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Kelli's Reviews > Where They Found Her

Where They Found Her by Kimberly McCreight
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's review

it was ok

Here is another book that others seemed to really enjoy but that fell flat for me. As another reviewer said, perhaps I, too, have read too many of these non-linear mysteries with multiple POVs and jostled storylines. Here I found the characters (and there were so many!!) very one-dimensional and interconnected past the point of believability. How all these seemingly cursory characters proved important in the end was a little weak and the relationship that was the most important piece of the puzzle was left was any legal follow-up to that branch of the story. A confusing road to an unconvincing ending made this journey somewhat forgettable. Giving this 3 stars feels generous, yet 2 might be a little low. 2.5
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Reading Progress

January 24, 2015 – Shelved
January 24, 2015 – Shelved as: to-read
May 29, 2015 – Started Reading
May 31, 2015 –
page 40
June 2, 2015 –
page 139
June 3, 2015 – Finished Reading

Comments Showing 1-16 of 16 (16 new)

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message 1: by Canadian Jen (new)

Canadian Jen Thanks for the honest review...will avoid.

message 2: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Stringer I read Reconstructing Amelia and found bits and pieces too unbelievable. This is getting so much good buzz, I thought I might give her another chance. I don't mind a non-linear story line, but it's got to be believable. Not gonna rush out and read this one....

Carol We're in tune on this one.

Judy Frasca Totally agree with you Kelli...

Totally agree with you Kelli

Niki Lake Words out of my mouth, couldn't agree more. I like her style of writing, but seriously, too many characters, too much going on, all wrapped up with one big bow at the end.

Judy Frasca Yes, Niki..I agree way too many characters. I thought it was me getting confused with all the people and missing the point of the storyline. Good to know.

message 7: by Christine (new)

Christine Such a controversial book, Kelli. Your review is excellent, spelling out specifically what you didn't care for. Very helpful.

Kelli Thank you. I wish I'd liked it more.

message 9: by Christine (new)

Christine Yeah, it's such a downer when you've really looked forward to reading a specific book and it let's you down.

Kelli It a theme for me this year, sadly.

message 11: by Christine (new)

Christine What a bummer. I've had the opposite luck--I've had the good fortune to read a lot of winners, Kelli. I hope 2016 is a better book year for you.

message 12: by Loni (new) - rated it 4 stars

Loni I enjoyed the book but I do see your point. Too many characters and for me I knew it was Justin in the beginning. I have read so many mysteries in the last year (Gone Girl turned me on) that I feel almost as an expert in them.

Courtney(Bring on the Suspense) Loni thanks for spoiling the ending.

message 14: by Loni (new) - rated it 4 stars

Loni Courtney wrote: "Loni thanks for spoiling the ending."

Anyone that reads all the comments has to expect the ending will be revealed. It's a message board for discussing the book as well as reviewing it.

message 15: by LA (new)

LA You saved me 10 hours!

Kioyte Agreed, I'm surprised at the 4 star reviews. The writing borders on YA-ish it's just enough to get you to turn the page in hopes it *might* get better. Too many characters with details left out or explained far too late. This is not an author I'd ever read again.

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