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Aj the Ravenous Reader's Reviews > Everything, Everything

Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon
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bookshelves: easy-read, lol, somebody-s-sick, young-adult, contemporary, physically-owned-books, auto-buy-authors
Read 2 times. Last read August 11, 2017.

Second Read: August 11, 2017
First Read: November 4, 2015

Wow! I didn’t think I’d like it even more the second time around. Just look at the amount of time I spent copying quotes and excerpts and taking photos of the pages.

“WHO IS AFFECTED BY HAR? (Hysterical Abdominal Rhopalocera)
The disease affects at least one teenaged American girl every 30 seconds”
and a particular 31 year old woman in the Philippines everytime she’s reading a sweet romantic read like this book.

“You’re not living if you’re not regretting.”

“Love is worth everything. Everything.”

Time passing techniques

Pre-Kiss Checklist

Kiss Mechanics

Creating the Correct Kissing Atmosphere

Hilarious right?

Now that I already know the plot, I’m more empathetic with the characters and their motives. I no longer felt tricked or misguided by the plot twist and I have become more appreciative of the dialogues and the themes of the story. It’s also only now that I took notice that Ms. Nicola Yoon’s husband, Mr. David Yoon is the illustrator. How adorable is that?

I watched the movie right after I finished the book and I quite liked it too. I think the actors gave justice to their roles. There was enough chemistry between them and I’m thankful they didn’t make the story seem so cheesy with their cute romance. I liked the cinematography for creative effect. Of course there are several alterations but only to minor details like Maddy’s hair is supposed to be really long while Olly’s doesn’t have a lot of hair except in the last part of the book. But you know me, I notice insignificant stuff all the time. Lol.
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Original Review
3.5 stars

Brief intermission

Madeline’s question: "Who actually slaps their knee while laughing?"
Aj’s answer: "Uh, fifty percent of the Filipino population, I think?!"
*slaps her knee while laughing*

-end of intermission-^^

Everything, everything about the first eighty percent of this book is adorable in a “this-is-so-cute-I-want-to-pinch and smooch you” way. The story line is something very new because Madeline, a half-Japanese, half -African-American teenage girl is diagnosed with SCID, a special kind of illness that makes the person highly vulnerable to infectious diseases. For this reason, Maddy for the entire 18 years of her existence hasn’t gone anywhere except her super sterilized home.

Living life under such condition is unimaginable but Maddy has made it through because of her loving mom, caring nurse, love for books, passion for writing one-line spoilery reviews and her creativity in general. She seems okay with everything, everything until she meets her charming new neighbor, Olly, a young man full of life and energy. Everything, everything from then on is certainly never going to be the same. (I’m purposely trying to annoy you by saying “everything” twice.^^)

The writing is completely charming and really funny. I enjoyed how the book was written like the most artistic journal complete with diagrams, dictionary (Maddy’s version) and illustrations. Its creativity is very entertaining which makes the reader want to keep turning the pages for more surprises that despite the succeeding paragraph, I’m still giving this a good score.

I was a bit disappointed at the turnout of the plot. Actually, disappointed is downplaying it. I was frustrated that I had to stop reading for an entire day and when I picked it up again, some of the charm and magic of the book got lost on me. Also, that alternate sort of happy ending didn’t sit perfectly well for me. It ended too quickly and I felt like there were still certain important things that needed to be resolved.

Still, the message of the story is very prominent and certainly moving. We may find it worn-out but no matter how we reverse the world, tilt it sideways or turn it upside down, the truth that “love makes the world go round” or in this case, “love makes everything, everything go round” will always be true and more often than not, love doesn’t make us go for the most rational decisions. Love in more ways than one is both ugly and beautiful and yet people still live with and for it. ^^

Do check out Masooma's wonderful, wonderful review. <3
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Reading Progress

Started Reading
November 4, 2015 – Finished Reading
November 8, 2015 – Shelved
November 8, 2015 – Shelved as: easy-read
November 8, 2015 – Shelved as: lol
November 8, 2015 – Shelved as: somebody-s-sick
November 8, 2015 – Shelved as: young-adult
February 23, 2016 – Shelved as: contemporary
Started Reading
August 11, 2017 – Finished Reading
August 16, 2017 – Shelved as: physically-owned-books
August 8, 2019 – Shelved as: auto-buy-authors

Comments Showing 1-50 of 71 (71 new)

Abigail Completely agree with your review! The beginning up until the Hawaii trip was a 5-star book to me but I got mad at the ending because of how things ended with her mom.

Neil (or bleed) Loved that ending of your review, Aj! ;) Wonderful review!

message 3: by Donita (new) - added it

Donita This book has been on TBR for a long time, but Everything, everything seems to stop me getting started with this book. lol! :)

Very sweet and moving review Aj!

