it is a way of life!

message 19: by Greg (new)

Greg haha

message 20: by Joshua Nomen-Mutatio (last edited Sep 06, 2011 05:46PM) (new)

Joshua Nomen-Mutatio How about self-aware/ironic/shameless "allusion" to other popular teen books in the title of this future Stahl work? Dead Dog Fucker and the Dead Dog Fucker's Sorcerer's Stone. Twilight Dead Dog Fucker Eclipse. Dead Dog Animorphs Fucking.

message 22: by Joshua Nomen-Mutatio (last edited Sep 06, 2011 06:03PM) (new)

Joshua Nomen-Mutatio Oh, I'm well familiar with the existence of Sage Whistler's masterpiece. It is, after all, ranked 3rd on the illustrious Best Gay Twincest/Brothercest list. I think Whistler could've just as well named the book Anal Fissures since either title conjures up the same idea.

And I will never read that genre fantasy bullshit of the second link. Ever. There's only one man who looks like a troll/elf/wizard who writes dense and boring stuff that I'll ever possibly try to read.

karen i liked it. i am a big fat nerd!

Joshua Nomen-Mutatio I'm sure it's fun. I need to read about a zillion of my unread fancy artsy snobby books before I can justify giving it a whirl though. Maybe someday.

karen yeah, i have no self-respect.

Joshua Nomen-Mutatio It's funny that I seem to have made more of a controversy over reading the popular fantasy book rather than the twinbrotherfucking book.

message 27: by Greg (new)

Greg I need to get into the teen series market, that is where all the money is!

message 28: by Greg (new)

Greg here is a rough cover idea. I'd like to have flies added and the tongue hanging out more.

message 29: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine mfso seriously? it's like 30 pages long suck it up and read it first.

Joshua Nomen-Mutatio I'd be whipping out the credit card if that were available for amazon pre-order. Make it happen, Stahl!

Joshua Nomen-Mutatio Quit stahling as it were. Or wait, no, get Stahling! Stalin. Wordplay...

Joshua Nomen-Mutatio Jasmine wrote: "mfso seriously? it's like 30 pages long suck it up and read it first."

I was talking about Game of Thrones.

karen actually - that is a lot better than i had feared.

i would read that.

suck it up, mfso...suuuuuck it.

message 34: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine hmmm... I am in a post coupland haze and got confused...

that will take you a hundred years it's like reading infinite jest all over again but with dragons.

message 35: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine Greg wrote: "here is a rough cover idea. I'd like to have flies added and the tongue hanging out more.



karen it is not as good as infinite jest, but direwolves!!


Joshua Nomen-Mutatio Mmmkay. Send me your copy of the brotherfucker book and I'll suck it up.

message 38: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine .... erm... where did brotherfucking end up karen?

Joshua Nomen-Mutatio Maybe Caris has it? Since he and I are bros now it'd be fitting for him to give it to me. Ayyyyyyyyyyo!

karen last i knew, caris had it....

message 41: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine yay. that books a slut

Joshua Nomen-Mutatio If the Quebec Separatists had dragons instead of wheel chairs...

If Madame Psychosis were elfin...

If Gately had wizard's sleeve...

message 43: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine MyFleshSingsOut wrote: "If the Quebec Separatists had dragons instead of wheel chairs...

If Madame Psychosis were elfin...

If Gately had wizard's sleeve..."

sounds fun.

message 44: by r.b. (new)

r.b. I'd totally ready Fucking My Dead Dog Is Fucking Awesome. Also, yes, when I think incest, I think The Cement Garden...

karen i must be trashy, because my mind goes straight to the v.c. andrews...

and i read allll of the dollanganger books. i loved them.

message 46: by Sandy (new)

Sandy I am very impressed that you actually have an "icky-sex shelf" at home....

karen hahah not a real one!! just a virtual one here on the

message 48: by Natalie (new)

Natalie Wow! That is awesome Greg. You know that now that you've posted that online whenever someone Googles Greg Stahl and dog fucking they'll be directed to this page. So that's good because more votes for Karen's review right.

message 49: by Natalie (new)

Natalie Yeah Karen when I started reading this review I thought of Flowers in the Attic. I read all those books when I was about twelve. So much for parental supervision.

karen and look at you now!! lusting after 14 year olds in fantasy novels....

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