Evelyn (devours and digests words) I love everything, everything about this review *slaps knee*! Lol ^_^ This looks like a hit or miss book. I'm glad you're in between, I almost lost my interest for it but your review is still promising. Great one, AJ <3

message 5: by Christine (new) - added it

Christine I've been seeing mixed reviews about this book and I'm so curious, can't wait to read it. Awesome review Aj! ^^

message 6: by Tamara (new)

Tamara Amazing, amazing review Aj. Everything, everything you said was your honest, honest opinion. I'm so, so sorry you were disappointed. Hopefully, hopefully you can get out of this reading slump of yours. *smiles with all her teeth showing*

Aj the Ravenous Reader Abigail: Exactly my thoughts, sweetie. Glad we agree!^^

Neil: Aw. Thank you my awesome pal! <3

Donita: Lol! Love the comment, Donita. It has been in my tbr for a long time too but I read Masooma's review and was convinced to read this. Thank you, dear. <3

Evelyn: Aw and I love everything about you. Lol! Apparently, not only Filipinos slap their knee while laughing. Bahahaha. I almost lost my interest too but I've read really great five star reviews and decided to give it a chance. I'm glad you're still considering this. Thank you, my wonderful friend. <3

Christine: I know, sweetie. It's also these mixed reviews that made me read this. hehe. Thank you hun and I'm excited for you to read this. <3

Tamara: Lol. I see what you did, Tammy. Thank you so much, my dear friend. I still liked 80% of the book though so it's not totally disappointing. I'm out of reading slump after reading these light, funny books. Thank you! *smiles with teeth and gums showing*

Marla Mei I pretty much slap the nearest person or thing next to me when I'm laughing. Anyway, glad you still liked this book. :)

Masooma Very well written, honest review ,Aj! I'm glad that the book wasn't a complete waste of time for you! And thank you for linking my review :) Plus(view spoiler) but i totally loved the creativity of this book. Do you know Nicola's husband helped her in these illustrations? Cute, isn't? ;)

Masooma Marla: I'm never gonna sit next to you then! :P

message 11: by Pearl (new)

Pearl Angeli OMG AJ! YOUR REVIEW IS A WINNER! We Filipinos indeed do that slapping of knees while laughing. Hahaha! XD Glad this book was a great read and is sensible. :) We need books like this!

message 12: by Jilly (new)

Jilly Love the review, but I think I love the info about knee-slapping better! I've never slapped my knew while laughing before. Does it make it a better experience? ;)

Trixi #WATERFLAME Hilariously funny review!*slaps knee and laughs even though not a Filipino*

message 14: by [deleted user] (new)

Aweee, beautiful review. Actually, for the most part I completely agree with you. Especially about the ending.

message 15: by Alejandro (new) - added it

Alejandro I think you covered "everything" in the review ;)

Nicay God, your review. I adored this Ate. :)

Tabetha I love everything, everything about your review, and you expressed yourself beautifully and brilliantly, Aj!!

Books are TARDIS Great review Aj :) I inadvertently read the big reveal spoiler some time ago in another review and that just made me not want to read the book. The plot turnaround seemed pretty out there. Gotta love the message of the book though. Preach ^.^

message 19: by Aj the Ravenous Reader (last edited Nov 10, 2015 07:24PM) (new) - rated it 4 stars

Aj the Ravenous Reader Marla: LMAO! That too! I should have mentioned that too! Spot on, Marla babes. hahaha. Thank you. <3

Masooma: Thank you so much, my best gem! Of course, it wasn't a waste of time. It's a unique, refreshing read despite the conclusion and it's always my pleasure to link your golden reviews. Lol at the spoiler. I know, right? Hahaha. I didn't know that. That is really sweet! <3 Also, yeah. We better sit chairs away from Marla. Lol!

Pearl: LMAO! Thank you for agreeing and yes, this was a good, sensible read, Pearly. <3

Ana: Thank you so much, lovely. <3

Ate Jilly: Thank you so much, Ate Jilly. Your comment is cracking me up so hard, Ate Jilly. I'm wiping tears now. It does make the experience better. You should tried it. hahahahahaha.

Yuna: Thank you so much. *slaps knee while laughing at your comment*

Kat: Aw. Thank you so much, sweetie. I love your review, by the way. <3

Kuya Alejandro: Love the sweet comment, Kuya! Thank you. <3

Nicay: Aw. You're so sweet. I adore your comment. Thank you. <3

Ate Tabetha: Hehe. Saw what you did there. Thank you so much, Ate Tabetha. <3

Fai: Aw. That's too bad! Finding out the plot twist before reading this can be a huge turnoff but yeah, love the message of the book. Lol at "preach"! Bahahahaha. Love the gif too. Thank you so much, Fai! <3

Trixi #WATERFLAME I added this to my want to read list! The book sounds awesome and right now it's waiting to be bought. Thank you so much for introducing this to me Aj. <3 ^^

message 21: by Katerina (new) - added it

Katerina Another perfect review Aj!<3

Masooma Hahha, Aj we'll sit together-together ;)

message 23: by Beatrice (new) - added it

Beatrice Great review, Ate AJ! :D

Tanya (Girl Plus Books) Such a lovely review, Aj! I've read so many wonderful things about this one but I don't really feel led to read it myself. I'm so glad you enjoyed the writing even if it turned out that you were annoyed by the direction of the plot.

message 25: by Tom (new) - rated it 4 stars

Tom Lewis Really fun review AJ!

message 26: by Aisha (new) - added it

Aisha This review is both hilarious and beautiful! This is like your trademark, Aj! I'll be reading this soon. ^_^

Aj the Ravenous Reader Yuna: It's my pleasure. <3

Katerina: Aw. Not perfect but thank you so much. <3

Masooma: Lol! That would be awesome-awesome! <3

Beatrice: Thank you so much, Bea. <3

Tanya: Thank you, my dear Tanya. Yes, the writing was really enjoyable and so are the characters but I kind of understand why you aren't ready to read this. A lot of YA books lately are about someone sick and it's kind of exhausting.hehe

Tom: Thank you really, Tom! Missed you, pal!^^

Dex: Aw. That is so sweet of you to say, Dex. I hope you enjoy this one. Thank you so much. <3

Rachel Maniacup Jilly wrote: "Love the review, but I think I love the info about knee-slapping better! I've never slapped my knew while laughing before. Does it make it a better experience? ;)"

Hahahaha! Try it ate Jilly! Just try it!hahaha!

Rachel Maniacup Lol! You definitely cracked me up on this truly wonderful and hilarious(at the same time)review of yours,dear sis! You're really crazy,hahaha! I did enjoy reading your review from your intro 'til the end.I just loved it! Now,I can't wait to read this!^^

message 30: by [deleted user] (new)

You really can't keep a straight face in your reviews, can you, Aj?! And that's why I love reading them! Funny and lovely indeed! ;)I hope to read this soon! ;)

Aj the Ravenous Reader Ate Rachel: Lol! I guess I am crazy! hahaha. I'm so happy you enjoyed this, Awesome Big Sis! Thank you so much and enjoy reading this! <3

Sarah: Lol! You know me so well! Thank you so much, Sarah! <3

Trixi #WATERFLAME Hey Aj! I got the money and will purchase this book, like, now! ;) <3

message 33: by Nina (new) - rated it 2 stars

Nina Great review, Aj! I completely agree that the "final twist" was a complete disappointment and, for me, kind of ruined the message. And the ending was too rushed. But overall, it was still a very cute read :)

Aj the Ravenous Reader Yuna: Oh wow! I hope you get your money's worth, Yuna.

Nina: Thank you, Nina! It really was a disappointment. I was "I didn't see that coming" in a bad way. Lol! Yes, it's still very cute though. <3

message 35: by Hayat (new)

Hayat Brilliant review, AJ! This book sounds like a sweet coming of age story but I have a feeling this one doesn't end with a HEA. Btw, love the intro. ;)

Aj the Ravenous Reader Thank you, dear Hayat! It is sweet and the ending is actually a HEA.hehe. Glad you loved the intro. Lol!

message 37: by ♛Tash (new) - added it

♛Tash Knee slapper here! I'll also slap somebody else's knee if it's just too funny. Wonderful review my dear!

Aj the Ravenous Reader Lol, Tash! I knew you were really something! And somebody else's knees slapper makes you even more special. Lol! Thank you, hun! <3

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell I'm glad I'm not the only person who thought that the happy ending didn't fit. This book was very cute, though. I don't normally go in for fluff, but there were things in this book that just made me smile. :)

Aj the Ravenous Reader I'm glad too, Nenia especially knowing we agree and yes this made me smile and grin and smile and swoon too. Too cute! Thank you. ♥

Nenia ✨ I yeet my books back and forth ✨ Campbell Like the BUNDT CAKE? :D

Aj the Ravenous Reader Nenia wrote: "Like the BUNDT CAKE? :D"

Lmao! Exactly! And the knee slapping as at the intro and almost everything else except the ending.^^

message 43: by Henz (new)

Henz Everything, Everything about this review is adorable! hehehe

Aj the Ravenous Reader Henz wrote: "Everything, Everything about this review is adorable! hehehe"

Aw. Everything, everything about you is too, Henzy! hehe. Thank you. <3

message 45: by Deanna (new)

Deanna very nice review, Aj :)

message 46: by [deleted user] (new)

Haha great review Aj. I enjoyed Everything, Everything as well, but I also found it slightly irritating and silly at times.

Aj the Ravenous Reader Deanna: Thank you so much, Deanna! ♡ (less)

Yasmin: Hehe. Thank you so much, Yas. Yes, silly and irritating at times but it was still an overall enjoyable read.^^

message 48: by Rachel (new)

Rachel E. Carter Wonderful review, AJ:))) I've been wondering about this book for a while now, seems I'm still on the fence... :)

Aj the Ravenous Reader Rachel wrote: "Wonderful review, AJ:))) I've been wondering about this book for a while now, seems I'm still on the fence... :)"

Thank you so much, my super awesome author friend, Rachel! This is a really cute read despite the disappointment. Hope you'll give it a chance. <3

Claire - The Coffeeholic Bookworm Oh Aj, I had actually just slapped my knee grinning/laughing while agreeing with you. We Pinoys really love to do that, ha ha! I love your review, and I love the book too, it's one of the better novels I've read this year.

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